Beast in the shadow

With meteorite pass by , they went an issue .

But it seems a much fierce anomaly was at sight but what is it? It was in the shadows coming forth as little by little it seems to be repelling forward toward him.

Zoom in on the target and find out what that is infront of us Jing Hoo instructored the ai monitor.

Yes Captain, zoomed on target complete.

What is that ? No could it be ? No.. no .. no it mustn't Jing Hoo gringes his teeth as he noticed what was before him as he saw the unpleasant sight, low and behold it was what he feared the most.

A dragon? Monitor initiate forcefield and activate lasers at 100%.

Affirmative Captain, forcefield initiated and laser guns activated , captain should I proceed at firing? The ai monitor asked.

Quickly fire at it before it gets to us Jing Hoo said as his forehead starts to sweat profusely and as his voice cramps up.

Jing Hoo was a noble warrior known to be the best in the the adjudication teams , he did not only become a intermediate level adjudicator, he was also the head of the command adjudication and also the anti anomaly agency adjudicator. Jing Hoo was exceptional , it seems he had all special quality of the adjudication and dor that people envied him a lot and also continuesly tried to assassinate him but to no prevail.


A large beam of laser can be seem from 205km/s as the laser is being shot directly at the dragon. It seems easy to kill a dragon with such a powerful weapon but that isn't the case of this one .

The dragon swerved through the laser like it was some sort of joke to it .

The laser automatically kept shooting at it but still has no effect on it.

As Jing hoos legs begin shiver , his hands also begins weakened due to fear.

It is scientifically proven that when a person is in it the face of fear a person can have a temporal paralysis in the process, which has lead many to die even though they have the ability to fight back , it seems similar syndromes had affected Jing Hoo.


No , I have to snap out of it , I'm not like the others , I'm exceptional, I won't go down like Jing Hoo said as he smacks himself on the cheek.

He took a big breath and took his projector phone and called the commander.

Commander, commander we have an urgent issue , we are being attacked, I repeat we are being attacked , get everyone out of here now !! And call for reinforcement.

What do you mean we? There is no we , there is only you the commander said with a malicious smile which revealed his mischievous intent.

What are you mad ? What are you saying? Did is not the time for joking, we are being attacked by a dragon and we need to get out of here Jing Hoo said as he farrowed his eye brows.

Don't worry captain, there is no one on board except you, hahaha the commander laughed with a smile that Pierce through the heart leaving discomfort as residues.

You see , the thing is ,We have already left the area , and your the only person who is around there about to see your last .

What !? What are you saying, are telling me you guys set me up , hah .. I get it now , you were not planning to gine me a vaca but an anomaly ambush Jing Hoo said as he realizes his blind spot.

Yes of course as you already know we have always wanted you to perish miserable as we take over as the greatest adjudication known in history, but you this is business and nothing personal, no hard feeling. You know what don't worry , we will give you a fine funeral and celebrate your diminished outcome and let world know how the once known as the greatest adjudication has fallen miserable to a fierce dragon.

How could you ? I trusted you and saw as my friend but instead you ended up being my Greatest nemicies , I'm truly ashamed of you and your reckless attitude.

Oh...really? Did you actually think for a second I will consider you as a friend , of course not, I never saw you as my friend, all I saw a parasite who was eating through my skin , a dark cloud covering the sun over me but now I have turned the table by making you my pawn , hahahaha, good bye captain Jing Hoo, we are grateful for your service to the adjudication teams and we shall forever remember you in our heart as the parasite who sucked up the life in us.

Son of a ..... Jing Hoo curses the commander as he threw the the phone away.

Suddenly the spacecraft also known as Persian queen started shaking.

Monitor what is going on?

Captain the forcefield is being breeched , the dragon is too powerful and it seems the laser has no effect on it , what is the next move captain? the Ai monitor asked .

Turn the spacecraft and open the worm hole.

Turning spacecraft around affirmative,space craft successfully turned now initiate wormhole 186 zonal referral in 10 secs.

Harry up we don't have much time Jing Hoo screams over his voice knowing that if something isn't done it might be his last to see the stars.

3.2.1 wormhole complete .

Hurry up get into the the wormhole fast . Launch sequence activated .


The dragon seems to have fired some fire bombs at them breaking the engine as they passed through the wormhole .

Warning ⚠️ warning ⚠️ forcefield has been breeched, forcefield has been breeched and we are crushing to a near near by planet called earth , I repeat we a re crushing to a nearby planet called Earth. Approaching ozone layer , gravity taking place power running out.

Initiate landing gear, we need to land , slow down the spacecraft.

Disapproved , spacecraft energy supply gone low, unable to slow down , unable activate to use landing gear , warning ⚠️ we are crushing, I repeat warning ⚠️ we are crushing....