The final choice.

Come on stand on your feet , you look rediculous , Anthony said teasing the boy.

What are you doing here anyway?

I was brought here by some three guys , they actually looked like they were kind, but deep in thier eyes are darkness, vengeful darkness the guy said.

How did this guys look like ? Anthony asked with much curiosity.

Thier leader was wearing black clothes and he's team mates were....

Two huge men , who looked like they just got out of hell Anthony interrupts the boy .

Y... Yes how.. did you know?

I may have met him a time ago. You might be little Tim, ain't you.

Yes I am , but how did you know? and who are you? Tim asked.

Woooow chill , I am a friend of your brother, we were also ambushed by those guys , that is how we found out tournament might be here Anthony explained to Tim.

Fwww , for a moment there I taught you were also a killer .

Why will you think that? Anthony asked.

No offense, you don't seem to be the one who will actually resist to kill , the way you killed that beast , I didn't see any sign of sympathy in your sight Tim said to Anthony trying to clearify the situation.

Oookkkk , well nice to hear that.

As Anthony was about to leave with Tim, the red Rock got his attention and he remembered what Lewis told him.

**The gem is found behind a red Rock** Anthony reflects back.

Oh yh I remember now , let me just quickly take the gem and we get out of here , and also tour brother is waiting for you and we have get to him before he starts freaking out Anthony said.

My brother, ha, you don't know him at all , when he knows I'm going to be safe , he's always calm, youave no idea how his mind and work.

Hah.... What do you mean Anthony asked feeling confused.

(Laughs). Nothing , just forget I said that.




WOW , how extravagant, how naturalistic, such talent and ambition , I must have them, they will be the best beast tamers Adjudicator. Yes, yes they will , the beast master adjudicator said.

Hold on to your horses, we all know you are the Landy who taught and tamed over 10,000 beast within a moment facing death , the health master adjudicator said.

Beast master Landy is known as the most powerful monster tamer known to exist.

He was able to control a space cracking as it was about to destroy the space ship of the reinforcement adjudication warship.

He was the man who had the sun beast beast disappear as it was about to deterrorize the earth out of existence.

But this was so deep into animal control that they made him the official beast master.


Yes I know, I might be a little bit selfish, I'm tired of being the only best beast tamer ,that could actually wipe away a whole colony of beasts the beast master said.

Wait, what are you saying, we have over 500 beast tamers available here , who are almost as good as you the heaith adjudicator also known as Kingsley said.

You said almost good as me. No we need seome who can surpass in being a beast tamer. That way I can actually rest and go home for some vacation, which of course I will still get paid on my pension Lance said.

That true though , but how do you know this team might be the one to surpass you the health adjudicator said.

Are you kidding me? By thier age and they are still able to kill over 10000 beast. Doesn't that probe their worth of being my replacement, seriously you have to open your eyes or you won't be able to find one of your own replacement Lance said.

Hah , if that is what you are saying, I believe he can also join the health adjudication. Since he had the chance to go back to the tournament ground reclaim Victory after getting 3 gems but instead went back to the aid of that boy , saving him from a terrible disaster, so let's just say, I to have seen potential in him but instead I'm being patient before man and God the health adjudication leader said.

You human and your ways, always putting God I'm every single situation you find yourself in, I have to say I am really jealous of you human, I have no reason to believe you of all creatures are primitive, that is not suppose to be so the beast master said being honest.

Thanks Lance, I really appreciate your honesty but .... It is clear the truth remains the same, they will never see us more than the eyes tells them. How selfish I can say,truly there is nothing like equality, especially when it comes to the power of the universe. Well I will hand it to you guys after all this years, you've managed to hold your ground as the most elite individuals in the universe, no wonder you have the pride of an eagle, spreading out it wing not only looking for preys but to show their majestic wings and large body size the health adjudication leader said .

Yh , but as well as the eagle shows that it's majesticness , it also leaves itself vulnerable to any attack of the hunter. Every powerful creature has his master somewhere I'm the universe, as we've also met ours but which we don't serve the commander said blant fully.


Back to safety


Ok we are here.

Brother Lewis !!!

Little Tim,you are safe , I was really worried, how are you doing? Did you get hurt? I hope those beast didn't hurt you Lewis said being caring

So wait , you were actually worried about me? That's a first Tim said seemed surprised.

I've always been worried about you this whole time ,and also what do you mean by this is the first? I've always been careful around you, but as a big brother I can't show my weakness Lewis explain.

Oh I see, sorry for misunderstanding all this time.

Hmm... Lewis sighed and pat Tim on the head . Now let's go, victory is in the lead.