
What is that ? Anthony asked as he saw something that peaked his interest. It was so strange you can't take your mind of it.

In the horror zone there were supposed to be bad memories but with the sight of what he saw , ir was better than the other bad memories he saw.

What peaked his interest was a familiar face that seems too good to be true.

Catie, the young beautiful Grand styler who he found interest in was there with him. Though injured as a bad site but something else was attached to it , something that seemed to good to him.

Caties lays her head on his shoulder as he place his hand over her forehead.

As so, she alters this words, Anthony I wanted to tell you something ago but never knew how to do so.

Before she could say anything the screen went blank, seeming that the mind doesnt want Anthony to know something just yet.

Anthony muttered and asked , Holy Spirit is this something that will happen or is it just a fling.

The man then replied, it is up to you to decide the fate of the story, for it is not put in stone.

But to the contre if you think you have the outmost capability to change the predicted future then go for it but if not , let it take it course.

But again...




Peter muttered as the group were having their lunch break, as he looked deep into caties eyes ,deep to the extence that it could be felt through the soul.

Catie noticed , and said pardon me Peter , may I know the reason why you are stirring into my soul so intensively, and I will like you to stop .

Come on, Peter said . Aint you gonna confess?

Confess about what? Catie asked as she was pazzled by the the words of Peter .

Hmmm! What I mean is ain't you going to tell us your feelings for Anthony.

Catie spit out a meat ball out of her mouth and started coughing, she took a glass of water and gabbles it up.

Yh , your right Lewis concluded. I remember seeing Catie mostly putting her attention on Anthony and always peak on his interest , Lewis said trying to tease Catie.

Ahhh! You guys are killing me, where did you get that idea from ? Because it seems you are illusive.

I never said I like him , Catie said as she blushes whiles meeting her 2 index fingers together.

So, what you are trying to say is that you dont have any feelimg for Anthony.

Oh well I guess there is no problem for the robot mistress to have him for herself, Peter suggested.

Hey , what are you getting to? The robot mistress asked.

Dont even there ....! Catie covers her mouth out of embarassment and her cheeks started turning pink .

Hah!!! I knew it , you do have feelings for him, dont yah? Peter implies.

Ah! I never..! Am..! Alright , I admit it I do have a little feeling for him. But pls don't tell him, I'm kinda embarrassed about that, she said as she covers her face , as she put her head under the table .

Hah! Embarrassed, why are you embarrassed? Anthony is a great guy . There is no way a girl wouldn't fall for him I tell yah. Peter said.

Yh, I know , that is the problem, he is too good to be real. I know by this time many girls might be chasing after him. And i won't be surprised if he had a girlfriend and I don't think he sees me the same way I see him. Catie said whiles holding her tricept as her mood changed from shyness to sadness .

Hahaha! They all laughed.

Really? That is what you think.

You should see him and how he looks at you when you are doing something amazing, especially when you are determined. Peter said as he wiped his tears.

Like when?

Like the time you fought the viper lady , he was so flagabastered that he started speaking to himself.

Or even the time we fought with the reptiles.

Trust me Catie , he feels you but..... Once shy always shy , Peter added.

Hhhhhhh.....!! Catie sighed.


now , listen up Anthony. Now for you to get what you came here for you might complete this task. The man pointed at a road leading directly to a small gate , which emitted a small amount of light.

The way to complete this task depends on you. Try to meet on the other side of the gate. You can easily get there depending on your method.

Anthony turned to speak to the man, but before he could alter a word , the man was gone . No where to be seen.

Anthony gazed at the path as he took a deep breath and let it out. He started walking and every step he took a radiant light will ignite from the ground and also he starts to see strange things that will a normal man fo mad.

Seeing monsters, seeing your love once perish and all other terrible sites. But Anthony never gave up and kept on moving, with a motive in his mind , what I see is not real , bad memories are to teach a great lesson but good memories are to be embraced. Finally he reaches the gate , he once again took a deep breath and opened the door.

As he opens the door , a bright light shone , which almost blinded his sight. But in moments the the intensity of the light reduced as his eyes begin to absorb the rays of light and breaks it down into pixels.

Ah, I see you've made it , how was your journey, was it exciting or eye saw, the man asked.

Hmmm! Anthony sighs and replies with a faint smile as he pushes his hair backwards, it was terrible but I enjoyed it very much, I feel stronger by every second.

Anthony since you are able to complete the task , you shall receive your reward.

He touches the fore head of Anthony and then a small light then ignited and soon the whole room was filled with light.

See you in the real world, the spirit said with a clean and gentle smile .