The Oracle's Secret

Lin Yue sought out the Oracle, finding him in a hidden chamber deep within the Earth Sect's stronghold. The Oracle's eyes gleamed with ancient wisdom as he revealed a long-hidden secret.

"The Devourer's power comes from its ability to absorb and nullify the elements," the Oracle explained. "But there is one element it cannot absorb - the element of time itself."

Lin Yue's mind raced as he grasped the Oracle's words. "You mean, we need to use the power of time against it?"

The Oracle nodded. "Yes, but it will require great courage and sacrifice. Are you prepared to pay the price, Lin Yue?"

Lin Yue steeled himself, knowing what lay ahead. "I am ready. Tell me what I must do."

The Oracle's expression turned solemn. "You must journey to the Timekeeper's Temple, where the ancient clocks hold the secrets of the past, present, and future. There, you will find the Chronos Crystal, a powerful artifact capable of manipulating time itself..."