Chapter 6

Etheris and Lyra left before the descendants of Astrion could arrive. The rift that had broken open into the earthly realm now remained silent. The descendants of Astrion arrived and were able to fix it.

However, this did not stop the tension that rose around the city. Panic spread as the citizens were confused and scared as they were in danger due to the cause of an unknown force. Many were injured and others had died as they could not handle the force that was created by a Reaver simply speaking.

"My, lord. Did the Reaver say anything before death?", Lyra asked curiously.

"It just spouted nonsense that its death would cause anger to the Archons and that they would find me", he replied, unbothered by that fact.

"Will you have enough power by then, my lord?", she asked, concerned.

"Destroying my physical vessel wouldn't be enough.", he replied.

"What do you mean?", she asked, now more confused.

"Somethings are not meant to be revealed now.", he said as they moved on.

School for the week had been cancelled for the students to recover. Elsewhere, the descendants of Astrion were having a discussion.

"How could you have been so careless?", Luna asked Orion, her voice laced with anger and concern.

"I was trying to hold him off so no one else could get hurt.", he replied in a calm yet strict tone.

"And how did that go?", she asked, raising her voice.

"Both of you calm down. We can discuss this in a formal and respectful manner.", the voice was that was that of a female. She stood tall, her eyes shining like amethyst. Her skin the color of brass, and her hair a silver blue. Her name was Stellar, the oldest human descendant of Astrion.

She stood at the center, her eyes scanning each face. 

"Orion," Stellar began, her voice firm and measured, "your actions have consequences far beyond yourself. We cannot afford recklessness."

Orion shifted uncomfortably, his gaze avoiding hers. "I was trying to protect everyone," he muttered. "The Reaver was a threat."

Luna, Orion's twin sister, clenched her fists. "But at what cost? People are dead, injured. You can't just charge in blindly!"

Stellar raised her hand, silencing the room. "Enough. We must focus on the bigger picture. The Reaver's appearance signals a shift in the balance of power. Erebos is now awakening. And he's disguised as someone else. We don't know who he is. He could be right under our noses as we speak.", she said.

Luna spoke up. "Erebos absorbed the essence, but it wasn't enough. He needs more power. But at this rate he might recover all of it if we don't find out who it is."

Stellar nodded. "And that essence lies within us—the descendants of Astrion. Our bloodline carries and allows us to manipulate this essence. But we must tread carefully, because if Erebos succeeds in regaining his full strength... then who knows what he could do.", she said, a bit shaken.

Orion clenched his jaw. "What do we do, then? Wait for him to strike again?"

"No," Stellar replied. "We prepare. We seek knowledge, artifacts, anything that can aid us. Anything that can counter Erebos."

"But how?" Luna asked.

Stellar's eyes glinted. "We'll start with the forgotten texts—the ones hidden deep within our ancestral library. Luna, start with deciphering ancient languages. They might have something that can help."

Luna nodded. "I'll look into the archives. Perhaps there's a clue about his weakness."

As the meeting adjourned, Stellar approached Orion. "Your heart is in the right place," she said softly. "But remember, power without wisdom is dangerous."

Orion sighed as he met her gaze. "I won't fail again."

Outside, the city buzzed with fear. The rift's closure had restored calm, but the scars remained. Etheris, now back in human form, stood beside Lyra.

"Lyra," he said, "you're more than a mere sorceress. Your knowledge spans lifetimes. Don't disappoint me."

She smiled. "I'll do my best, my lord."

He glanced at the sky. "The Archons will come. They'll try to destroy this world and even me. I'll make sure to destroy them."

Lyra nodded. "And what if the descendants of Astrion find you before you reclaim all your power?"

Etheris looked into the sky. "They will perish aswell."

End Of Chapter 6.