how it all happened


The robot fall on their knees as Anthony strikes the gems at their back.

We are really sorry sister we failed you , the robots horrifically said before shutting down.

Tears running down the the face of the robot misters as he let a loud cry, no brothers ,I am sorry, I've failed to find a cure for you, and because of my selfishness I have led you to a much crucial diminished fate, forgive me.

Why, why are my so blind I could have used the little gems I got to save their life and upgrade them , but instead I was too selfish and irrational . She sobers to herself as she lies down on the top of the last remaining giant robot , who seems to have used a forcefield around them, which didn't give Anthony the change to strike them.

She then sat down , wiped her whitish looking face as she authors her words, Anthony boy , please do not turn out like me , or else you will loose toir love ones as i did just a moment ago. Now I shall leave you be. Before she could have left the area , Anthony stopped as he feel the hint of sympathy for his enemy.

Wait Edna tell me , when I stroke the neck of the robots, I saw something like a person. Are people in there? Are they some sort of cyborg or what ? And also they called you sister, does that mean you are related?

She turned her face with some sort of threatening look and replied. Hmm.. ok first all , they are not cyborg, though they may seem like it but they cyber humans , the difference between them is cyborg they are have human have robots that are merged together but cyber humans are found inside of the robot due to some disadvantage or any other reasonable reasons and secondly yes ,we are related.

It happened a while ago, that is 10 yrs ago , my brothers obtained a disease calledAtrial fibrillation: this condition is associated with an increased incidence of dementia and silent cerebral damage. One of them obtained it from an unknown source , soon it wasn't only discovered one of them had it, but some how , they gradually started obtaining the same type of disease. Some months later , I realized they were dying and I couldn't bear it , so I kept on looking for cures all the time but couldn't find one, so I decided to make them into cyber humans, so they could live as well. But there was one problem, I needed to use gems and the gems I had were temporarily usable, so since then I've been on a hunt for those gems that could make them last longer and also find the right cure for them.

She then started sobbing as she felt regret all over her entire existence. It's my fault that they are going to die.

Hold that thought, is there any possible way to save them? If there is I think I might be able to get the materials really quick.

Edna smiled and said , such an innocent boy who is such a kind hearted person, I know you will wish to help but I don't think you can , to save them , I will need at least 4 gems to save them and they need to be pure blue and translucent and also I will need it before 24 hrs knock the time range.

Is that all you need?if it is blue gems you want there is no problem.

What do you mean by that ? If I may ask.

As I ein the dungeon cave I stambled across some blue gems and had a slightly hinted feeling to gather some , just in case I might need it, maybe ro upgrade my weapons .

So if that is what you need . Then I'll be glad to help.

The robot mistress Edna was enticed and also flabbergasted by Anthony genuine kindness and and sympathy toward people and knew in her heart she could trust him.

But I'm curious, why do you intend to help me, a moment ago I almost killed you recklessly and here you are trying to help me Edna asked.

Anthony placed his hands around his neck as he revealed a serious heart penetrating eye and said with a gentle voice. I believe that not all individuals are blessed by the day of this wretched world and are just fortunate to live in this world, so if possible this type of people should be be treated with care, patience and sympathy, for they will be more grateful than your most closest friends and also I think that is what God would want me to do. For it is even written in the scripture that if you do not know how to love your neighbor , then you have no love for God .

So let's just say I'm being truthful to myself.

You don't seem to not be able to lend a helping hand to someone who needs help can ya Catie said as was amazed by the outstanding behaviors of Anthony, which ignite her feelings for Anthony and it wasn't because of the help Anthony is willing to offer someone but how he understood the situation that was similar to hers, her father d and her whole family being killed wasn't something that was easy for her, only person who actually showed love to her being head, sure she was suppose to seek revenge on them but instead she listen to the words of her master and avoids any trouble.

So can we get a move on , so you can come and work on your brothers Anthony suggested.

Ahh... Ahh that is sweet of you and all but one problem.


How are we going to move them to the work room?Catie asked.

Leave that to me , my spacial ring will do the trick Anthony said as he point to the ring.

What is a spacial ring and what does it do ?Edna asked.

Anthony point to the ring on his hands and said this is a spacial ring and it is capable of holding anything inside it and it maintain the exact condition as it was outside.

Hah... And how does that work Edna wondered.

Like this , Anthony taps his ring as he point it at the robots , within seconds the robots were sucked into the ring.

Edna was so astonished by what she saw that she even fainted.