Chapter 7: The Calm Within The Storm

It had been 2 weeks since our arrival at Base Alpha. The first light of dawn hadn't yet broken the horizon, but I was already awake. Base Alpha was still and peaceful. Today was different; today we would be human.

I stretched, feeling the rare luxury of no immediate danger. My Eralink buzzed with a reminder of the day's non-agenda—rest, recover, live. I smiled at the thought that I could live normally today.

After a quick shower, I changed my clothes and headed to the cafeteria hall. The hum of conversation and the clatter of utensils filled the air, a comforting reminder of the community we had here.

I spotted Elena at a table near the window, her laughter rising above the morning.

"Tyrell, over here!", she called out, waving me over.

I navigated through the tables, noting the chefs at work behind the counter. The aroma of fresh bread and scrambled eggs was a luxury I hadn't realized I'd missed until now.

"Morning, everyone," I greeted as I took a seat. "Smells like the chefs are outdoing themselves today."

Elena grinned, passing me a plate. "You have no idea. They've been up since before dawn preparing this feast."

Samuel joined us, his eyes bright with joy. "I come bearing the elixir of life, and hot chocolate for Lily as well" he said, placing a cup in front of each of us.

The conversation flowed easily as we ate. Around us, the cafeteria buzzed with the energy of everyone sharing stories, planning projects, and simply enjoying the moment.

Elena and Lily spent their time in the gardens, their hands deep in the soil as they tended to the plants. "There's something about growing things," Elena said, "that makes you believe in tomorrow."

Samuel headed to the workshop. The sound of his laughter mingled with the clang of metal as he collaborated with other mechanics.

Ethan and Marina figured out a way to install games on the Eralink and hosted a gaming session with other people. The shouts of victory and groans of defeat could be heard from afar.

As I was walking, I accidentally bumped into a researcher. "Sorry about that.", I apologized. The researcher nodded and continued walking. "He didn't even say anything.", I thought to myself. I continued walking and saw a crowd of people gathered around what looked like a boxing ring. They were shouting and cheering.

I walked over there to see the cause of the commotion. When I got there I saw 2 people in the ring, fighting in what looked like a boxing match.

"What's going on?", I asked.

"They're fighting over who gets to eat the last choc-chip muffin.", a man next to me answered.

"Oh well, men will be men.", the woman next to him sighed.

The crowd went silent as one of the men fell. "What a knockout!", the host announced. "The winner of today's choc-muffin championship is none other than... The Muffin Man!"

"He lives up to his name.", I laughed.

The crowd disbanded, some happy, others sad at the loss. I had a feeling the researchers just did this on purpose. Baking an extra muffin to watch people fight over it. There was a large board on the wall of the base which showed the number of people in Base Alpha. It was connected to the Eralinks that could sense a heartbeat in the people wearing them. The number was 537.

I smiled knowing that Base Alpha was a sanctuary where nothing could go wrong. The number dropped to 536 and I was shocked. Maybe I had spoken too soon. I awkwardly looked away from the board and left. I spent the day walking around Base Alpha and helping with volunteering work.

At nighttime I went to my room to shower rest. As I lay in bed, I felt something sharp in my pocket. I removed it to see what it was. It was an SD card. I was curious what was inside it but also anxious. I asked myself where I could've gotten it from, and my thoughts traced back to the researcher I bumped into. Was he trying to give it to me without letting anyone else know? Why me specifically? Was it an accident? Should I see what's inside it?

My curiousity got the best of me and I inserted it into my Eralink. The card contained 3 files named:





Memorandum: Project Eden Protocol - Confidential

To: All Authorized Personnel

From: Dr. J. Hawthorne, Lead Scientist

Subject: Implementation of Project Eden Protocol

Date: July 15, 2021



The Project Eden Protocol is initiated as a groundbreaking military advancement project. Our objective is to develop super soldiers that will revolutionize warfare and ensure global peace.

Key components of the protocol include:

1. Isolation and Analysis of the unique substance derived from the rare Black Rose. This rose, once a symbol of death and rebirth, has a unique sap [Given the name: Obsidian] that, when combined with human DNA, triggers a monstrous transformation.

2. Development of Biological Weapons that can fight as they're told without any sense of humanity. These weapons are created by infecting humans with the Black Rose substance, resulting in enhanced physical abilities.

3. Secure Containment Procedures for the transformed individuals to ensure control and prevent any potential mishaps.

Side Effects:

1. The Obsidian gradually eats away the person's sanity. This causes them to be unable to follow commands and attack at their own will.

2. The Obsidian slowly breaks down the person's muscle tissue, which cause them to turn into a grey, ashy substance.


If successful advancements are made to cure the side effects. Super soldiers will be unstoppable and create the strongest army known to man.

This protocol is to be carried out with the utmost secrecy to prevent mass hysteria and potential sabotage. All findings and progress reports are to be submitted directly to the council.


The document continued with detailed plans for each component, including timelines, resource allocations, and contingency measures. It was clear that "Project Eden Protocol" was a comprehensive plan, possibly the true origin of "The Withering."

As I scrolled through the pages, I realized the gravity of what I had stumbled upon. This information could change everything. It was time to share this with Elena and the others... or not. I trust them but I haven't known them for long. I was faced with a hard decision. Tell them all of this or keep it to myself for now. I'll wait for the right time to tell them.

I heard a knock on my door. "Tyrell, you there? We're all waiting for you.", Elena called out.

"I'm here.", I replied, opening the door. "Let's get going."

We went to the others, who were sitting around a campfire. Samuel, strumming a guitar. Lily, eating marshmallows. Ethan and Marina laughing.

"Where did you get the guitar?", I asked Samuel.

He chuckled. "I made it today while I was with the other carpenters. I may be old but my skills are never rusty.", he replied.

"That's pretty cool. Can you play us a song?", I asked.

"Of course! This one is one my grandfather sang to me when I was a little boy.", he smiled.

Elena and I sat down as Samuel started strumming his guitar.

In the velvet sky so grand,

Two twin stars with silver strands,

Danced across the heavens wide,

Side by side, they'd glide and slide.

"Look up into the sky," he said,

"To the tales the stars have spread.

Of twins who shine in through night and day,

Guiding sailors on their way."

Oh, the twins of light, so bright, so clear,

In the night sky, they appear.

With a twinkle and a gleam,

Through the dark, they beam and beam.

One star shone with golden light,

The other with a silver might.

Though apart they seem to be,

Bound by unseen harmony.

"See them sparkle, see them dance,

In their eternal, sky-bound trance.

They remind us, you and I,

Of bonds that never say goodbye."

Oh, the twins of light, so bright, so clear,

In the night sky, they appear.

With a twinkle and a gleam,

Through the dark, they beam and beam.

So when you feel alone or lost,

And your paths by shadows crossed,

Raise your eyes to stars above,

Feel the warmth of twin-star love.

"Remember when you're alone,

Like these stars, you're never on your own.

For in your heart and in your soul,

Family's love will make you whole."

Oh, the twins of light, so bright, so clear,

In the night sky, they appear.

With a twinkle and a gleam,

Through the dark, they beam and beam.

"Those stars," I pointed upwards, "they're like us. Different, but the same."

Elena leaned back, her eyes reflecting the night sky. "Yeah, every star has a different dream... but in the same night."

End of Chapter 7.