Weather Reading Thawn

The bluish white to bluish grey and all other blue coloured rocks dotted the mountains located there in the north west of the taiga and tundra lands.

These lands happened to be close to the sea and to reach the seas, one had to pass through the mountains that divided the continent but managed to stretch out and block the view.

Shawn watched as a Thawn positioned its arms above a square block of stone covered with packs of snow at all sides. A blue light began to seep out of its palms which hovered above the fluffy looking square which suddenly started smoothening and its shape became compact in nature and denser.

“Snow mana?”

To test its strength, another Thawn came and knocked against the block with a ear placed forward as it listened intently to the sound it was making.

“Good!” he said before leaving.

Having been made resistant to the cold climate due to Shawn's words, they were quite formidable. Their houses which were made from snow compressed to mix with the stones and rocks gathered from the hills and mountains near before being combined and piled with snow before being molded into blocks, solidified with mana then used to construct houses having semblance to igloos.

Within the white snow stone blocks, were sticks gotten from frost resistant trees that sprouted and used to act as pillars within.

One morning, thawns woke up with their bodies energized from the nightly rest and readied themselves for their daily routine of hunting, building and gathering.

However as they began to leave one by one, one of them in particular halted his steps midway, looking at the skies, trying to gain a hold.

"Ulkezi. Come now, it's time to go hunting" One of the Thawns fellow friends called out.

"I'm coming Roleiz. I just want to see if there might be presence of strong winds or storms that’ll hinder our movement in the snow while hunting" Ulkezi replied.

"Alright. When you are done looking weirdly at the sky you can meet me in the trees. I'll be waiting" Roleiz said before moving on.

"Hmmm.” Ulkezi ’s eyes squinted as the wind blew against his black hair”They seem to be coming from the north east towards the south west which is where Roleiz went.

The winds might be against us if we try returning home. Also the uneven and sloppy terrain is the most crucial towards the cause of an avalanche"

After he said all that, he started running towards the trees yelling at his friend, "Roleiz let's go in another direction!"

“What on the icy ridge are you talking about?” Roleiz glanced at him with a raised brow.

"Let’s go now!” Ulkezi shouted again before walking up the slope to meet with his friend and dragging him down from the forest slope.

After countless tries and fails to free himself from Ulkezi ’s grip, Roleiz obliged, allowing himself to be freaky dragged down the snow and back to the village.

"Who knows if your crazy staring at the clouds and bringing up random stuff might pay off and save our lives," he said with a sarcastic tone.

The duo moved from the south west to the north of the tribe's settlement, while traversing the snow lands for hunting, Roleiz noticed that the winds seemed to have gotten a bit fierce when coming from behind.

"I wonder what exactly happened. This thawn’s prediction has gotten a bit better but it couldn't be that true?" he thought.

The rest of the day continued with the duo going about, hunting creatures and animals for game.

By the time they returned, they were taken aback by the level of change that had occurred.

The aura present, along with the atmosphere, felt gloomy the moment they entered.

"What happened?" Ulkezi asked a fellow Thawn whose face had become scrunched.

"Some of the Thawns who went out hunting and gathering in the south west never returned. It seems like they were buried under the avalanche."

Upon hearing the news, Ulkezi noticed that a portion of the tribe's land was covered, glanced at the Thawns who had their heads hung low and walked around with faces sunken with tears and sadness. They were the family members of those who had not returned from the daily trip.

"It seems, I was right," Ulkezi felt a pang of pain in his chest after realizing the truth.

"It seems following you to the northwest was a life saving decision" said Roleiz who patted him on the back.

Eventually, the entire tribe was gathered, with a group of Thawns standing in front of the crowd, each member having a dark red sash tied to their waist.

“A pity that lives were lost on this day.” said an Elderly Thawn with a long white beard, sniffling at the sad news they received.

"We managed to find some bodies but not all of the departed." Another from the group announced.

“Now we will have to bury their bodies to be in eternal rest.”

A few days passed and Thawns could be seen gathering around the large piles of dead bodies wrapped with leather and silken clothes before covering the bodies with snow.

A group of Thawns then appeared as the others left the bodies alone, allowing the new group to face their palms against the frosted bodies, a nix of white and blue light emanated from their palms as their mana began to compress the snow to form a round ball around.

Now the frozen bodies of dead Thawns were being carried on cubes of ice and into the mouth of a nearby cave not far from the settlement.

The cavern contained absolutely nothing but rocks and a wide area. As their final act of farewell, they pulled the ice cubes into the cave and kept them close but safely apart.

The moment the burial rites were finished, the tribe went on to sleep in their various white igloos. Some kept a burning touch in their homes simply because they needed to warm the insides as though they could resist the cold. There was nothing wrong with keeping themselves a little warm.

Meanwhile, Shawn continued watching the replay of the past 200 years in the southern continent.

In one of the Thawn houses, near a torch lies Ulkezi looking on with a glare, "Those Thawns might have never come out of that avalanche but there is a way that we can prevent such from happening to us again. I can't forever feel guilty for being unable to inform them " he said before looking up to the doof.

Then he laughed at himself and walked out with the torch in hand, spotting the nightly sky.

"Only by the weather." He muttered.

The next day, the Thawns gathered once again this time with the group wearing red sashes standing in front with Llhezi's now in their front.

"As a way to help our tribe concerning matters of the fierce winds bringing massive avalanches. He has advocated to teach you the secrets of studying the weather. " One member of the group announced while his hand remained on the nearly frightened Ulkezi .

Sadly, it turned out that most of the Thawns did not see the act as useful and in the end only 8 of them wanted to really study how to read it completely. Ulkezi began to teach the 8 Thawns the skills he learnt and mastered along with the geography of the land.

It wasn't until the day when a snowstorm almost struck the tribe that the Thawns saw the potential of the weather forecasts.

Over the next events in the 200 year time skip the Thawns improved in their use of studying the weather and detection. That would be until they started expanding towards new lands that had seasonal snow.

Rather than dumping it they continuously improved on the use of it.

After seeing the chain of events Shawn smiled and checked the list of potential higher beings once again.

He checked and saw the name Ulkezi .

Ulkezi Sampora - A Thawn in the north of the eastern lands of the southern continent. He studied the weather, climate and terrain so as to predict if the environmental conditions were suitable for disasters. An excellent choice for a higher being. Costs 700CP.

"An excellent one indeed" Shawn said "Give me Ulkezi Sampora"

*Deducting 700CP*

A bright light flashed in front of Shawn and revealed a blue figure with frost white hair and blue eyes.

"Welcome Ulkezi," he said with a smile on his face.

"Thank you master Shawn" The Thawn gave a bow to Shawn to convey his respects.

"It's okay," Shawn said before touching Ulkezi's arm.

"You do what you always do. Go and study mother nature and help your people." he said.

A bright light then flashes and Ulkezi disappears from Shawn's view.

"It's time for the next race to produce their own higher being" Shawn said as the screen changed to a view of the hills located at the center of the continent and in-between the snow lands and jungles.

"I wonder how this is going to work with them," Shawn pondered.

The Dwarven tribes lived within the hills that separated the two main biomes of the continent.

On one of the hills little short and stout figures with beards walked around the highland they stood on for just a few miles away from them was a Dwarven settlement standing proud and tall in spite of its location on a round slope.

The dwarves of the hill built their houses and other buildings using the rocks and stones they mined them with into stone bricks or made from solid stone. After all, the use of other sorts of bricks except that of stone was seen as unsustainable.

However, the Dwarves of the hill tribe always had a tradition and that was an annual contest to see who could craft the best weapon or tools that they had. Even in Ornio, the dwarves still brought their large hammers into the setting of things and that was what Shawn loved about them, and decided to let them have the knowledge of how their hammers were made. It did cost him an extra 1,200 CP to keep that quality there.

The day had come for Durgalir’s annual contest to see who was the greatest crafter among them.

Within a large open hall, Dwarves gathered around to watch the contestants with large hammers, anvils and an oven began their crafting.

Name of World - Ornio.

Rank - 3.

Creator - Shawn Roland.

Sentient Races - 8

Number of Realms - 2.

Population of Sentient Beings - 400,000

Population of Animals - 20,000,000.

Number of Overseer's - 6

Number of Higher beings - 7.