Chapter 6: compatibility with no hesitation

Note: For fun Character Images, Search on YouTube: Zombie Player and the Regressed Heroine: A Reality Awaits Septmber2024

Chapter 6: compatibility with no hesitation

The common room, once a place of casual gatherings and late-night study sessions, had taken on an entirely new atmosphere. The makeshift barricades cast long shadows in the dim light, the air thick with tension and the lingering scent of fear. Outside, the distant moans of the undead served as a constant reminder of the danger that lurked just beyond their fragile sanctuary.

Aeon leaned against the wall, his thoughts racing as he replayed the events of the past hour. Layla's behavior, her cryptic words, and the way she had handled herself during the fight—it all pointed to something more, something she wasn't ready to share. But Aeon was patient, knowing that pushing too hard could make her retreat further into herself.

He glanced over at her now, sitting on one of the couches with her sword resting beside her. She seemed lost in thought, her expression betraying nothing of the turmoil that must have been churning beneath the surface. Aria and Ali were nearby, speaking in hushed tones, their eyes occasionally darting toward Layla as if they, too, were grappling with the reality of what they had witnessed.

Aeon decided to give her some space, at least for now. He turned his attention to the room itself, searching for anything that could be of use. They had to be prepared for the possibility that their temporary refuge might not hold. There were a few heavy tables, some chairs, and a half-empty vending machine in the corner. It wasn't much, but it would have to do for now.

"We need to figure out a plan," Aeon said, his voice breaking the silence. "We can't stay here forever."

Aria nodded, her hands trembling slightly as she hugged herself. "What if there are more of them? We barely made it through that last wave."

"There will be more," Layla said quietly, her eyes focused on the floor. "They'll keep coming until there's nothing left to stop them."

Ali frowned, his usual carefree demeanor replaced by a somber seriousness. "But why? Why is this happening?"

Layla hesitated, clearly struggling with how much to reveal. Aeon noticed the subtle shift in her posture, the way her fingers tightened around the hilt of her sword. She was on edge, her guard up, and it was clear she was wrestling with what to say.

The room's tension was palpable, a heavy silence that settled over the group as they tried to make sense of what had just happened. Aeon exchanged a glance with Aria, who looked as if she wanted to press Layla for more details. But before she could speak, Layla held up a hand, her expression sharp.

"Shhhh," Layla hissed, her eyes narrowing as she turned her head toward the barricaded door. Everyone froze, their breaths catching in their throats. A few seconds later, the sound of something heavy slamming against the door reverberated through the room, making the walls shudder. The group instinctively tensed, readying themselves for another wave of zombies. But Layla's next words made them pause.

"That's not zombies," Layla said, her voice low but certain. "It's humans. And before anyone gets any ideas—don't trust them."

Aeon frowned, his mind racing. He trusted Layla's instincts, but there was something unnerving about the way she knew things before anyone else did. Still, there was no time to dwell on it. The others looked at him for guidance, uncertainty flickering in their eyes.

"Humans?" Ali whispered, as if he couldn't quite believe it.

Layla didn't bother to respond, her attention focused solely on the door. Aeon could see her calculating, weighing their options. There was a brief moment of hesitation among the group, but that hesitation was shattered when familiar voices filtered through the heavy wood.

"Luna? Is that you in there?" The voice was strained, filled with a mix of desperation and fear.

Aria's eyes widened. "That's Professor Alex and Nadia! They're with Luna and Amelia!"

Aeon saw the conflict in their expressions. The fear of the unknown was battling against the relief of hearing familiar voices. But Layla's warning lingered in the air like a shadow.

"We have to open it," Aria whispered, her voice trembling.

Layla's jaw tightened, but she didn't protest as the group slowly moved to remove the barricade. Aeon caught her gaze, the unspoken question in her eyes clear. Did he trust her? Did he believe that these newcomers posed a threat? He gave her a slight nod, indicating that he understood, even if the others didn't.

The door creaked open, and Luna, Amelia, Professor Alex, and Nadia stumbled inside, their faces etched with exhaustion and fear. But they weren't alone. Three others, strangers to the group, followed closely behind—a woman and two men who exuded an unsettling air of authority. The newcomers scanned the room, their gazes lingering on the women with an almost predatory interest.

Aeon's eyes narrowed as he observed them. Something was off. The way they moved, the way they seemed too calm despite the chaos outside. But it was their subtle, almost imperceptible glances that set off alarm bells in his mind.

"Thank god we found you," Luna gasped, her eyes wide with relief. "We were starting to lose hope."

Professor Alex looked around the room, his expression one of exhaustion but also something else—something that Aeon couldn't quite place. "We need to stick together if we're going to survive this."

The woman among the newcomers, with a sickly sweet smile, sidled up to Aeon, her hand resting lightly on his arm. "And you, handsome, don't you think we'd make a great team?"

Aeon forced a smile, his mind racing. This wasn't just a chance encounter. The way the two men were eyeing Aria and Layla, the woman's blatant attempt to seduce him—this was calculated.

But before he could react, Layla stepped forward, her presence commanding attention. "You're not fooling anyone," she said coldly, her eyes locking onto the two men. "I know what you are."

The room fell into a stunned silence. The woman's smile faltered, her grip on Aeon tightening. "What are you talking about?"

Layla's gaze didn't waver. "You're infected. Hiding it. How long have you been like this? A day? Maybe more?"

The two men exchanged a glance, their expressions hardening. The room tensed, everyone realizing the gravity of the situation. The woman beside Aeon tried to play it off, her voice wavering slightly. "She's lying. We're not—"

But Aeon was already moving. Without a word, he approached one of the men, a slow, almost casual stride that belied the tension in the air. The man sneered, but before he could react, Aeon struck. His hand moved in a blur, the knife he had concealed plunging into the man's neck with swift precision.

The man's eyes widened in shock, his hands clawing at his throat as he staggered backward. Aeon watched him coldly, his expression unreadable as he spoke, his voice low and dangerous. "Infected with no hope."

At the same moment, Layla moved like a shadow, her sword flashing through the air as she slashed at the other infected man's neck. The two infected men crumpled to the ground almost simultaneously, their deaths eerily synchronized. The fluidity of their movements, the way their actions intertwined, left the room in stunned silence.

The woman who had been trying to seduce Aeon froze, her eyes wide with terror. She began to beg, her voice trembling. "Please…don't kill me. I'm not like them—I'm not infected!"

Aeon studied her for a moment, his gaze piercing. Then he glanced at Layla, a smile of understanding playing on his lips. "Don't worry," he said calmly, "you might be a little evil, but you're not infected. Isn't that right, Layla?"

Layla's eyes flicked to Aeon, a hint of surprise in her usually composed expression. She had expected hesitation, reluctance from him—but instead, he had followed through without a moment's doubt. She gave a small nod, her voice as cold as ice. "Indeed. She'll be useful as a meat shield in case of emergency."

The woman's face drained of color, but she didn't dare protest. The room remained tense, the reality of what had just transpired sinking in. The others, still reeling from the sudden violence, looked to Aeon and Layla with a mix of awe and fear. 

Aeon turned away from the woman, his thoughts already moving to the next step. He could feel the weight of everyone's gaze on him, but he didn't care. His only concern was survival—and Layla. Whatever secrets she held, whatever past had shaped her into this enigmatic figure, he was determined to uncover it all.

But for now, they had to keep moving. The world outside was growing more dangerous by the minute, and trust was a luxury they couldn't afford. As he and Layla exchanged another glance, a silent understanding passed between them. In this new reality, they were each other's only allies.

And together, they would survive.