As Anthony revived from his meditation, he felt tensed and stood up, and begun to stretch, followed with a yawn.

Alright it's time to have my bath and get something to eat , I'm so famished.

Anthony ealked majestically to the bathroom and took a nice shower with a sweet scented soap , he got out of the bath feeling much relief , he walked to the sink in other to paste his teeth when he felt a sharp pain on his left eye , though it was was a slight pain but still the eye is to fragile and delicate to sensitivity.

Ough what was that, Anthony cried out.

He then open the sink for the water to flow and started washing his face trying to cool down the pain. After washing his face, the pain reduced but still felt u considerable pain in his eye.

What is going on?!

He covered his left eye and looked into the mirror . He slowly took off his hand from his left eye very slowly as his hands begun to shake. As he looked into the mirror, the beautiful blue eye he had now had additional coloration of red faint dots which made it more beautiful than before.

Like things were not strange enough , he was now seeing strange things through the mirror.

He saw the things that actually occured in the bathroom and most of the things disgusted him.

What ?what is going on? Why are my seeing strange things? Is it an illusion or I must be dreaming?

No I might still be meditating! That is right, that must be the only logical explanation here Anthony said as he filled himself up with retorical questions. Few minutes later the right eye started to experience the same symptoms ,as time pass by the pain reduced significantly.

Damn , what a pain to bear! Anthony said

Anthony then cleanse himself up and the got out of the bathroom.

As he got out of the premises , he met a familiar figure.

Oh I now understand.

It's was the man in the mind who stands before him at rhis moment.

Hello Anthony, I can see that you are happy to see me at this very moment.

How are your new experiences? the man asked in with sarcasm.

So it was you, I should have known , how can I have seen strange things if it wasn't your doing.

Though it was an exciting experience but well....! It wasn't something I hoped for but still it might be relevant, after I figure out what I'm gonna use it for, Anthony said free scaled.

So when are my going to see spirit at will?

You are seeing me right? The man asked.

Yes of course I see you but what does it have to do with...! Oh I see , your a spirit and I can see you Anthony said realizing his fault.

The man nodded his head as a sign of yes your correct.

Anthony sighed and then asked if it has already taken place then why do I only see you and not the other spirit? After all you can't be the only spirit around here right?

The man robs around his neck and said to Anthony, see , the reason why you can see only me is because you are thinking of me and I'm bonded with you with a covenant.

To see spirits you must set your self prepared to encounter them.

You must think about the spirits you want to encounter before you can see them. In that way you can see them at will without a hussle.

To make it easier for you to understand , let's make it practical.

Close your eyes and think of what I'm about to say. Imagine a golden ball flowing in the air and imagine it transforming into a human like nature but it must be flaming whiles wearing an armor and holding a sword and possess a pair of wings.

Now open your eyes.

As Anthony opens his eyes , he saw an extraordinary site. There was a similar figure right infront of him related to what he had in mind.

This is a cherubim like the one you met in the temple .

Anthony was amazed by what he was seeing.

Now to let it disappear snap your fingers.

Anthony snapped his fingers and the cherubim disappeared.

And remember every spirit have thier own flame keeping them in existence and the only being able to extinguish it is God himself the creator of everything.

And also one thing you have the ability to detect someone who is lying or is saying the truth.

How? Anthony asked.

You will know when it happens.

And also let me let you know that you are now overpowered, there won't be any power you can't possess. Every type of power in this word you can use it by just thinking of it.

By just thinking of it.

Is it really that simple? Anthony asked.

Yes of course but you should know that some require you to command and some require the support of your body.

What do you mean by support of my body?

The man smiled and said you must go now, your friends awaits you and he disappeared.

Anthony walked from where he was and navigated to through the corridor and then into the dining hall.

Wow! this is my lucky day, look at all this , all for me? Glorious.

Across the dining hall was huge and long stretched table which take the whole centre of the room. Anthony sat down , said some little prayers and started what ever he could.

One thing about Anthony was that he doesn't discriminate with his his food.

What ever he finds , he eats it as it is .

After some few minutes quarter of the the food on the table which stretch over 6 miles were all gone but still his belly was flat but still satisfied by was he had.

He then stood up , walked out of the dining hall whiles holding his belly walking through the corridor. Oh I'm so full , I think I might explode.

Anyway where could they be, hmm! Maybe they might be in the tech room. Let's me go and check , Anthony said to himself as he directed himself to the tech room.

Finally I have found you guys.

Across the room was his friend standing close to 2 unfirmiliars .

He pointed at their direction and asked who are they...