In The Galaxy

(space craft soring through the galaxy)

*Music plays*.

Behind monitoring screen was a talk man with a body of an athlete,his name was Captain Jing Hoo , he a box of cigar popular in the space federal unit known as the dragon flame, he take one bar of cigar and light up with his lighter that had a simple of a dragon coated with pure gold. He take a sip of the cigar and let out a big puff of smoke as he listen to his favorite old military piano drills which was used in various Russian war clips, he turns up the volume as he take another sip of the cigar.

Hahhh... Finally a peaceful day , where I could actually stay back and relax with no worries going through my mind, far away from any calamity he said as he spin around in his rollar chair.

*Red light flashy* + alarm ringing*.

What? This is outta, how are my suppose to relax today , if things like this keeps happening. Today I'm suppose to be on my break without any distractions.

Alright let's see what is going on here and get it over with.


Yes Captain , how can I be of your service captain, the ai monitor asked with it obvious robotic voice.

Monitor , I need you to check for what is going on that that has caused the alarm to trigger this instance.

Yes Captain, initiating full view of area .

Captain it seems by chance that there are asteroid heading our way.

By chance ? Hah .. you got to be joking there is nothing good about this. So really is that really all ? that I have to get out of my comfort zone, let's just get this over with.

Monitor activate lasers.

Yes captain, lasers activated , should I initiate firing captain?

No leave that to me , activate manual control in game mode.

Yes captain, manual control activated.

Out of the the table opens a medium size whole and our of it appear controls that looks like joysticks .

This is going to be fun Jing Hoo said as he smiled with his teeth bulging out like some sort of cartoon regeneration which made him look like a maniac.

He started shouting at the the asteroid but didn't take it really seriously, he took out as a child play , he even managed to make rea whiles shooting at the asteroid.

Moments later there were only pieces of rocks floating out there as theree was not a single sign of any asteroid present as he scan the area.

Area clear from harm captain, the ai said.

Perfect ,just perfect, now I can go back and cool down and have the best moments of my life , after all what could actually happen.

Ahh so beautiful the sound of lasers, it makes me feel like in some sort of virtual reality game, just amazing what you can find in the universe.

And now let me go back to my post as the lazy captain and not lift a single finger.

He then went back to his rolling chair and spin himself a bit before taking a bar of his famous dragons flame cigar and lighting it up with his dragon lighter carved with gold, he then turn on the volume of his favorite sound track before taking a sip of the cigar.

Ah this is the life , no one to bother this time of the day or night or what ever time we are in. Monitor is it day or night.

Captain since we are found in space , there is no definite way to tell whether it day or night.

Yep , I expected that to come out from an AI monitor.

Jing Hoo bends down the body of the rollen chair and relaxed with his face facing the roof of the spacecraft.

Moment later and Jing Hoo had fallen deep in to sleep, unaware of the surroundings.

It seems the smoke had filled the entire room making it a problem for the eye.

Captain Captain, man kept shouting his name Captain Jing Hoo the general shouted.

It seems Jing Hoo had fallen deeper into sleep with the help of the music.

The general walked to the music box and turned it off , he then took his metal came he carry around to show that his ranking and hit it on Jing Hoos head.

Jing Hoo jump out of the chair standing in a fighting posture, who is there he asked as his eyes were still blare at the moment.

After some few seconds Jing Hoo vision became normal and was stunt by the present of the general.

Oh it's you general Nova, but may I ask what are you doing here?

Ha is that how to greet a special old friend of yours ha..?

Sorry general, how are you this very moment. I hope all is well.

Yes yes yes, *coughs* I would have been completely well if wasn't for this smoke you'd created here .

Ahaha.... Sorry general , I'll eliminate it as quickly as possible.

Monitor open the ejector and release our olall the smoke.

Yes captain, ejector activated.

A small door opens as it took away all the smoke out of the spacecraft.

But unfortunately it also carried out some of his coupons.

Hey , I said suck out the smoke the smoke not my coupons.

Sorry captain , I can only activate the ejector and not be able to control what it takes out.

Hahaha, it serves you right , smoking by this time, the next time I catch you I will take away your batch and demote you and you know I can do it.

Yes general understood.

Ok I have to go now , I have some stuff to do.

He was walk closer to the automatic door as it opens by itself.

Few moments later the general had far gone ahead .

Hmm. Who does he think he is telling me he will demote me , if it wasn't for me he wouldn't even be there. I and my bad taste of friend making .

Hahhh . He sighed and went back to his table and as he monitor the area , as he did so he realizes something, there was some sort of dark object heading their direction.

Monitor what is that.

It seems to be a sort of creature.

To be continued....