Stunning Everyone!

"Look at that newbie, sitting there staring at you for ages, just like a lovesick puppy. It's really quite funny, hee hee hee!"

A burst of giggling erupted, and Maxwell snapped back to reality, seeing two young women with pleasant appearances sitting in front of him, turning their heads to look at him and laugh.

It turned out that Maxwell, due to his serious focus on the screen before him, looked as if he was staring into space, and the screen from the Tier 1 female zombie happened to be facing one of the women, making it appear as though Maxwell was lost in thought gazing at her back.

Staring at a girl for a long time really wasn't quite appropriate.

But Maxwell couldn't just open his mouth and explain that he wasn't looking at her, right?

No one would believe that anyway!

Well, this was a complete misunderstanding!

Trying to explain would just muddle things further, so Maxwell simply opted not to explain at all. Instead, he gave the girl an apologetic smile, then took the initiative to move to another seat.

As soon as Maxwell sat down, he received hostile glares from around.

Clearly, these two women had quite a few admirers.

Understandably, female Evolvers were rare, and attractive female Evolvers even rarer. These two young women, being quite attractive, naturally had a great appeal to men.

Certainly more appealing than the more average-looking women typically were to men.

However, this appeal was utterly ineffective on Maxwell.

They couldn't compare to Carline at all. In fact, there was no comparison needed, because the disparity in levels was too great; comparing them was meaningless.

"That guy is so weird, he was staring at Miss for so long, and then just left like that."

The girl pouted as she watched Maxwell move to another spot to sit down.

"Wanda, maybe he was just daydreaming... Don't just make things up!" 

"Who daydreams like that? He was clearly mesmerized by Miss, deliberately staring at her, and now he moved away because he felt embarrassed after we caught him. Can't believe it, Miss, why are you even defending him?"

She analyzed the situation at length, not bothering to lower her voice, which Maxwell found rather noisy.

So, he frowned slightly and stood up to walk away.

"Look, Miss, he really is just too thin-skinned… still staring at others like that…"

Wanda continued to chatter.

The surrounding men looked on as if enjoying the spectacle.

"Maxwell is going to embarrass himself this time!" Bernard whispered.

"It's good to knock some arrogance out of him. These Evolvers from the mainland live too comfortably, thinking they're something special just because they're Evolvers. That girl is Percival's daughter, treasured as if she might break, pampered to the extreme! She's not someone he can ogle!"

A male Evolver beside Bernard spoke.

Upon hearing this, Bernard cleared his throat and said, "Well, you can't really say that... Wait, what?"

His reaction was so strong because Maxwell had returned to his previous seat, and he wasn't alone.

This time, a girl whose beauty could be likened to a celestial nymph was with him.

Although her expression was cold, she clung tightly to Maxwell's arm, leaning her whole body against him. The intimacy and dependency in her demeanor were unmistakably evident!

A person as pure and flawless as the moonlight was now walking in step with Maxwell.

Not just Bernard uttered a stunned "Damn," but also the other male Evolvers around who had just been mocking Maxwell inwardly; now, a million "Damns" were racing through their minds.

Wanda, who had been chattering non-stop, saw this scene and immediately dropped her jaw.

"Ah... this..."

She was so surprised that she didn't know what to say.

The world finally quieted down!

Next to Wanda, Percival's daughter also saw Carline and couldn't help but pause briefly, then turned to whisper to Wanda, "Look, Wanda, you must have misunderstood. With a partner as beautiful as hers, how could he ever be interested in me?"


Maxwell found a new place to sit with Carline.

This area was already designated for Evolvers, and there weren't many Evolvers, especially unfamiliar ones, who liked to cluster together, so the seating was quite spread out, making it appear very spacious.

This was the first time Maxwell had let Carline appear in front of so many people. Carline seemed not at all shy, or rather, she didn't care about the surrounding gazes, why would she think too much?

Because her gaze was always on Maxwell.

After Carline's arrival, the area indeed became much quieter.

Some looked at Maxwell with envy, some felt indignation, and others eyed Carline with speculative glances, brewing unknown thoughts in their minds.

Human nature is always so unpredictable and perilous.

But Maxwell didn't much care about their thoughts, nor was he interested in any schemes they might be concocting.

In Tampa City, there might be powerful Evolvers, but they were unlikely to be among this group. Even if there were high-tier Evolvers here, Maxwell was not afraid.

He just sat quietly, continuing to stare ahead.

And Carline still leaned against him, now watching the zombie fighting competition.

Maxwell opened the screen before him.

In just a short while, the Tier 1 female zombie had squeezed her way to the middle of the cavern.

Then, Maxwell saw a large structure appear in the view of the Tier 1 female zombie.

In the center of the cavern, there stood a tall pyramid.

The structure was quite imposing.

The pyramid was surrounded by hordes of zombies.

These zombies surged toward the pyramid, climbing up like a tide. Although many of the zombies fell off halfway, only a few managed to reach the higher levels of the pyramid, and even then, they risked falling.

The zombies continuously climbed upwards, yet kept falling off.

Despite this, they persisted in their efforts.

The entire pyramid was swarming with underground zombies; its surface was densely packed with climbing zombies, making it impossible for Maxwell to discern what this structure, which resembled a pyramid, was actually like.

Thus, Maxwell issued a command to the Tier 1 female zombie, instructing her to squeeze her way to the pyramid and climb up.

The Tier 1 female zombie continued to push forward and soon reached the base of the pyramid, beginning her ascent.

Initially, her pace was not slow, but after climbing about ten meters, she started to slip, her grip faltering, and she fell, taking several zombies below her down as well.

What was happening?

A sense of confusion arose in Maxwell's mind.