2nd April, 20??

This Bitch is back!

Dear Dia,

I can't wait to tell you how my day went.

This is one of those times that, as I write, my hands can't keep pace with the words rushing through my mind. The scenarios of the day can't even be detailed here, but I will try to tell you as much as possible.

The night before, after my last entry, I tossed and turned on my bed for hours. Sleep refused to pay me a visit. Not even with Enya's voice thrumming in my ears. Her voice had always soothed me, but not that night. I tried shutting my eyes and breathing slowly. For hours, I did that, yet sleep evaded me. I tried yoga, hoping to restore calm to my inner being. That was a waste of time. Finally, I gave up trying to make myself fall asleep and just laid there in utter still, Enya's voice still thrumming from my puffy headset.