Calling Of The Holy Spirit

After this outstanding match , finally the syrene finally gave a blow of its high tech speaker , alerting everyone the assessment is over and need to end up in the site where they started.

Hey, wake up , this is no time to fall unconscious.

"Splash "

Anthony pured a whole bottle of water onto the delicate face of the robot mistress well known as Edna.

With a forceful movement ,she back up as she felt like she was beung suffocated by this mineral water with had runned through her nose and may have made her loose her breathing, well of course if it didnt work Anthony would have gone with CPR , a moith to mouth revival method , ehich might either lead to his death or maybe a smack on the face, not only by Edna but by herself.

"Coughs" great you are alive Harry up let's go don't you want to save your brothers Anthony said with a face much seriousness as he pushes her forward to the direction of the site.

Ok , ok shish for a young fella you are very energetic, I wonder where you lads get so much energy from , seeming to don't gget tired at all Edna said as he hold her head .

As they kept on with their chatter , something crossed Anthonys mind . Hmm, why is it that we were given just 5 days for this test to continue,whiles in the last assessment which was ten yrs ago , they were given 7 whole days to complete this assessment, it was pretty clear that which wasn't any sort of tournament but an assessment which is also known as the crises grade assessments, which by the end of the assessment over 50% of candidates will survive , so then why would they call it a tournament? Unless maybe they are making profit out of it.

So that is it , they are using alterior motive in order to gain their benefits , of course people may gamble on the winners letting it seem to be a sort of entertainment for them Anthony analysed as furrows his eye brows.

So in other words we are like pawns playing in the hands of the chess players, which who ever calls out the checkmate gain all the benefits at one shot . This must be planned carefully if one doesn't want to get defeated by the grand Mastermind which is hard to ignore and also talking about hitting two birds with one stone , as they make money out of us, they also find what they are looking for a perfect adjudicator, which i dont believe they only going to take 4 candidate to become adjudicators , it won't be only foolish but also a lost of elite candidate who are capable in many field. Oh well I guess I have to find out by myself Anthony taught to himself as he sighed.

Finally there reached the site , but it seems there was something strange going on , it seems that their number instead of decreasing it rather increased.

Hah what the hell is going on here, I swore there was only 12 teams but now it seems like the are dozens of candidates lined up here. Could it be , we were placed in badges.

If so then why didn't they inform us of this Anthony gave Jim a good taught.

"Mmmm" a man with a much larger mastache and was about 7.2 feet tall and also a huge hand which suited his stature, it made him look more like Hercules, which even a dam person person can tell he is a strength ability user.

Good day elite candidate he said with a calm but heavy voice which gives you a mixed variety of feelings, whether to trust a person like this or be afraid or maybe both.

I am Ladney Moray and I am here to congrat you on your efforts to pass this assessment.

Wait did he say this was an assessment someone in the crowd said as some people's begin to mubble to themselves.

Hmm , so I was right this was an assessment. So it seems this people up to something so risky but it seems I can't put my hands on it. Hmm but if they really just want good adjudicators , then why didn't they just give an announcement on it around the universe using the super inter galactic web but instead they intend to rather use a local Internet called world wielders web which is only able to reach a quarter of the galaxy which seems a lot but may not be enough.

So why ? Are they planning of somewhere crucial or is it that they don't know what their doing. Naa , there is no way the grand adjudication will be this careless enough to do such a life destructive occasion to just do something so unreasonable, there has to be a logic explanations.

I know you are all shocked about how just suddenly we called this an assessment and why you are so many here . The truth is you were in batches . We decided to choose the best 5 in each batches , which in all, there are over 550 batches, which means there are approximately 2,750 teams present here and low and behold each of you will review a gift once you get to the dormitory and you shall prepare yourself for the next 2 weeks final assessment were teams will fight against team, so in the mean time get some rest and also try and five your team a name.

As you are going, my fellow college shall take those gems you found whiles in the assessment.

As they hand their token out ,Anthony being the group leader , hands over the gems to a woman who seems to be in her 30s , she seems emotionless as she mentained her poker face.

So I will need your names and and the group name she said with an cold voice , which sounded like she was trying to pierce through the hearth of an antelope trying to run from danger.

I am Anthony, this is Catie , Peter and Lewis and we our group names is... Anthony ponders as he thinks of a suitable name.

I got it. We are the elite soul clush. That was sudden but accurate.

Elite soul clush eh. Not bad , what about the 2 of you did you also qualify for the assessment the half aged lady asked Edna and Tim.

No, actually we are heading home for now , we didn't obtain the gems needed Edna said.

Alright then you may leave now.

And also elite soul clush, try your best , she said with her emotionless face still portraying.

As they walk away , Anthony felt a sharp and cold feeling around his back , as if someone is Targeting him but did not attempt to look back for a moment.

They went back into the apartments and as Anthony promised, he gave the crystals to Edna and said now excuse me, I have something very important to do.

Ànthony then went to the cultivating room and he saw a box and on it was written Gene optimization fluid, he put aside and sat on the ground ready to meditate.