Breaking the Taboo.

~"You were too weak to protect what you wanted to defend."~The Voice continued.~"Now you are left with regrets. Tell me now, will you grow after tragedy or continue to stand still as you did for countless millennia?"


~"You can gain enough power to shatter this pitful world. You know that. The decision is yours."

Silence returned as all people but elites have fallen unconscious, unable to withstand the pressure of ancient Aeon. Most of the Hold's people were rushing over, but this didn't matter now.

I took out Stellarons, which were infused with the Abundance I had gathered on Loufu. Unsealing them, I called out to one speaking before.

-"Long, you won. I don't care about my body. Just give me enough power to change what had happened."

~"You finally come to accept your birthright. From now on, you are the Permanence."

A giant dragon manifested in the sky. Long was big enough to swallow Earth in one bite, but his image quickly dissipated into motes of light that flowed to my side.

Trying to sustain a balance in my body between Abundance and Permanence by absorbing Stellarons, Long's power started filling me. The world started breaking. Both forces that just opposed me were trying everything to contain this power.

My body slowly started braking, fine fissures appearing everywhere. I focused on trying to repair those with the power of Abundance while my spirit was undergoing change. It's lost its human shape, taking the form of a dragon, slowly growing in size.

Memories of Long's travels through the universe started appearing in my mind. Just as I was about to be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of time Long has lived, the [Scroll of Mastery] appeared in my hand to save me. It sealed the remaining part of his remembrance into [Grand Library]. 

I felt a change in the nature of my existence, coming to the brink of ascending into Aeonhood. I used the remaining power from Stellarons to stop this from happening, keeping me as Yue.

This was not a lasting solution. Because of the imbalance between my body and spirit, sooner or later, my spirit will ascend. The only possibility for me not to become Permanence is to balance it again.

Right now, my body was slowly breaking apart. It will not be able to withstand this power for a long time, which will shorten every time I use it.

Planning my next actions, I Opened my eyes and looked up to the sky. 

~"If you oppose me once again, I'll make sure you won't be able to do it a third time."

This was my first time using soul language. Before, my spirit couldn't manifest powers from those words. Now, it was as natural as normal speech.

Those words echoed around the globe. There was no answer to them, but silence was a tacit agreement. I turned my head to Fu Xuan, whom I held in my arms. 

I used my whole strength to turn back time. Using Finality, I returned Fu Xuan to the state before the spear hit. Now, fusing Permanence and Finality, I forced a future where she survives to be the only one possible.

She slowly opened her eyes, looking confused, until memories of dying resurfaced. She then looked at me, quickly realizing that I saved her. She was about to speak, but I had no time.

Letting her stand, I quickly disappeared, teleporting into Chaos. The moment I arrived, a sudden surge of force confined me to one place. I committed a Taboo. It was time to pay for it.

I studied Chaos in my free time, learning the basics of many Laws in existence, but this was my first time understanding the true meaning of Chaos.

At first, the concept of weight disappeared. Heavy and light lost their meaning, and the next moment, flame surrounded me, but it was flowing, behaving like water would. Creatures living in death started attacking me, but every wound I inflicted on them was reflected on me.

Everything started losing its properties, mixing and creating amalgamations. Rules twisted in ways eluding understanding, and I inside was the victim of this. My existence was redefined countless times, changing along with the Laws.

Not knowing how much, if even any, time passed. I slowly regained the feeling of self while floating surrounded by nothingness. I directly teleported to hold, where three girls were sitting on thrones, faces full of worry.

My sudden arrival surprised them, but they quickly rushed to me.

-"Yue, are you all right?! You disappeared so suddenly! Everybody was worried."-Elysia jumped at me, hugging me like a koala.

-"Sorry for that. There was no other choice, and every second mattered."

-"Don't ever do anything similar to what you have done this time."

-"Yes, I heard that you incurred punishment from the Laws of the world. Even gods fear them, yet you faced them without thinking."

-"Ningguang, Astraea."

-"Good to see you back, Yue."

-"Is everything all right?"

-"Sigh... I can't lie and say it is. I have to leave the Hold in your hands for some time."

-"Yue, you better explain what's going on."

-"My current situation is unstable, and I have to do something in my world to resolve it."

-"What is that something?"

-"I have to go hunting."

Ningguang and Astraea looked at each other and shook their heads.

-"Yue, promise me after you return, you will sit with us and explain what happened."

-"I will."

-"Then go, but be ready for scolding when you return."

I returned to my world, taking out something I traded with Kafka long ago. Inside this small chip was the location of Yaoshi.

To solve my trouble, I have to gain enough power of Abundance to once again balance my body and spirit. My spirit was now Aeon, so I must turn my body into one. 

Achieving it won't be easy. I had to get assistance from someone capable of fighting Aeon. My best bet would be to gain assistance from other Aeons, and I had just the right person in mind.

I traveled to a shattered star system, enveloped in flames that screamed one word Destruction. I approached the center and called to a being that could be seen there.

-"Nanook, I want your help."

~"Hmm? It's you, Yue. Finally decided to join my path?"

-"Not exactly. I have to gain the power of Abundance, and as you are aware, THEY and I do not see eye to eye."

~"I see, So Long is no more. I'm happy that you don't want to become Permanence, as its nature is against me."

-"I also don't want to become Long."

~"I'll help you, but you have to pay a price, of course."

-"What do you want from me?"

~"You will heal my wound"

-"No problem."

~"Then we have a deal. When are we going?"

-"Now, just get Lan's help on the way."

~"Then let's go. I know where THEY are."

I moved with Nanook toward Lan. Even though THEY are the Destruction, THEY are not crazed maniacs. Most people can't understand the idea of seeking Destruction and make those following it into a boogeyman.

We traveled for a few days, talking along the way. Finding Lan was not hard. THEY always left a trail of decimation in their wake. Thinking about it, he also fits the Destruction quite well.

~"Lan, wait a moment."

~"Nanook? What are you seeking me for?"

-"It's me who seeks the Hunt."

~"Yue? Long time no see. I heard that you eliminated abominations from those little hunters who follow me."

-"Yes, I hope you don't mind them coming under me."

~"No need to worry. Hunter does not need an army, bow is enough."

-"I'm seeking you to help me solve Abundance."

~"You plan to kill Yaoshi? I thought you didn't want to have anything to deal with THEM." 

-"I don't, but the situation changed."

~"Ah, I see. So you are now the Permanence."

~"He is not, and he doesn't want to be."

-"I want to absorb Abundance, similarly to how I absorbed Long."

~"I see, to the end, you want to walk your own path. I admire that. Count me in."

-"Thank you Lan"

~"Haha. No need for such formalities. It was so long since we hunted last time, fox."


~"Just promise me never to become the same as Yaoshi. I don't want to Hunt you next." 

-"I won't. I hate her as much as you do."

~"Then let's set off. do you know where THEY are?"

-"Yes, I'll take us there."

We rushed to one of the frontier regions. There, on one planet, we could see a giant tree. This was enough to prove that Yaoshi was here.

Lan was first to take action, drawing his bow and striking the planet, destroying it in one shot and unraveling Yaoshi, who was inside of it. They immediately tried to run away, only to be stopped by Nanook. Three Aeons started their fight, turning the entire region into a battlefield.

I also moved. The power of Yaoshi is not in THEIR combat strength but in THEIR ability to survive. Aeon of Abundance is like a pest or weed. You have to destroy every last part of TEHM to kill.

Taking out Stellarons that were given to me by Nanook, I used them to absorb every source of Abundance in the surroundings. It was a tedious job, as not only did Abundance infect every living being that was here, but it was also most of them treated it as a blessing.

Fighting tooth and nail from depriving them of this false immortality. After draining yet another planet of plaguemark, I stopped to see countless victims of my actions.

I hated Long and Yaoshi for their disregard for the consequences of thier actions. This was also the reason for distancing myself from other Aeons, even though we often shared a friendship from before their ascension.

Now, after making the decision that resulted in the decimation of many races believing in Abundance, I became what I hated the most.

Deciding not to linger, I continued cleaning traces of Yaoshi. As THEY were giving power left and right for a long time, after a week of work, I filled over five hundred Stellarons with Abundance. This was enough to offset around three percent of my current spirit power.

Seeing that the only viable way was to absorb Yaoshi, I returned to the battlefront.

There, Lan is currently overpowering Yaoshi, constantly destroying her form only for it to regenerate. Nanook was still containing everything with fire and brimstone.

Seeing my arrival, Nanook spoke to me.

~"Did everything work as planned?"

-"Partly, the method to counteract Permanence with Abundance is working. But I underestimated the strength of my spirit. If I were to absorb plaugemarks from planets, it would take years to reach balance again. Possibly longer as Abundance is sparse aside from this place."

~"Years are not too long, but your body won't be able to last that long. So what is your backup plan?"

-"Go to the source. I will use Voracity to absorb Yaoshi."

~"Voracity, huh... I will stand by you, but Qilpoth and Xipe won't approve of this."

-"I don't need THEIR approval. I know that it's not ideal, but I don't have any other way. Sigh..."

~"It would seem that your ascension is drawing near. Even your mentality is finally becoming that of Aeon."

-"I'm not happy about that. Never mind, what's done is done."

We moved to where Lan was. Nanook told THEM about our next plan. THEY both used their paths to seal Yaoshi in place. Meanwhile, I manifested my spirit, sustaining my body with Stellarons.

Soon, a dragon spanning over the whole star system appeared. It flew toward Yaoshi and swallowed THEM in one bite. Using the path of Voracity, I started assimilating Abundance into my body.

-"Monster, created to perfectly match the concept of endless life, now brings a death to both of its creators."

~"Aeon of Irony would be fitting for you."

-"I would rather die than become something so closely related to Aha."

~"Haha... Aha would cry if THEY heard this."

-"We both know that THEY would continue laughing."

~"How are you holding up?"

-"Not bad. To fully absorb THEM, I need a week or two."

~"Another Aeon fallen."

-"What will you form now on Lan? Your hunt finally succeded."

~"I will find a new target somewhere."

-"The Hunt must go on."


Time passed slowly. My body was growing stronger, becoming equal to my spirit. No longer afraid of becoming either Abundance or Permanence, I could live my life as Yue.

After the fall of Yaoshi, the path of Abundance won't cease to exist. Lan left to finish every last plaugemark that exists. Nanook also returned to his matters after confirming that I was all right.

Now that I returned balance to my existence, I could use both powers to a greater extent. Soul language is only a small part of the abilities I received. I could grant blessings similar to Yaoshi, but with the addition of Permanence, those blessed won't be afflicted with Mara.

However, this was not true immortality, as there are limits to what power the spirit can contain. A thousand years is a limit for a normal person, but by training your willpower, you can extend your lifespan beyond this boundary. False immortality, as strong as your will to continue existing, is something in line with my convictions.

Other major abilities included manifesting my spirit like I had done before. Healing and giving life to objects. My body also could morph into bestial forms, to be better suited for combat. I decided to test this by taking one of those shapes. 

Turning into a mist, the next moment, my form became that of a small fox. I had white fur with a slight purple hue. Nine tails swayed behind me as I moved. Knowing that this form would steal the hearts of girls in Hold, I decided to return in it.

Teleporting back, I appeared in the white villa. I wandered around, seeing from time to time a familiar face working on some projects or talking with others. Moving toward the Hold, the first person to notice me and approach me was Felis. 

She was a member of Fire Moth, who acted more as a mascot than an actual combatant. She has cat-like characteristics and the curiosity of a stray. Picking me up, she started petting me.

-"What a cute little fox! From now on, you are my companion. I'll take care of you."

She placed me on her head and started running around, introducing me as Shiro, a name she picked because of my color. It was my first time seeing Hold's city housing area. Many people lived there, and most recognized Felis, who often helped around for some treats.

The once-empty field was now a bustling city. Shops opened on every corner, children playing in parks. Seeing what we all achieved in half a year, I felt blessed to become part of Hold. My self-proclaimed companion traveled around until she ran into Elysia, who was shopping around.

-"Elysia! Look what cute thing I found!"

-"Wow! Give him to me!"

Being treated as a toy was a little uncomfortable, so I decided to speak, but not having proper vocal cords it proved impossible. Improvising, I spoke soul language, as it's spoken with spirit, to simulate how Aeons communicate.

~"Ehem. Elysia, would you mind calming down a little."


~"It's me, Yue."

-"Where are you? Everyone is looking for you."

~"You are holding me."

-"Eh? Shiro? You mean that that you are Shiro!"

~"Yes. Long time no see, Elysia."