Jinghoo and the speed ability user

Who is there ?!!! Show your self whoever you are!!!!.

Jinghoo held his stinger tightly ,keeping his mind sharp for any sign of movement as he sweats profoundly.

"Swish" a ninja star flew directly at him .

He back flipped to dodge it , as he looks up to the top of a tree to see the one who performed such breath taking action , what he saw flustered him.

It was a woman wearing an armor, looking more like a knight standing on top of a tree.

Who is that lady Jinghoo asked himself?

Before Jing Hoo could speak , the lady seem to disappear.

Jinghoo was shocked and his hand shivered but still maintain his calmness . He then concentrated to fill the present of the lady.

He quickly turned as he felt the present of the lady behind him but it was too late. As he faced her ,his eyes met with hers. Her eyes were lime green with presents of blonde hair.

At that moment he could see the hands of the lady flying to his shoulder but he couldn't move a muscle. Before the hand his him he said this words to himself.

A woman...!

As Jinghoo was in comma he could see some memories of his pass life , as he was in the trauma , he repeatedly kept hearing the same words.

Wake up, jack ass as cold water was poured on him.

He started coughing as he altered the words are you insane? Were you trying to drown me?!

He opens his eyes and he saw the most strangest thing . The lady was upside down and moment later he realized everything was upside down and his head was feeling heavy.

He tried reaching for his head when he realized.

Hah, of course I'm tied up , upside down.

He started seeing pass images were he was captured by reptiles and being tied up the same way in the insectoids planet during the war between the man like and insectoids.

But this time it wasnt insectoids but rather a beautiful lady with incredible ability.

Jinghoo struggles with the roap to free himself but it was pointless no matter how much strength he applied it wouldn't break.

Don't waste your energy and strength besides , it would be very impossible to free yourself from those roap . This roaps are made of titanium platinum thread not even a strength ability user can free himself out of it.

The only way to escape is to vibrate through it. But I guess you don't have the capability to do so . She started shaking her hands as she started to illustrate , her hands started to vibrate which sounded like an helicopter mixed with radiation. She then directed her hands to a tree.

She looked at Jinghoo and said this is how it is done.

She then placed I'm the tree and it passed through it like there is nothing there.

She then said , again you can turn it into a weapon. She repeated the same act she did once before but this time as she got to the tree she turned a hands into a fist and pushed her hands forward.

A huge amount of wave pushes directly to the tree and it came with a sharp sound like high micro sound wave which left a huge hole in the tree.

So you see it can be used as a weapon and.....

As she turned her face to look at Jinghoo, she realized he was gone .

Wow he is a fast learner . I like him , she said this as she revealed a villainous smile.

With an aviating speed of 887 m/s Jinghoo kept a constant acceleration, running without stopping, knowing very well that if he doesn't use his top speed he wouldn't be able to escape her. After running for a while which he reached a distance of 1500 km from the area, so he reduces his pace to 405m/s. He begun to feel relieved as he put a smile on his face.

Finally , I've escaped her .

But one thing though how can an earthling move so fast? Is she even human? Nevermind that all that matters is that I escaped her.


A hand from behind a tree hit him right on the face , which made him somersault 3 whole times and landed with his face looking up.

Oh come on you got to be joking here!! Jinghoo screamed.

Cute just cute , did you actually think you would escape? I just allowed you to run , that way it's more fun she said.

What do you want? Jinghoo asked.

Hmm, your a show down ain't yah? Alright this is the issue here , I don't want anything that much but it is complex but you can manage.

What is it? Stop stretching the issue Jinghoo interrupted. I don't have much time.

She smacked him on the head and replied to him.

Don't interrupt me when I'm talking you imbecile. Alright so the issue is I need you to do something a little for me but as I said it is complicated.

I need you to me my ally , she said this whiles putting on a serious face.

Wow wow wow! Slow down , you want me to what ? Hold on , first of all I don't know your name . How much more trust , that is so unlogical, Jinghoo said showing a sign of distrust.

Alright then if that is the case , then let me introduce myself, I'm peace and I'm an adventurer from a guild and I'm an adventurer . Ive played many positions but now I'm a men at arm responsible of protecting the guild from all sort of dangers.

But the issue is I'm the only one in my division that has a speed ability and is an ss rank and I need an additional person who has that special ability.i think if we work together we would be able to protect the guild from all sort of harm.

Ok see here peace you are great in your job and all but I'm not going to risk my life on something so reckless, after all I'm not getting anything to eat but my mango and plantain Jinghoo implies.

Alright then ,what about if I cook for you.....?