Clara and Rose investigate the wolf ladies

Clara was anxious on her way to Rose’s house.

“I hope she doesn’t think that I’m making things up. But then, her own gardener gave me the information. I hope he agrees that he informed us,” she thought to herself when she got off the taxi and walked over to Rose’s gate.

Rose was standing out on the front porch already, looking out for her.

“Good, she didn’t forget that I was coming,” Clara told herself with a sigh of relief. She knew that Rose could look into supernatural things, but Clara did not feel free to confide in Myrtle about werewolves or supernatural knowledge.

“Oh it’s good that you came so soon,” Rose commented when Clara walked into the gate.

Clara smiled in response as she walked up to Rose.

“Yes, I heard from your gardener that some wolves were out to intimidate the humans in our area,” she commented as she walked into Rose’s lounge.

“So, do you have any idea about who those wolves are?” Rose asked.