Continue my journey

I wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for the voice in my head, thus I'm trying to say that there is an immortal being called the holy spirit that has been guilding me in this battle Anthony explained.

Hahh...the holy Spirit, something that seems so precious to have but it seem I am unable to seek it as you do Anthony, it so not fair, Catie sighs as she feel so down on herself.

The holy spirit.... Hmm guys , I think I will be busy for a while when we reach home I might become busy a bit ,that is cultivation with the holy spirit , it will be very important for me if I want to get stronger Anthony said.

In thing for sure , there is something extraordinary about the gospel,to explain what I'm saying to use , let me read a bit for you , call on to me and I will answer ,and also says ask and it shall be given,seek and you shall find ,knock and it shall open. I want to ask the holy spirit what this content mean , so I can clear my taughts on it and see if I can unlock some kind of abilities Anthony explained.

I think we should go it has been 2 days since we started the tournament and besides we have the gems , infact 4 gems that we can use Peter said.

As they were walking back to the arena to show thier victory they were filled with over joy ignition since they made it out alive.

*A man approaches them*

Please kind friend can you give me a moment of your time, I promise to cause no trouble, I come in peace says a man who seem to be wearing a white long dress but it was quite plain, as well as his two colleges with him as well.

Who are you and what do you want from us Anthony asked as if he was attacked by a buchikura.

Please pardon me as I said I mean no harm, I come in peace. As you have figured it out ,we also survivors of this cruel blood shed tournament.

Ok we're listening Catie said.

Pardom me , I know this may be too much to ask but can you do us a big favor. See, we overheard you guys talking about having 4 gems with you and as you know ,you need at least 3 gems to qualify the tournament.

Yh and? Anthony asked feeling suspicious.

Hmm... The man sighs as rubs his hair a bit.

As you know ,we need three gems to complete this tournament and we were only able to gather 2 and we are need a kind of the remaining one. So please , hmm....can you help us with the last one, since you have 4 and only need 3.

What make you think we are going to give you our gem, after everything that occurred today, do you know the amount of time we almost died... Catie said as Anthony taps her on the shoulder and nodded his head.

Surely you can't be serious about this Anthony, you almost died to a giant beast, so how are you calm with this? Catie asked out of surprise.

It's ok, you remember what is in the scripture, ask and it shall be given, I think they need it , that is why they asked.

Anthony walked to the man and tapped his ring as the gem appeared in his hand.

Here tournament go take it , it will be a good use to you Anthony hands the gem out to the man without hesitation.

Truely tournament have a good heart. We won't forget your kindness but may we worry you for the last time?

Hah.. for sure,what may be your weary?

Well , you know we have been here for 2 days and without food and water ,we have starved ourselves and managed to survive, is there any chance you may have some things with you that my brother and I may eat to gain a little energy.

Sure, take this Anthony said as he reach out to ring and a whole pile of covered food appeared and also take this energy boosters tournament will need it .

Thank you very much kind sir , you have proven to be the right grand tool.

Hey, how do you know I'm the grand tool?

Surely that can't be important right now.

Here take this it will help in your journey.

It was plane cloths which resembled theirs but the difference is, it contained 3 gems and seems like it was glowing.

You still haven't answered my question,who are y... Ha, where did they go Anthony wondered .

He then stared at the price of cloath with suspicion but again he has a good feeling about what will happen if he put it on.

He then decided to wear it and see what happens , he wore the cloth and waited for a while but it seems nothing was happening.

Oh well that was a burst. Hahhh? What is this strange feeling in me? I light but powerful, he then decided to take a run.

He stumped the ground and then stood in a racing stunt and spring forward, he went so fast ,his speed couldn't be measured accurately, it was between 202m/s and210m/s .

Guys take this , it will surprise you. Anthony then toss the cloth to them.

Ah , I don't know but... If you think so then I will trust your ops Catie said.

You see what I'm saying, they keep behaving like some couple's when I say so, they just keep saying one same thing Peter said.

We are not couple's Catie and Ànthony said blashing.

You see what I mean? Peter asked.

I sure do. Lewis replied.

They then wore the cloth given to them and all a sudden they felt so free but powerful in the core.

Wow , how is this even supposed to be possible? Peter asked.

Believe it or not it is happening Catie said.

As the chatting goes on , a bomb was thrown at their direction but took them off guard.

*Boom* the bomb explodes as smoke covered the whole area.

This looked like the end of them but something incredible happened, it seems the cloth that was given to them actually saved them as it palace a force field around them, covering them on time before the bomb exploded.

Then out of the smoke was a robot aiming it mechanical fist at them but they managed to dodge the hit.

And again few more robot appeared at their sight as they released more bombs at them ,

This time since they were aware of being hurt they jumped out of the way.

But one of the robot was different, it was bigger and had a lady sitting on top of it and she seem to be wearing a golden armor with three different gems in it. She then said give me your gems if you want to live.