The Robot Mistress

I am Edna the robot Mistress and I have come for your gems,hand it over if you don't want to die.

Anthony holding tightly to sword ,as he attempt to speak, no way you think we are going to give you our gems, after all we almost died trying to gem, so it no deal.

The awful smile of the robot empress slowly turned upside down. Well if you insist , then i have to kill you , what a shame you have to go like this, but anyway , I promise to take it easy on you and end it pretty quickly without you feeling any pain.

Bots initiate deadinators.

After the command the robots point at the their direction and and out of the hand came out a grenate launcher. Deadinators initiated.


It launch the missles, which made a sound of that of rubber gun used for prisoners.


Anthony and the others saw the missles and anticipated the it and jumped out of it way.

Anthony rushed at the robot striking it with his sword but obsessively it had no effect on it , it didn't leave even a scratch, infact the sword itself shattered.

Anthony mood became gloomy as he sees the flaming sword break so easily.

I'm sorry didn't I tell you that my robot were undestructable. They were made out of Titanium Aluminide

Titanium Aluminide: this specialized alloy is known as Gamma Titanium Aluminide is composed of Titanium, Aluminium and Vanadium.

Anthony retreated back wondering how to defeat the robots.

What now the flaming sword is broken and I can't tend to use the holy sword.

At that moment ,there was something glowing in Anthony's hand.

Hah. What is happening,what the....

The broken sword seems to regenerate but this time it was blue with gems in it, it looked much more like a video game, we're the mc take out a blue sword out from his back.

Is this... Is this enchanted sword in my hand? Anthony stood there in shock.

Hmm even if it is , it has no effects on my love ones.

Anthony's eye brows reduced in height, his teeth clenching, as he tighting his grip.

So , do you want us to test that theory of your ,he said as he pointed the sword at the robot Mistress.

The robot Mistress smiled as she replied, go ahead , give it your best shot.


Anthony dashed at the robot , striking his sword against it unpenetratable metallic body of it as the inpact released a spark meaning the sword is much powerful now but still it had no effect.

The robot tried hitting Anthony as he backed out from it.

How? How is it so strong , it I'd not only made out of Titanium Aluminide but it is also coated with golden enchantment.

How are my supposed to win against this thing when it doesn't even have a weak point?

What did you expect? That I will make robots with low standard, truly do not underestimate me at all, for I'm not useless as you may think. Robots attack!!

They started throwing mechanical punches at him as he swiftly dodges them with no hesitation.

One thing you should know , they are able to think on their own, making them more invincible and fierce , the robot mistress feeling much more proud of her effort on creating such powerful machines.

If that is so then I have no choice but to run until they run out of power, then I will strike and destroy them completely.

Anthony started running through them with immerse speed making it hard for the mechanized robot to hit him.

After a long hour of run Anthony became tired and was slowing down, at that moment 2 of the robot took advantage and tried to crush with thier mechanical fist. But immediately as there was close inpact , Anthony backed flip in to the air as they meet fist against fist which made a huge sound wave through the arena.

That was close , it could have been the end of my existance. As Anthony was still in the air he saw a gem behind the robots neck.

Of course that is thier weak point, how didn't I see that before?

Anthony then took 5 miles away from them , before taking a rest for 5 minute and was able to regain his full energy as a speed ability user.

Ok then , I have no choice but to use my special technique the shoadow strike, shadow strike was a technique he cultivated whiles in the temple.

Htid technique was so powerful but it is only a speedster who is able to do so without any problem.

I will use the shadow strike to reach the back of the robot and take out the gem that produces it's power. He then calculated the speed required to execute his plan.

No the shadow strike will be of no use at this moment . Those robots are way too intelligent not to be able to anticipate my movement, instead I will use telepo-spree :

This is a type of special technique used to kill multiple Target with only one hit but it requires lots of energy.

Anthony then knowing this very well took in a very deep breath and released it, he repeatedly did this several time and then his body started igniting , releasing from his body golden Sparks.

He then Sprint towards the robots, surrounded them at one place but he slowed down waiting for them to attack at once , so he can teleport to their back and use his technique, as he got closer it caught their attention and they attempted to attack at the same moment , Anthony waited for the time of impact , waiting for the right moment to strike , finally they got closer and closer, and they attacked.

Now ! Anthony took hold of his sword as he teleported and so much speed , it made him look like he was at the back of all of them at the same time , he then strikes the robots at the back , breaking the gem at thier neck.

At that very moment the robots fell on their knees and turn thier head towards the robot mistress and said one thing to her.

Sister we are sorry for failing you , at that moment thier golden shining begun to deem.

Brothers no !!!!! The robot mistress cried out with tear dropping down from her eyes