Agreya Without Lan Montreal ( part one )


The Nalat Family Estate on top of having one of the biggest mansions in the Southern Province, also housed one of the three secret shrines in the kingdom . The Nalats took it upon themselves to maintain and constantly upgrade the sacred ground. It was of great importance to them as it kept them on the fore front of divination and spiritual discoveries. This had become their business model, advertising and claiming to have the best seers and magis in the entire kingdom.

Priestess Agar Nalat sat quietly on the floor with her two twin daughters beside her   inside this shrine, observing their midnight prayer routine dedicated to the ancestral spirits. The ritual started with a short prayer to the founding ancestor of the kingdom of Agreya by the priestess Agar. After this, the elder twin daughter, Olive Nalat, took the smouldering ern of incest and walked around the shrine three times with it. It symbolically reminded the Nalat household of its connection with the other two secret Shrines and bound them as three entities united under the same purpose.

"Olive, stop. Look at mother's face, it's convulsing, " the younger twin, Cherry Nalat, informed her sister who was still moving around with the smoking ern.

Agar, in the middle of the ritual commencement, had started shaking irregularly with her eyes shedding tears rapidly. Her two daughters were further shocked when Agar fell off her back and started rolling on the ground.

" Her visions are never this violent, maybe we should disconnect her by ending the ritual, " Olive joined in her sister's concern.

They watched in anxiety as foam started exuding from the corners of her mouth.

" She is having a Convene vision. It's a rare one and provides more insight compared to a regular vision. Also, unlike normal visions, it comes unexpectedly and violently takes over the senses of the host, " Cherry started explaining.

" I know what a Convene is! What I'm worried about is whether mother can handle the overload. Most Convenes are jointly experienced by at least three people, it is almost unheard of for one person to shoulder the burden of a Convene. We are not ready for visions , otherwise the Convene would have incorporated us into itself. The fact that happened despite the limiting factors means that it concerns a matter of grave consequence. " Olive followed, her arguments only serving to worry her sister all the more.

" We need to get to the Royal Palace immediately, " priestess Agar suddenly awoke from her delusioned state, a look of utter terror dead fixed on her face.

" What happened mother? You had a convene vision and we fear that it may have taken a great toll on your body. Are you able to sit upright? "

" Worry less about me anymore about the kingdom Olive, Lan Montreal has returned to his original body! " Agar almost shouted at her daughter, slapping away the glass of herbal medicine she was being offered.

" Everyone from the conference had already left for the capital. Vivian Marjorie headed for the North to take a look at her gold mines. Hazel left for the Royal Palace because she is duty bound to remain at that prince's side. She is probably standing next to his cold lifeless body thinking to herself that be has died. The other Marjorie, Henrik, is even out of the country.

My two daughters, you are only ones left that I can trust with the matter. You two need to take a chariot right now and rush to the capital before news starts spreading. Lan Montreal has been making bold moves ever since he got here accumulating quite the number of enemies who only hold back because they fear him. If they find out what has happened, we may have quite the case on our hands.

Meanwhile I will try to get to the bottom of this. Someone somewhere has found out about Lan Montreal's reincarnation and found a way to reverse it. My best guess is that one of the other two secret shrines in the kingdom has something to do with this. By morning I should have the answers, in the meantime you two should try your best to pacify the situation, " Agatha gave her orders in a rush.

" The method of divination that you used to summon Lan the first time was one of a kind. You specifically took time to develop your own divination craft for this summon to avoid the situation of someone being able to learn and undo your work. All am saying is, is it possible to narrow down your investigation if you only focus on people who helped you develop the unique summoning divination? " Cherry proposed, standing up and straightening her dress.

" You are right my daughter. Sometimes I forget that you are actually way smarter than you let on. I now have two people in mind and one of them is definitely the culprit. Now hurry along to the capital and do what I have asked. "