Hazel vs Chelsea( We Lost Lan Montreal Because of our Fight)

 Chelsea Springtide sat on Lan's bed , quietly reading a letter that had just been mailed in for her . Her face gradually cringed as she got more and more into its details . Her family , the Springtides , was being accused of an attempted coup against the crown through the use of her marriage to the prince . At the very bottom , a threat was placed . If she did not willingly walk out of her marriage with the prince , the details of her family's scheme would be exposed to the King which would spell dire consequences for all Springtides . The letter had no sender and Chelsea was not sure if she even had enough time to track down the sender before this whole scandal blew up in her face .

 " So you prefer pink nightdresses ? " Lan's sudden entrance into the room startled Chelsea , who was already on edge . He was in a bath robe , having just been from taking a bath .

 " Oh what , oh uum yeah. I believe it matches my light skin tone and short pink hair ," she stumbled a little but quickly got back on her feet. She stealthily sneaked the letter into her dress pocket , then walked over to a shelf with a few bottles of wine .

 " So you sound friendly , I wonder happened to being angry at me when you weren't the first one I told about how I run my government affairs . You implied that if all I want is to use you , then I shouldn't be around you , " Lan looked around and seeing nothing to do decided to continue holding conversation with her .

 " We all say stuff sometimes , doesn't mean we can't enjoy a small glass of wine afterwards , " she started walking towards him carrying two glasses she had filled with scotch . There was a seat opposite Lan and a small round coffee table in the middle .

 " I also heard that a certain noble is trying to push my mother out of her office as Minster of Trade , and take over her seat. The way the story is going , this new noble must have some strong backing to get to where he already is. Lan Montreal , do you know the sponsor who is providing the back up ? " Chelsea continued , careful to look Lan in the eye .

 Without budging , Lan confessed to knowing , " Yes I do , but I will not help you or your mother in this . Now I know this is not what you had planned for the night to be about ."

 Chelsea watched Lan take a few sips of the wine before continuing , " You're right , its not. See the other day your younger brother Kevin came to me . At first I wanted him dead because he had found me taking off my dress . But when we started talking , he showed me that the both of us were actually in the same boat of uncertainty. Because of that , he suggested an idea which at first I was opposed to , but with some modifications on my part started to make sense ."

 As she went on talking , Lan started feeling light headed . The grip on his glass loosened , and his body starting feeling lighter than usual . He immediately knew that his drink had been spiked but because he couldn't do anything decided to listen to her and perhaps understand why she did that before he passed out .

 She continued , " Both of us wanted Hazel gone but his method involved the murder of all your other wives then framing her for it . My plan also involved framing her but for a different crime . She is already on her way here and will find you unconscious . A maid has been instructed to come in after her and immediately start screaming as loud as she can . When I hear this I shall come back with a few guards and they will arrest Hazel for attempting to murder the prince . "

 " And what happens when I eventually wake up and start telling everyone the truth of what really happened ? " Lan said drowsily , the spiked drink starting to overtake his nervous system .

 " Any connection to an attempted harming of the King and his heir to the throne is already a crime that deserves banishment and even if false will greatly affect the Marjorie family making them easy pickings for the other great noble house holds .

 However , she will not be sent to prison when the soldiers arrest her . They will instead take her to her room unharmed and leave her with some terms and conditions of my own. If she ever tries to do anything that even remotely comes close to undermining my position as your wife , every one will know what happened and my version will get to be heard first. She is smart enough to know that there won't be enough time to find evidence to incriminate me before the king makes the unrevokable order for her banishment. Even if you were to step in and try to help her , I will make sure there is no way to prove my involvement . After that the people will think that you took pity on her and are just trying to help , which will just worsen everything. 

 What I have here is checkmate , and you better remember that when you wake up ," Chelsea finished as Lan was on the verge of collapse. His eyes started blinking heavily as the mind shut off. Hazily , in between the blinks , he saw Hazel enter the room. Following another blink , he saw her handcuffed with the short Chelsea standing in front of her yelling.

 After that he completely shut off , and a familiar sensation he had when he was at the wedding marrying Hazel came over him. Almost immediately , he started hearing the sound of a modern car's engine revving amidst the loud cries of protestors . 

 " President Boris Web , the bullet hit your heart and we are currently rushing you to a hospital " he heard the familiar voice of his car driver speak to him.