Farming Orcs

Shawn was still stunned by the new information the system had just given him.

"So how many worlds are out there?"

*A lot of them.*

"Ok this is a lot to take in but I think I'll just go watch my world and do what I can to reach the next rank." Shawn said while rubbing his forehead softly.

*Good luck, Creator Shawn*

Shawn flashed a smile before taking a look at the screen in front, depicting Ornio and others.

"I know what I need to do," he whispered before giving out an order.

"System fast-forwarded the world by 200 years while using the population boom power."

He heard the sounds of coins being removed and saw CP drain from his balance.

*Deducting CP. Fast forwarding world by 200 years*

The World of Ornio began spinning and rolling for a while before it stopped. "Now, check the statistics''

Name of World - Ornio.

Sentient Races - 8

Number of Realms - 3

Population of Sentient Beings - 400,000

Population of Animals - 240,000,000.

Number of Overseer's - 6

Number of Higher beings - 4

"That is a lot to take in" Shawn looked at the world in shock. "I should never underestimate the power of that population boom," he said.

"Let's see what new things have been going on over the past 200 years." he said before sitting on the couch and watching as the events began to unfold.

North east of the northern continent, the dry lands of the north were now being basked by the rays of the hot sun.

But even in this condition, the deserts had oasis's, retainers of life that managed to survive through the excruciating heat and high evaporation of water and nearly every living thing that lived there.

Lying close to a sand dune was a large oasis that impressively created a vast area of vegetation at its west, a size of about 30,000 km².

Within its lush vegetation lies the race of orcs. Apart from this one, a few other oases and forests in the desert contained orcs but this one for sure contained a truly vast number of them.

In one area, various buildings were constructed from mud and wood to resemble shacks with thatched round roofs having extensions which resembled horns while decorations made from bones were put around them. These homes provided housing to the residences of the Ulok clan who were lovers of the oasis freshwater.

Evening came upon this side of the world and the Ulok tribe’s hunting party, wearing nothing but loincloth across their waist with bone necklaces on their chests and large sized weapons returned to their tribe's settlement which was close to the oasis.

They branched off to the water retainer and some hunters immediately nearly dipped their faces to drink the oasis water while some brought it up to themselves using their hands. They cleaned their fingers and washed parts of their arms by helping their fellow comrades who couldn't but when they did this, they distanced themselves from the oasis.

"Who would have thought that these orcs actually care about hygiene?" Shawn commented with praise.

He could literally skip to any other tribe living there and other oases. However, he was somehow intrigued and felt that he would soon be impressed so he kept on watching. The Ulok orcs had these practices continue for the rest of their lives, trying so hard to clean themselves every morning when they woke up and the time they returned from hunting.

Then one day, one of the orcs came close to the water and upon closer inspection, Shawn noticed that the orc had a little more hair than the rest of her kind but was shorter.

"A young female?”

The female orc closed her eyes before touching the water surface. The reaction between the water and her hands wasn't strange as it was just a slight ripple.

Every day, this female orc would go to the oasis and play with it as if she somehow tried to understand its use while playing.

“Aren't you wasting resources with that?” Shawn said with a skeptical look on his face.

One day, while taking her ration of food which included desert berries. The Female Orc who had played in the water suddenly spat out the seeds of one berry into her palm and threw them onto the ground containing the nearby soil.

It was at that moment that a small blue bird with fast flapping wings appeared out of nowhere and perched on the seeds, pushing deeper into the ground. The bird then used its claws to move soil in to cover the hole.

The female orc who watched this was slightly impressed and out of curiosity, decided to mark the spot. A few days later she returned to the oasis water and immediately recognized the location where the seed had grown into a seedling.

Happy at this new change, she started planting the seeds from the berries that came with her ration, planting them with her hands before sinking it deeper into the soil and covering it up.

Within a few days, the seed had sprouted. The female orc wondered what could impact the seed to grow if it was planted away from a water voice so she did a little experiment and planted seeds a large distance away from the oasis freshwater and one close to the oasis freshwater.

A few days passed and she noticed that there were differences in the sprouting days. From then on the little orc, now grown into a young female, concluded that the soil needed a constant supply of water, plants and many others before sprouting.

She also started using the seeds of other plants and fruits available while experimenting with them, eventually moving from the forest and dared to plant inside the desert.

The Orc chief noticed the weird behavior of the young female orc, demanded to know what she was doing. And so the female orc showed the orc chief the experiments that she had been taking, most especially the seeds she had been trying to plant on Arid land were all dried.

“You'll need to transfer the water then.” The Chief said.

The Young Orc then pointed at the oasis, “We could drag it over.”

“Water will dry!” The Chief rejected the suggestion.

A few years later, the Ulok orcs were seen digging the ground close to the oasis with their hands, pushing forward a few meters into the desert side before throwing out a bunch of seeds into the holes they dug before covering it up. Then they proceeded to go to the oasis and draw water with their hands while spraying it onto the various holes.

The orcs never appreciated the idea of planting so this was done as a side hustle because of their new chieftain wife's wishes and that was until their population boom arrived and the rations became less thus the natural occurring food around wasn't enough as the area of vegetation wasn't expansive enough for a larger food supply.

After all, there were other tribes that lived there but they the strongest stayed closest to it. Thus the act of planting became something they had to use.

Shawn looked at the scenes in utter shock and rubbed his hands before looking at the scene again.

Hundreds of orcs using farming tools, creating ridges and making irrigation channels with crops of different kinds growing.

"It was a good idea to create and put those birds there but who would have thought that orcs would actually wash themselves and practice planting? When did orcs even have the desire for planting and have such patience to let nature take its course?"

Over the course of the 200 years population boom period, Shawn watched the Ulok orcs reduce their dependence on meat and actually practicalize planting, farming and starting to branch off to rearing.

"System, what is the name of that female orc that started all of this? Is she capable of being a higher being?" He asked.

*Check for yourself.*

Hurriedly, he checked the higher beings potential list and scrolled before finding what he wanted to see. "Zoguz. An orc in the Ulok tribe that invented planting which later became farming. She costs 900CP!"

*Since this orc managed to deviate from what their initial nature was, she costs a lot higher than you give her credit for.*

"Whatever. I'll pay" Shawn willingly gave into the system's money grubbing nature..

*Deducting 900 CP*

A bright light flashed in front of him and a reddish brown orc with decent long hair appeared in his front.

"Master Shawn" Zoguz greeted with a bow and Shawn accepted it with a nod.

"I am impressed by what you have done for your kind. If your tribe grew too big and disrupted the ecosystem of the oasis. I am not sure if the consequences will be bearable." He said.

"Thank you for your praise, master." Zoguz answered with a smile.

"Good. Now go ahead and do whatever you want in the physical realm as long as it's not destructive, also your domain is agriculture and harvest. I'll give you more if you can unlock them."

"Yes master Shawn" Zoguz turned into a bright flash of light and disappeared from his view.

"Now onto the Southern continent!"

The image on the screen changed to the eastern continents with snow and frost. The ice plains mixed with the taiga biome and were inhabited by Thawns. This place might be considered inhabitable but not for the inhabitants here who ate the many plants that actually survived the constant cold climate.

But the north of the eastern frostands which was close to the hills of the dwarves had a strange look. The ground was blue instead of white.

The Blue skinned Thawns that lived over there knew what exactly made the area of the ground this colour, it was the constant minerals and the high rates of salt. The thawing process of weathering done by the snow did make the rocks disintegrate further but these rocks were also shiny in colour according to what Shawn wrote for the region.

But these rocks would one day be what made the Thawns who lived here great.

Name of World - Ornio.

Rank - 3

Creator - Shawn Roland.

Sentient Races - 8

Number of Realms - 3

Population of Sentient Beings - 400,000

Population of Animals - 20,000,000.

Number of Overseer's - 6

Number of Higher beings - 5.