I will vook for you if you tend to join me as my ally Peace said as if she was some sort of economist.

Hah really, like I will rather eat my plantains and banana Jinghoo replied disrespectfully.

Oh sure , I can see that you will be able to survive at this place all by yourself against all the monsters , burglars and assassin assault groups who plead to habe your blood for their psycho plans peace saod trying to to threaten Jinghoo.

Ok then, I'm on my way , good luck surviving here.

Jinghoo then started analyzing the issue here and realized if he doesn't take the right decision and right move , he wouldn't survive this abyss of a forest .

Wait! Alright,alright you win I'm going to be your ally only if you cook and show me around this areas on so called planet Earth Jinghoo said accepting the invitation.

Yes , victory is mine she screamed maniacally. But still it is wrong to to mock people planet like that , you might get killed.

Jeash ! Why are you so enthusiastic? Ain't you ever tired of being so active? Besides I wonder why you want to be my ally so much, it is scary and tempting at the same time.

Ahm! First of all ,Point of correction, I want you to be my ally and not me be your ally .

And secondly , I have my motives towards you being my ally and I even told you the reason.

Sureeee Peace! Has anyone ever told you that you are easy to read?Jinghoo teased.

Hey! What do you mean by I'm easy to read?

I don't understand, Peace said seeming puzzled.

Hah , never mind you are highly skilled but you are much naive than I taught, Jinghoo insults indirectly.

Sure I'm highly skill....! Wait what? What are you trying to imply here Jing Hoo she asked with such a murderous face, as a dark cloud covered the place , as her face was halve way covered by darknes to the tip of her hair.

Oh , did I say naive? I meant you are highly wise and naturally blessed with intelligent , Jinghoo said trying to cover up what he said before as a drop of sweat drop from his forehead and also swallowed his saliva at the same time , knowing if he makes a single error hos life would be at risk within a few moment.

The darkness disappeared as Peace sighs .

Well I'll take that as a compliment and also I might destroy you next time if you dare say what you said before.

Jinghoo sighs and wipes away his sweat with is hands and replies alright princess.

At that moment Jinghoo remembers a movie he had watched before , where the same incident occurred.

Well , good to hear that from an alien and also I will take it as a compliment she said.

alright alien boy it time to cook something, I hope you are hungry.

Hah ! Alien boy . Do I look like I have 2 antennas and possess the colour green Jing Hoo said feelings disrespected by what peace had said.

Yh, yh, yh! Say what ever you want and think whatever you want, your still an alien boy to me Jinghoo, she teased again.

She taps her spacial ring as some utensils popped out of it and she started taking the ingredients.

Hmm , how does a human possess a spacial ring, doesn't seem logical Jing Hoo taught to himself to prevent putting his life on the line here.

As Peace started preparing the ingredients and starts putting them together, it seems as if she was a cook stolen from a Cafe.

Some few moments later the scent of the the wonderful soup being made has peaked into the nose of Jinghoo. At that moment Jinghoo started to salivate with his mouth closed . He could even taste it in his mouth through his nose.

The soup was filled with many ingredients such as mushrooms, garden eggs, pepper some beaf and pork meat and some salt and spices. Jinghoo couldn't contain himself as his salivation spill out of his mouth and his belly started to growl.

He wipes the saliva from his mouth and paid close attention to the excellent technique used by Peace to create a wonderful meal that stimulate all appetites.

Incredible Jinghoo taught to himself.

"Clap, clap , clap" .

Peace claps her hand as a sign that the food was ready.

Alright the food is ready , hold on to your bowl and get your tasting tongue but be careful you don't bite it . For this soup is going to change your sense of taste, Peace said whiles pointing the laddle towards Jing Hoo's direction.

She takes a bowl then fetches some of the soup into it using the laddle and handed it over to Jing Hoo.

Try it , it's tasty! Peace said while smiling.

At this moment Jinghoo never stopped to think about if the food was poisoned or not.

He just placed the soup on his lips and tasted it .

As he tasted it , he was elevated by the wonderful taste of the soup as he started seeing spacecraft passing by.

He then place the bowl to his mouth and gubbled it all up.

Peace started to blush as she realized her soup was appreciated.

Please give me more would you? Jinghoo asked.

Peace fetched another bowl of the soup and Jinghoo finished it within a minute.

If you liked that , wait until you taste my pork stew with my Krispy rice.

Peace filled up the bowl with some rice and added some stew onto it.

The presentation of the food alone will make you feel you are in heaven.

Jinghoo took a spoon and had a bite of the rice and beaf stew.

Wow the combination of this food is so fitting and so delicious I can't stop eating.

He started munching on the food , few moments later the bowl was empty.

He requested for another bowl . Catie started blushing again as she majestically took the bowl and filled it up with another combination of rice but this time with the soup on top.

As Jinghoo was about to take a bite.

"Swish" an arrow was short into the bowl shattering it to pieces.

Jinghoo got furious and shouted who the hell was that...