Chapter 7: The Burden of Knowledge

Note: For fun Character Images, Search on YouTube: Zombie Player and the Regressed Heroine: A Reality Awaits Septmber2024

Chapter 7: The Burden of Knowledge

The aftermath of the confrontation with the infected intruders left the room in a heavy silence, the kind that clung to the air and weighed on the hearts of those present. The shock of the sudden violence, the rapid execution of the infected, and the cold efficiency with which Aeon and Layla had acted lingered like a dark cloud over the group. The bodies of the two men lay lifeless on the floor, their deaths a grim reminder of the danger that lurked not only outside but within the walls they thought would protect them.

The tension was palpable, and everyone seemed to be walking on eggshells. Claire, the woman who had been trying to seduce Aeon, stood trembling, her face pale with fear and regret. Nadia's usual playful attitude was gone, and Luna, Amelia, Professor Alex, Aria, and Ali huddled together, their eyes darting between Aeon and Layla as if trying to reconcile the brutal reality they had just witnessed with the people they thought they knew.

Aeon, however, paid them little mind. His thoughts were elsewhere, turning over the events in his head, trying to piece together the puzzle that Layla represented. The others looked to her for guidance, sensing her authority and calm under pressure. Yet Aeon knew there was more to her than met the eye—much more.

As they made their way out of the room, leaving behind the lifeless bodies, the atmosphere inside the dimly lit hallway grew heavier. The groans of distant zombies echoed faintly in the background, a grim reminder of the ever-present threat. Layla walked ahead, her movements swift and purposeful, while Aeon fell into step beside her, his mind racing.

He hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words. The eerie sounds of the infected in the distance sent a shiver down his spine, but it also brought something to the forefront of his mind. Aeon recalled something from before the outbreak, something that seemed almost ironic now. A few months ago, he had created a zombie VR game. The game was just a fun project, a way to explore "what if" scenarios in a safe, virtual environment. But the more Aeon thought about it, the more he realized just how much the game and their current reality mirrored each other. The layout of the campus, the behavior of the zombies, even the strategic decisions—everything felt like he had experienced it before. But how could that be possible?

He needed answers, and only one person could help him get closer to the truth.

"Layla," Aeon whispered, his voice low enough that the others wouldn't hear.

Layla didn't turn her head, but he could see the slight tilt of her ear—she was listening. "What is it?" she replied, her tone as calm and controlled as ever.

"I've been thinking about our situation," Aeon began, choosing his words carefully. "If we want to survive, we need to find a place with supplies—food, water, maybe even some weapons."

Layla's pace didn't falter, but there was a subtle shift in her posture, as if she were more alert now. "Do you have a place in mind?"

"I might," Aeon replied cautiously. "There's an area within the university—an old storage room near the engineering building. It's secluded and was used for storing equipment. If it's still intact, it might have what we need. It's worth checking out."

Layla glanced at him briefly, her eyes narrowing. "You're sure about this place?"

Aeon nodded. "Not completely, but it's our best shot right now. We don't have many options."

Layla was silent for a few moments, processing his suggestion. Then she gave a small nod. "Alright. We'll follow your lead, but we won't risk everyone if it's too dangerous. If things look bad, we pull back. Understood?"

"Understood," Aeon agreed, grateful for her trust—however tentative it might be. They continued on in silence, the rest of the group unaware of the conversation that had just taken place. Aeon's mind raced with possibilities. If this location matched what he remembered from the game, it would confirm that his knowledge might be their key to survival. But it also raised more questions—how did the game come to mirror reality? And why?

As they moved cautiously through the corridors, their footsteps echoing softly, Aeon's heart pounded in his chest, not from fear but from anticipation. This was it—the moment of truth. If the storage room was as he remembered, then everything he suspected would be confirmed.

Finally, they reached the engineering building. The faint sounds of shuffling feet and low groans echoed through the hallways. Aeon signaled for the group to move quietly, and they obeyed, their nerves clearly on edge. The building loomed ahead, its entrance dark and uninviting, but Aeon was sure this was their best option. 

As they approached the door to the storage room, Nadia moved ahead, her hand reaching for the handle. Aeon's heart skipped a beat as a memory from the game flashed in his mind—a similar situation where opening a door without caution led to a deadly encounter.

"Wait!" Aeon hissed urgently, grabbing Nadia's arm just before she could open the door. Everyone froze, their eyes darting to Aeon in surprise.

"What is it?" Nadia asked, her voice trembling slightly.

"There are zombies inside," Aeon whispered, his voice tense.

"How do you know that?" Aria asked, her brow furrowed, while the others looked confused. Layla observed silently, her gaze fixed on Aeon.

"I think we need to be prepared before we go in anyway," Aeon said, avoiding the question.

"Right, better be safe than sorry later," Layla said coolly although wary.

The group exchanged nervous glances, but there was no time for more talk. Aeon's urgency was enough to convince them. Layla immediately took charge, motioning for everyone to ready their weapons. Aeon reached inside his jacket, his fingers brushing against the handle of the knife he had hidden there, but he decided to keep it concealed for now, instead gripping the baseball bat in his other hand.

"On my count," Layla instructed, her voice low and commanding. "Three… two… one…"

With a swift motion, Layla pushed the door open, revealing the dimly lit interior of the storage room. Just as Aeon had warned, several zombies lurked inside, their grotesque forms shuffling aimlessly among the shelves and crates.

The group sprang into action. Layla was the first to engage, her sword slicing through the air with deadly precision. Aeon followed closely, swinging his bat at the nearest zombie with all his strength. The others quickly joined in, using the weapons they had scavenged earlier.

The fight was brutal and swift. Layla's sword cut down two zombies with ease, while Aeon managed to take out one with a well-placed strike to the head. The rest of the group worked together, dispatching the remaining zombies with a mixture of fear and determination.

When the last of the undead fell, a heavy silence settled over the room once more. The group was breathing hard, their eyes wide with the realization of just how close they had come to disaster.

Nadia, still clutching her weapon, looked at Aeon with a mix of gratitude and suspicion. "How did you know…?"

Aeon forced a smile, trying to play it off. "Lucky guess," he said with a shrug, though he could feel Layla's eyes boring into him, her suspicion growing.

"You know, in movies, moments like this—after opening the door..." Aeon began, his voice trailing off.

"Let's not dwell on it," Layla interrupted, her tone brisk. "We need to secure this room and gather whatever supplies we can find. Stay sharp."

The group moved quickly, searching the room for anything useful. They found a few crates of canned food, bottles of water, and a small stash of weapons. Among the supplies were several bows, a few bowguns, and a quiver of arrows. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing.

As Aeon picked up a bow and examined it, his mind was already working through the next steps. This storage room had been just as he remembered from the game, down to the number of zombies inside. But what did that mean? And how could he use this knowledge to keep them all alive?


As the group gathered their supplies in the dimly lit storage room, Layla's gaze remained fixed on Aeon. The air was thick with tension, a palpable charge that seemed to electrify the space. The others busied themselves with collecting what they could, their movements a blend of anxiety and determination. Nadia, still shaken from the earlier confrontation, clutched her weapon tightly, her eyes darting nervously from shadow to shadow. Luna exchanged worried glances with Amelia, who was trying to stay calm but was clearly on edge. Professor Alex and Aria, meanwhile, appeared more focused on their surroundings, their expressions a mix of fear and frustration.

Layla, however, was focused solely on Aeon. Her eyes narrowed as she stepped closer, her voice dropping to a low, intense whisper. "You're a regressor, aren't you?"

Aeon's heart skipped a beat. He glanced around quickly, ensuring the rest of the group was absorbed in their tasks. His gaze returned to Layla, his expression a mix of guarded curiosity and hidden tension. "That's a bold accusation. What makes you so sure?"

Layla's eyes were unyielding, her voice barely more than a whisper. "In my fifth regression, there were moments when people acted like they knew things they shouldn't. Like you—moving with purpose, knowing where to go. It's not just coincidence. How else would you explain it?"

Aeon's lips curved into a faint, mocking smile. "So, you admit to being a regressor yourself. It seems you've been through this cycle quite a few times."

Layla's eyes flashed with irritation, but she kept her voice steady. "Don't play games with me. I'm not interested in your theatrics. The fact that you knew about this storage room before we even got here—it's not a coincidence. So, either you're a regressor or you're hiding something."

Aeon leaned in slightly, his voice low and urgent. "I'm not a regressor, but I've discovered something about you. It's not about guessing—it's about understanding. Your actions, your knowledge... they're not just random."

Layla's grip tightened on her katana, her frustration evident. "What exactly have you discovered? If you know something, spill it."

Aeon took a deep breath, his mind racing. "It's hard to explain, but from what I've seen and pieced together, your knowledge of this world goes beyond mere survival. It's as if you've experienced this before, in a way that's almost premonitory. You're connected to something deeper, something that seems to transcend our current reality."

Layla's eyes narrowed further, her anger mixing with a growing sense of urgency. "And why should I believe you? What makes you think you've got it all figured out?"

Aeon's voice remained steady, but his eyes were intense. "Because if you've experienced this world multiple times, then you must understand the stakes. If my knowledge of this world can help you survive, then it's in both our interests to figure this out together."

In the background, Aria, who had been close to the conversation but trying to stay out of it, caught the tail end of the discussion. Her eyes widened slightly at the mention of "regression," but she quickly turned her attention back to organizing their supplies, her face a mask of curiosity and concern.

The rest of the group continued to work, their emotions a tangled mix of jealousy, nervousness, and worry. Nadia's hands shook as she sorted through the supplies, clearly rattled by the conversation she overheard. Luna shot anxious glances at Layla and Aeon, her usual playful demeanor replaced by an edge of fear. Amelia and Professor Alex exchanged whispered comments, their expressions reflecting their apprehension about the intense conversation unfolding before them.

Layla took a step back, her eyes never leaving Aeon. "You're not making any sense. If you're not a regressor, then what are you? And why should I trust your assessment of my situation?"

Aeon's gaze was unwavering, his voice firm. "Trust isn't something I'm asking for. I'm offering an opportunity to collaborate. You know more about this world than anyone else. I have information that could be crucial for both of us. If we want to survive, we need to work together, not tear each other apart."

Layla considered his words, her expression a mix of skepticism and contemplation. Finally, she nodded slowly. "Fine. We'll keep this between us for now. But if you're hiding something, I'll find out."

Aeon nodded in agreement. "Understood. Let's focus on getting out of here and surviving. We can sort out the details later."

As they prepared to leave the storage room, the group's tension remained high, their collective unease a stark reminder of the dangers they faced. Aeon and Layla, despite their uneasy alliance, knew that their survival depended on navigating not only the threats outside but also the complex dynamics within their group. The university's maze of danger was far from over, and every step forward brought new challenges and revelations.