Chapter 5

The circle glowed and the runes around it lit up. Lyra stepped closer to it. "In order to release the seal placed on it, Dark and Light Spectra will be needed." , stated Etheris. "And the only person who can use both seems to Orion."

"There will be no need for him, my lord.", said Lyra.

She started casting a spell combining Light Spectra with dark magic.

"How are you able to use dark magic?", Etheris asked. "It's an energy source that didn't even originate from this world."

"Through my countless cycles and rebirths I learned the energy sources and types I could use, that existed within the world I was born in.", she replied blankly."

She combined the two sources together and placed them on the seal, releasing it. Inside was an essence that glowed teal and blue.

"This essence doesn't have a name yet, but it is the particles that remains after use of energy. I estimate that they stored it here because they didn't know what to do with it yet. They don't understand it's true purpose.", Lyra explained.

"Then what is its true purpose?", Etheris asked.

"When someone stores this for a long time and then uses their blood on it, it turns into the person's energy type. This would be the most suitable method for you to regain your power back, since null energy does not exist, yet you possess it."

"Interesting, but before I poor my blood into this, cast a barrier that will prevent you and everyone around from being affected by the aura.", he warned.

"Yes, my lord.", she said as she cast the barrier.

Etheris made a knife from his energy and cut his finger, pouring a small drop of his blood into the essence. When the blood touched the essence, a strong burst of null energy was made, blowing like a strong wind around the area. He stood in it and began absorbing it. Within a matter of seconds, he absorbed all of it, regain a small amount of his power.

"How much did you regain my lord?", Lyra asked.

"5%. It's a bit disappointing that there wasn't enough essence.", he replied.

Suddenly, the entire school building began to shake. The two went outside to check what was going on. The sky had become black and right above the school was a giant crack. In the sky.

"What is that?'', Lyra asked.

"A Reaver.", he responded.

Giant claws began to open the rift further. Multiple eyes opened inside it. Orion toward it, launching a giant Spectra spear of Light and Darkness at it. The spear hit one of the Reaver's eyes, enraging it even further.

"Foolish human." It spoke in a deep, low-tone voice that sounded harder than a thunderstorm. As it uttered these words, the people within a 500km radius fell, their eyes bleeding with black liquid.

"Cover your ears.", Etheris warned Lyra.

The Reaver launched a tentacle at Orion, throwing him across the city. Etheris then transformed back into his original, human form. The wind blowing his matte-black hair. His eyes dark, like twin black holes.

"It seems as if I can use more power than I currently have, for a short amount of time.", Erebos said.

"Filthy creature of chaos, leave now or die by my hands.", he said.

"Eternal One. You still reign? I thought you died at the hands of the Star Deity, like the pathetic sovereign you are."

Enraged, Erebos formed hundreds of thousands of swords made from void energy and launched them all the Reaver. They pierced through its claws and pushed it back into the rift. He then flew into the rift and now the two beings stood in the chaos dimension. A dimension completely shattered and deformed.

"I can now fully see what you look like. You truly are ugly.", said Erebos.

"A being of chaos is defined by its power, not by its looks.", the Reaver replied.

It launched its claws and tentacles at him. The moment they reached him and he deflected them, they disappeared into nothingness.

"H-how!? You shouldn't have this much power since you were weakened.", it said, shocked.

It launched a large amount of chaos energy at him. He then created a small black hole from the tip of his forefinger. The chaos energy all got sucked into the tiny black hole.

Erebos scoffed. "Weak."

He flicked the black hole and it flew at the Reaver, completely destroying the lower half of its body. The Reaver, seeing that it could not win, tried crawling away.

"Look at you. Pathetic as you are, having the audacity to put me into the same rank of insignificance as your kind. Crawling away helplessly.", Erebos mocked it.

"I-If you kill me… T-Then the Archons will come after you. They will show you no mercy!", it said, its voice shaking.

"Is that a threat? You, the one about to die, dares threaten me. So what if they come after me? I'll just destroy them all.", he replied.

"W-wait. I-I didn't mean it. P-Please forgive me. Spare me and I swear on my kind that we will never interfere with you again.", it pleaded.

"I'll do so on one condition. I want all of your eyes to look into mine and I will show you what true nothingness looks like. If you can handle it mentally, you will live, if not, you will die. Deal?", Erebos proposed.

"Deal.", it agreed.

The Reaver used all its eyes and stared into his. It then began screaming.

"Wait! No, no, no! NO! Ahhh!"

It kept on screaming and all its eyes began bleeding. It burst into nothingness, leaving no trace of its existence.

"As expected, no other being besides me can comprehend what nothingness looks like."

Erebos then stood there, looking at the chaos dimension. He sighed and clapped his hands, destroying it completely and then left, returning back to Lyra and transforming back into Etheris.

"Let us go, Lyra. Before the children of Astrion arrive.", he said.

"Yes, my lord.", she followed.

End of Chapter 5.