
Fortunately, this mutant zombie wasn't particularly fast. Zombies began to move from behind Maxwell, not just the existing ones but also a continuous stream of new zombies flowing out from the town, following far behind the two mutant zombies.

The zombies surged forward like a tide, and it seemed like there were not just thousands but potentially tens of thousands in sight. The zombies chasing the dozen or so people earlier were just a tiny part of it!

"Damn, so many! Could it be they're preparing to attack the base?" Maxwell couldn't help but think.

He glanced in the direction where the Evolver had fled, which was toward the base city. "This guy is an idiot; isn't he just leading those thousands of zombies there?"

Maxwell cursed under his breath and quickly commanded the Level 9 zombie to turn in a different direction. Once they changed course, the zombies that had been chasing Maxwell stopped.

Their target was clear!

"It looks like these creatures are indeed heading for the base!" Maxwell was certain of this.

Though this horde of zombies numbered just under ten thousand, compared to the base's population of one hundred thousand, it might seem insignificant. However, the trouble with zombies is that once they bite a person, they can turn them into one of their own kind.

Imagine, your teammates who were fighting zombies beside you a moment ago turn into the enemy and start attacking you... This speed of friend-to-foe transformation is simply unfair.

Moreover, such events have occurred more than once in the past three hundred years. There was even a base with a population of over three hundred thousand that was overrun by a zombie horde numbering just over a thousand!

Maxwell had the Level 9 zombie set him down and carefully followed at the rear of the horde.

He also took a moment to check the system space, in his storage backpack, he now had ten zombies. There was one male zombie each at Levels 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, and 3, and excluding Eva, there was one female zombie each at Levels 4, 3, and 1.

Maxwell released the Level 9 male zombie and the Level 1 zombie, other than Eva, instructing them to catch up with the group of zombies and continuously attack the ones at the rear, taking them down one by one. Then, Maxwell followed up and collected the fallen zombies into the space.

Although this method of not directly attacking the horde was not as brutally fast, Maxwell preferred it for its higher efficiency and safety. After all, this approach did not attract the attention of the leading mutant zombies at the front of the horde.

However, this method was only relatively safe; he still needed to be vigilant at all times, as a moment's inattention could make them noticeable to the mutant zombies.

Maxwell's approach was to seek fortune amidst danger—just do it and get it done!

Unbeknownst to anyone, human or zombie, the number of zombies at the rear of the massive horde was slowly decreasing. Of course, the zombies at the tail end of this massive wave were extremely low-level, mostly Level 1 zombies, and some were not even at Level 1, which for Maxwell were easy pickings.

Using these zombies, it didn't take long for Maxwell to fuse a Level 5 male zombie. With this Level 5 male zombie, things became much easier for him afterward.

He merged the Level 5 zombie with the previously collected Level 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 male zombies, directly creating a Level 10 male zombie! However, now Maxwell had only this one zombie in his hands!

"I need to Fusion another Level 10 male zombie. Although fusing a Level 10 requires more than five hundred Level 1 male zombies, only by obtaining another one can I merge them to get a Tier 1 male zombie. Only then can I own a mutant zombie!" Maxwell's thought process was clear.

With the materials ready, it was natural to continue fusing! As for the female zombies, the progress was also quite good. After half a day, Maxwell had obtained a Level 7 female zombie. It seemed that just by fusing another Level 7 female zombie, he could upgrade Eva to Level 9!

Fusing a Level 7 female zombie requires sixty-four Level 1 female zombies, and in the zombie horde, the number of female zombies was also quite plentiful. When he could barely make out the silhouette of the base city, Maxwell finally fused the second Level 7 female zombie. He put the two together, and a Level 8 female zombie appeared. He didn't hesitate and immediately dragged the Level 8 female zombie into the slot where Eva was.

Eva was upgraded to Level 9! 

The Level 9 Eva looked significantly less like a typical zombie. Initially, when she was first transformed into a zombie, her skin displayed many typical zombie characteristics like bluish-black mottling and bulging veins, but now her skin had become much brighter, and even those veins had disappeared. 

If you weren't looking closely, you wouldn't even realize she was a zombie!

"Hurry up and upgrade! This way, she won't be recognized as easily!" Maxwell mused.


Outside the base city, vast swaths of zombie hordes pressed together, stretching as far as the eye could see.

Maxwell followed from a distance and noticed that there was a steady stream of zombies still joining the horde. Now, it seemed that the number of zombies in this tide definitely exceeded ten thousand, and might even surpass twenty thousand! It was Maxwell's first time witnessing such a scene, and he couldn't help but wonder how the base city would handle this situation. 

However, with such high walls, it wouldn't be easy for the zombies to get over them. Maxwell involuntarily remembered scenes from zombie blockbusters he had seen before his journey, like in "World War Z," where zombies scaled walls. Could these creatures also manage something so extreme? After all, for zombies, such tactics are brutally simple!

The base city was very quiet, not a sound coming out. But with the mutant zombies leading the horde, even without any noise to stir up the ordinary zombies, they would still receive orders to launch an attack on the base city!

Sure enough, after a while, it was as if the zombies were suddenly infused with some kind of energy, screaming wildly as they rushed towards the base city! Inside the base city, the sound of gunfire followed soon after.

Masses of zombies were mowed down by bullets, falling to the ground, only for more zombies to surge forward, stepping over their bodies, and then being gunned down again. But the sheer number of zombies was overwhelming, and since being shot didn't easily kill them, they quickly got up and charged forward once more.

Soon, the zombie horde reached the base of the city walls.