First day in Paris

Once the airplane was in flight, Jacqueline allowed Clair to chat to her.

After a while she was feeling sleepy and began to yawn. She didn’t mind Claire noticing that she was feeling tired.

“I think I’m going to close my eyes for a bit because I slept relatively late last night,” she said to Claire who was sitting next to her.

Jacqueline remembered her talk with her mother after her cousin Joachim had phoned from Brazil.

She had tried to make it sound as if Joachim was under a wrong impression. Jacqueline was glad that she did not accept that Brazilian guru's proposal, though. If even Joachim thought that there was something wrong about that procedure in the woods.

“Idolatry is wrong, no matter what the cause for it is,” she thought to herself as she sat back on her seat and closed her eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, Claire was not sitting next to her anymore.

“Where can she be and how far are we?” she asked herself.