Taking advantage of the situation.

The [Hearth of Hold] started to provide Laws into my world, and soon, a complete set of rules existed inside. Some were things I understood, but most were still foreign to me, and therefore, I could only barely influence them here.

Because of all those Laws, my world became chaotic, almost indistinguishable from Chaos outside. As this was happening, my strength also grew, jumping multiple Cultivation realms with no bottleneck in sight.

It only stopped when my world was capable of holding the universe inside, making me World King by Cultivation world's definition, skipping four whole Cultivation realms.

When everything stabilized, the [Hearth of Hold] did one last thing. It separated part of my world, creating a World Buble or Realm inside. Inside, the ground was created with a starry sky forming above, and by this point, I recognized this place.

Whole Hold manifested inside my world, and everyone inside soon also appeared. The sudden change caused a commotion there, with all members of the Hold trying to understand what had happened.

Ena and Xipe were the first to understand what the Tree truly was, followed quickly by Astreae, who explained that this was me to others and started to control the situation.

I was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief when [Hearth of Hold] stopped acting, becoming dormant in the sealed room once again. I started checking the changes that my breakthrough brought to me.

First was that Hold became part of me, but I don't have full control over it, as [Hearth of Hold] and I entered a symbiotic relationship, with me providing energy to it, and in exchange, it helps me grow.

The next change was that my abilities became assimilated, coming closer to forming my own Path, yet still a few steps away. Only Dragon and Deer of Permanende and Abundance were not absorbed, as they are Paths already.

My aura became like nature, blending into the surroundings, tranquil and pristine, but could rise like a hurricane when used. After all, nothing is more dangerous than the anger of a gentle nature, especially if it manifests as a storm in the night with no moon.

The last major change was my race. World Spirits are beings that could mobilize the powers of the world they are part of. An example of that would be Gaia from Nobu's world, but it was only the Spirit of one planet, not the whole world.

My body was my world itself, while my spirit was the Tree. Me that others would see will be an embodiment of my soul. Thanks to that, I can now manifest myself inside my world independently from the outside, making it possible to appear in multiple places at one time.

I created my image in Hold near where Astraea and Ningguang were. They commanded members of Hold to calm down people in the city and tried to get more information about the situation.

-"Sorry for the commotion."

-"Yue, you have some explaining to do."

I told them about Cultivation and how Terminus took me and Elysia there while effectively stopping time in Hold. Both Astraea and Ningguang were rather unhappy about being left out, but knowing it was Terminus' decision, they knew there was nothing we could do.

-"So that Tree is you?"

-"Yes. Now it will be impossible for me to leave Hold, or rather for it to leave me."


-"Will that change have a great influence on you?"

-"I'm now Spirit."


-"Hmm? Does that make a difference? Isn't this just a race?

-"Ninggunag, Spirits are being comparable to gods in identity. Some consider them even more holy, such as elves."

-"Why so? Aren't gods the Laws in physical form?"

-"And Spirits are beings that combine soul and Law, no need for spirit or body to muddle the essence."

-"Yup, most Spirits don't possess will. They simply do what the Law they personify represents. Fire Spirits burn, Water Spirits flood, etc."

-"Then how can you still be you?"

-"Because my soul is not as pure as theirs, I placed everything I was in it, while body and spirit become this world. Hmm... If I'm to compare it to something, think of me as a Dryad or Nymph, who are often mistaken for Spirits."

-"Yue's comparison is good. Many mistake such beings for Spirits, but those are Spiritual Beings. They are born from soul and spirit, not soul and Law."

-"Yes, Nymphs are also bound to a tree or other plant. It acts as their body, but they are independent from each other. That Tree and the entire world are similar to me. Those are parts of me, but independent at the same time."

-"But won't that make you a Spiritual Being?"

-"No, because they are Laws. Worlds are created by Laws, and Tree is also a just world in another form. This Tree is equivalent of the Imaginary Tree from my world. World Bubbles grow on it, but it is also part of the world it creates."

-"So, Hold now is located on the Tree that is in a Hold?"

-"Yes, the Tree grows in the world, the world is the Tree, and both are me, who can manifest independently from them. Got it?"

-"OK, I can imagine it now. So what are we to do now?"

-"Calm down the people. Try to consult Loki and Yae to make plans on how to inform people of the change."

-"We called them already."

-"Ena and Xipe are also waiting for us."

-"Let's go then. We can't let unrest continue."

When on the inside, I was talking with girls about what had happened, outside in Chaos, I rose from my meditation and approached Terminus.

-"Something unexpected occurred, but everything ended well."

~"I can feel it. It seems that Hold indeed provided you with an unexpected opportunity."

-"Yes, my future definitely changed in this moment."

~"I'll also have to modify plans for hereafter."

-"What now?"

~"You have to comprehend Laws and strengthen yourself further."

-"Then I'll stay in Sect for a while longer, you won't mind, Divine Dream?"

-"No, you are always welcome in Divine Dream Heavenly Palace."

-"Would you mind me inviting some more people there."

-"If they follow the rules. I won't make more exceptions."

-"Don't worry about that."

~"Yue, I'll come to you later to discuss some ideas for our plans."

-"Good, thank you for your help."

Terminus nodded and disappeared. I turned to Divine Dream, who looked at me with eyes that wanted to unearth my secrets.

-"If you have some questions, just ask them."

-"Well... Are you The Heavenly Dao of a world created just now?"


-"Can you tell me how that happened?"

-"I'll tell you on our way back."

I took Divine Dream back while explaining things about Hold and details of my origin. She was surprised by how my birth world worked. She asked some questions about things that interested her, especially on Path of Remembrance and Enigmata.

-"If you are interested in those Paths, I can teach you some things. In Hold, there is one person who pursues Remembrance. I'll invite her afte situation there stabilizes."

-"Thank you."

In Sect, Elders were on high alert, as the appearance of Tree over the world caused panic among many. Especially Sprites who were attuned to nature sang songs in praise of the birth of the True Spirit.

When I returned there, they surrounded me enthusiastically. As the intelligence of the average Sprite is similar to young child, they started frolicking around, calling me Spirit Emperor.

I tried to extricate myself from the crowd of small figures under the amused gaze of people around. Shaking off all those who climbed into my tails, I was finally able to escape. Deciding to spare myself more problems, I turned into the Fox.

~"Would you mind lending me your shoulder?"


~"Sorry, I was too intimate."

-"No, you can... Just, I'm not used to close contact."

~"Thank you then."

I jumped onto Divine Dream's shoulder, and we continued to talk while she walked through Sect.

~"It would seem that my breakthrough caused some trouble."

-"Yes, some probably understood that a new world was born, and they will try to capture it for themselves."

~"They can't do much to me, but if they attack you to make me show up, it will get ugly quickly."

-"I'll recall Disciples back."

~"Good idea. I would like to get some materials to Cultivate Knights of Hold."

-"I can provide some, but you'll have to repay me."


-"Techniques and knowledge you have."

~"I don't mind. What's more, I invite you to join us directly."

-"While I believe you, I don't know the internal situation of the Hold, nor the people next to you. I will disagree for now."

~"Take your time. I'll take my Guards to join the Sect, you won't mind?"

-"I'll give you the right to recruit under the condition of passing five tests and following rules."

~"Thank you. I promise to act in the interest of Sect with that privilege."

-"I'll believe you. How do you plan to act from now on?"

~"Let's wait for now. If somebody acts against us, we will respond."


We planned some countermeasures, but soon, the subject of our talk turned to Cultivation. I started instructing Divine Dream about the Path of Remembrance as we lost the feeling of time.

In Hold, Loki and Yae made a plan for how to take advantage of the situation. Yae went to the city to announce my 'ascension' as the 'True Spirit' of the world.

Loki meanwhile started commanding some people to create rumors about Spirits, to paint them as creatures beyond good and evil that even gods consider holy. This was embellished, of course, but they are trying to make my change something similar to an acknowledgment of our actions from the world.

They decided to tell a story of how I saved Terra and the people there as the reason for what had happened. Yae also noted that many people in Hold already held beliefs in me, and by establishing me as a 'Spirit chosen by the world', we can finally create the core of Hold culture.

In Yae's words: 'Establish nature as the main element connecting all worlds'. She was troubled that every world's culture and traditions were similar, yet different enough that it was hard to mix them together.

While cultural differences are good, for an Empire that pursues expansion, they are hidden dangers if dissatisfaction arises. We are in need of a unifying culture that is understandable to both children and elders.

The idea of the Five Principles speaks to a few who are idealists, but the idea of being at the mercy of nature is much easier to understand. Yae wants the image of Hold to be a 'force that acts in the interest of both nature and people, helping humans escape nature's wrath while preserving nature from human destruction'.

That purpose is something that will define Hold for people, similar to how Christianity defined kingdoms in parts of Nobu's world or worship of immortals as guardians, which is the core of Liyue's culture. A simple idea of why Hold is good: 'because it Hold was chosen by nature'.

Leaving this matter in their capable hands, I meanwhile returned to Inner Palace, where all girls close to me, be it in relationship or Guards, were waiting for me, with the exception of Elyisa and Nobu, as they hadn't returned yet.

-"Now, explain why we haven't been informed about your excursion to a different world?"-Ningguang started my trial.

-"Will you believe that I simply hadn't thought Terminus would take me so quickly."

-"I must say that is a rather weak defense."

-"Well, I can't defend myself much, can I?"

-"You indeed can't."

-"Then I plea no contest."

-"Supervised probation."

-"I'll follow your will."

-"Now tell us what you have gone through in this half year, with details."

I narrated to them about my life in Sect. Explained about Cultivation and my role as Protector. My Guards were interested in a world where they could gain strength beyond what they do now.

-"I'll take you to the Sect, and if you want to join, you will have to undergo a test."

-"Then you take your Guards. Ningguang and I still have matters to attend to right now. Fu Xuan and Tingyun will also follow you."

-"Are you sure, Astraea? I can wait until you are free."

-"You know that I'm not interested in strength. Ningguang might try to learn something from there, but her priorities are also different."

-"Yes, we are needed in Hold on an almost daily basis and can't split ourselves like you now."

-"I'll help you to reduce some burden on you."

-"Good, as you will be needed here."

-"What can I do?"

-"We will focus on matters concerning Soul Society. You will help Tamamo, as some troubles happened there, and she asked us to assist."

-"When did that happen?"

-"While you were still on Terra. Apparently, some forces tried to act in Japan against Hold, and the tree there is behaving strangely."

-"I'll take a look after sending everyone to the Sect."

-Good. Yue, I'm glad nothing happened to you."

-"Sorry for worrying you again, Astraea."

We spent the rest of the day, as well as the night, in Inner Palace. The next morning, Astraea and Ningguang left refreshed while I teleported the rest of the girls to the Sect, where Divine Dream, with me as Fox on her shoulder, waited on the plaza where tests were performed.

-"Those are your Guards? I feel six dragon auras on them..."

~"Is that a problem?"

-"Just be prepared that they will attract the attention of some forces."

-"Heh, let them come."

~"Nian, don't forget that your strength here is only considered average."

-"Right now, that is. Just give me some time."

~"For now, try to restrain yourself."

-"I'll try."


-"I'll explain the tests to you."

All of my Guards and Fu Xuan underwent the five trials and passed them with flying colors. Their qualifications were high enough to enter as Core Disciples, and they were provided with ample resources.

As they entered the road of Cultivation, I took Tingyun to Nobu's world, where Tamamo was waiting for me.

-"You are finally here."

~"What's going on?"

-"Some mages tried to capture some Yōkai and were arrested by the Knights. We are waiting for a response from Mage's Association in Europe. Aside from that, the tree of Gaia is behaving strangely lately."


-"Every night, the tree excludes more and more power, as if it's trying to break out of the seals."

~"Hmm, I'll look into it at night. For now, can you explain more about that Mage's Association?"

-"Come with me."

We followed Tamamo and listened to basic information on that organization. After hearing what kind of people are part of it, I instantly knew that even if negotiations are possible, they won't be cordial.

Deciding not to bother with them for now, I focused on Gaia's matter, going to the tree to check on the seals.