Chapter 6: Bonds That Bind

We arrived at Base Alpha later that day. Upon arrival we were scanned at the entrance to see if we were infected or if we hand any other diseases. We were all clear. It was still ironic that Ethan remained with his mask on even when he wasn't sick. We entered the base. It towered over us with large buildings, roads, people and researchers from SKYTECH. The researchers gave us a long wrist band called an Eralink. It had a map, calendar, notepad and message app. We were given 50 complimentary Skycreds. A completely new currency that was obtainable by doing tasks given by the researchers.

Base Alpha was the largest and most advanced base. It wasn't shocking because the researchers from SKYTECH built it. It is the only sanctuary in this desolate world. Ethan and Marina brought us aside. They removed their contacts and wigs. Showing us their true selves. The pair had violet hair and indigo eyes.

"This who we actually are," Marina said.

"Only our names are real. We kept who we really were a secret, just in case we ran into bad people.", said Ethan.

"But we can trust you now.", said Marina.

"If you trust us... then why the mask?", I asked Ethan.

"Some scars are best left hidden, and some truths left unspoken... for now.", he said, his eyes hinting a smile beneath his mask.

After the conversation, the researchers led us to our rooms, small but comfortable. Each person got their own room. It had a small bed, a wardrobe, a window to see outside and an extra room that had a toilet and a shower. We refreshed and went to eat dinner in the hall. It was filled with people. Others laughing, others having a friendly chat, children playing... It reminded me of the world before.

The world before it was darkened by the shadows that now stretch across its surface. It was a world where laughter was the music of everyday life, not a rare melody played amidst the silence of desolation. A world where friendly chats were as common as the air we breathed, and children played under the sun's warm gaze, not in the cold artificial light of a sanctuary.

The world before was a place where the future was a promise, not a question mark, and every sunrise was a guarantee, not a hope.

But as I sat there, amidst the echoes of a lost time, I realized that even in this fractured world, there are fragments of that past still clinging on—moments of joy, of connection, of humanity. And perhaps, it's in these fragments that we find the strength to rebuild, to restore, to revive the world that once was.

Elena came from behind and patted my shoulder.

"You, ok?", she asked, her tone calm.

"Yeah...Just thinking.", I replied.

"Come on. We're all waiting for you.", she said as she smiled at me. Her smile warm, like sun rays.

We got our food and sat at the table where Ethan, Marina, Lily and Samuel were sitting.

"Took you guys long enough. We were waiting for you.", Ethan said.

"Well, I'm here now.", I replied.

We all had a chat about our backgrounds, how we survived and also what we did before the world turned upside down. We laughed together and shared happy moments. Lily approached me and tugged on my shirt.

"Tyrell, can I go play with the others now?", she asked, her voice soft.

"Others?", I looked behind her and there was a group of kids a few feet away.

"Of course you can."

"Thanks!", she smiled and left to play with the other kids.

It was a good thing she was happy. She looked different from the shy and scared little girl I saved at the pharmacy. She was smiling and happy.

Base Alpha was really incredible. From their own currency, houses and other facilities. Even a training ground. After the long day, I wished everyone goodnight and hopped onto my bed. I stared at the Eralink.

[Date: 17 February 2024]

[Time: 20:40]

I opened it and scrolled through the different apps. I opened the note app and wrote:

Note Entry: 17 February 2024, 20:40

Today marks the beginning of something new, or perhaps the continuation of a battle that's been raging silently within me. We've arrived at Base Alpha, a fortress amidst chaos, a beacon of hope in a world that's forgotten its own meaning.

Elena, Samuel, and I, we're a trio bound by fate, by a shared desire to see this world reborn from the ashes of its own destruction. And then there's Ethan and Marina, siblings who trust each other than anyone else. Their true selves hidden beneath layers of necessity.

And then Lily. The shy little girl I found at a pharmacy in an abandoned town. I wish nothing more for her than for her to be happy. No child deserves to see the dark and harsh parts of this world.

As I lay here, the soft hum of the base outside my window, I can't help but wonder about the days to come. Will we find the strength to face the darkness? Will the secrets we uncover lead us to victory or despair?

My father told me that in this life there will be challenges and those challenges will require sacrifices. But I'll make sure to overcome them. And I'll make sure to protect my friends.

-Tyrell Mitchell.

End Of Chapter 6.

Silent Echoes: Full Song