Chapter 8: A_Web_Of_Secrets

The sun rose, indicating the next day. I woke up and did my morning routine as usual. I decided to check the next files I had on my Eralink. The third file titled "Dr. J. Hawthorne" caught my attention. It was the name of the director who led the "Project_Eden_Protocol", as stated in the previous file. I opened the file but it required a password. I spent a few minutes looking at the projected hologram screen, showing a window which was written "Password Required". I decided to exit the screen and opened the file "Haven_Archives". I heard a knock on the door.

"Tyrell, you in there?", Elena asked. "There's an important meeting in the hall today."

I opened the door. "Sure, let's go."

We walked to the eating hall, greeting each other. When we arrived, we found everyone waiting for us there.

A researcher stood on the stage and announced for everyone in the hall to stay quiet. "As a lot of have heard, we're creating squads to go on a mission. This mission will require you to go the different branches of SKYTECH. If all of these prove to be in vain, then you will be sent to the main branch of the SKYTECH tower. I would like to warn you that this mission is dangerous.", he warned.

 "At this moment we are not sure what threats may lie there but we may be overpowered. When you get there, you will need to find a folder titled "Project_Haven". It may have the documents needed for the cure but it isn't guaranteed at they'll be there. There are 7 branches in total. With the main branch being the most dangerous. We'll divide you into 5 squads per branch. Each consisting of 4 people."

"There will be a selection program and squads will be selected based on their skills, teamwork and co-operation. We will begin the program after breakfast. Please prepare yourselves in the meantime.", He instructed before walking off.

The crowd started to question who would be chosen and who they would team up with. I looked at Ethan, Elena, Marina and Samuel. We sat together at a table started to discuss the current situation.


"So any ideas for selection? There can only be 4 of us in a squad.", said Elena.

"I think I'll sit this one out. An old man needs to rest. You kiddos better say safe.", Samuel insisted, his voice low and soft.

"Are you sure sir? You won't be lonely while we're gone right?", Ethan asked, feeling concerned.

"You idiot! He said he needs to rest!", Marina yelled as she smacked his head.

"What the heck was that for?", Ethan squirmed.

Marina pouted and looked away.

The rest of us giggled and at the 2 siblings squabbling.

"Ethan, are you sure you're Marina's older brother? Because it seems like she's the one always scolding you.", Elena joked.

We laughed and ate breakfast together. Once we finished, we changed into the training clothes provided by the researchers. The 4 of us went to the training center which was. The training hall was filled with crowds of people. A researcher came to us. The name on his tag was "Instructor Gabriel Hall"

"Welcome.", he greeted. "I see you 4 are here for the selection program.

"Yeah.", Ethan replied. "So are we matching up against another squad or-"

"No, no.", he interrupted. "It will be a 2v2 against each other. This is to test your strength in smaller numbers. So, divide yourselves amongst each other."

I teamed up with Elena against Marina and Ethan. They thought they'd work better because they were siblings. We were given guns with bullets that didn't hurt but would splatter a red paint after hitting the target. We got into separate positions. The instructor told us to start.

Elena ran through obstacles while having a shoot-out with Marina. Ethan sniped her from a higher ground and I ran after him. He shot at me, but I dodged due to the makeshift bullets being slow. I hid under a table and threw a smoke grenade to cover myself, blocking his view. When I climbed up to the top and reached behind, he pulled out a pistol.

I pointed at him with my sword.

"This is why you should use guns. Sword and knives are all useless.", he mocked.

"Maybe, maybe not.", I smirked and threw my sword at him and dodged left before he could shoot. He moved his hand towards my direction as I advanced and swung my blade to his neck and stopped right before it reached his neck.

"Tyrell and Ethan stop. Tyrell wins.", commanded Instructor Gabriel.

"H-huh, how?", Ethan asked, confused.

"His sword had reached your neck and your gun had reached his shoulder. You could've successfully shot him but he still would've beheaded you."

"Oh, GG though." Ethan said, smiling under his mask.

"Yeah.", I replied, smiling back.

Marina and Elena had still been going even after our match had ended. Their bullets ran out and they were now resorting to hand-to-hand combat. Punching each other, blocking and even throwing themselves over until they ran out of stamina.

"Time!", Instructor ___ yelled. "Elena and Marina, tie."

"Well… I nearly had that one.", said Marina.

"In your dreams, kiddo.", replied Elena.

"I'm not a kid, I'm 15."

"That's exactly what makes you a kid, I'm 16 and turning 17 in 3 months."

"Dinosaur…", Marina mumbled.

"What did you call me!?", yelled Elena.

"A dinosaur!", Marina yelled back.

"Come here you little!"

The 2 of them chased each other while Ethan and I laughed.

The instructor told us we passed the selection program and we could continue with the rest of our day. I called everyone for a meeting in my room to show the files I had received.

I first showed them the "Project_Eden_Protocol" file. They were shocked about the information on it.

"Why don't we tell the researchers about it? It may help them find a cure.", advised Elena.

"Yeah, but the researcher who gave this to me did it in secret, probably not wanting to draw attention.", I answered.

I opened the file "Haven_Archives."

I began reading it out loud.


File 001: Withering Effect Research

Date: 10 February 2024

Researcher: Owen Lee



The Withering continues to ravage our world even after so many things. It's even starting to drain the life force out of plants. Animals who eat infected plants are also becoming infected. We have discovered what might be a potential cure: "Haven". It appears that a researcher from a few years back had already been planning to create the cure in secrecy, but the file might be lost in one of the SKYTECH branches. We cannot risk immediately going there due to stronger mutations of the Withering and higher risk rate. We need to scout for it in the smaller branches.



Possibly one of the SKYTECH branches.


The Withered Lands are treacherous and are filled with hordes of the withered and may have harsh conditions.


Current plan:

Assemble teams of skilled survivors to retrieve the "Haven" file, to be able to create a cure.

Provide survivors with necessary equipment, resources and support.


-Researcher Owen Lee


"So that was the researcher's name.", I said.

"The plan seems solid", said Elena.

"Isn't there another file?", asked Samuel.

"There is. It's titled "Dr_J._Hawthorne." But it requires a password and I don't know it.", I said. "But I could try to find him again and ask hi-"

Before I could finish, we heard a scream coming from outside and decided to see what was going on. We ran to a group of people circling something. When we got there we were horrified at what we saw. It was the body of the researcher who gave me the files.

"T-that's him.", I said.

Elena sighed, "Well there goes our one option of getting the password"

End of chapter 8.