Unavoidable battle.

-"We prepared everything, Yue."

-"Thanks, Ling. You will command Guards here in my place."

-"Leave it to me."

-"Elysia, how's your side?"

-"Only those with Herrscher powers and from Fire Moth are here. Rest is waiting on Hexafleet."

-"Will you stay here?"

-"Nope, Astraea wants me to go and be on standby with the main force."

-"Keep safe."

-"You too."

I walked out of my courtyard with Jingliu and Cellinia accompanying me. The two of them become rather close. Cellinia learned much from Jingliu, allowing her to become the fourth strongest of my guards, behind Jingliu, Sakura, and Ling.

We headed to the main hall, where guests were gathering. Before the back entrance, Shen Meng was waiting for me, with Sakura accompanying her.

-"Everything in place?"

-"Yes. Now we only have to find out who is our true ally."

-"Won't be many. Interests matter more than ideals."

-"This is the most tragic thing about reality."

-"Idealists also are seldom good people."

-"Everything needs balance. Falling into extremities only results in more conflicts. Let's go. As protagonists, we can't miss the event."

Most guests were already present. Only those whose status was equal or higher were absent. We invited every major human force, but aside from them, True Divinity forces from other races were also invited.

I walked next to Shen Meng with three girls behind us. Our entrance attracted the eyes of the people present. We both contained our auras but did it in methods opposite to each other. She appeared as if an illusion while I blended into nature.

After we sat in our seats, the meeting officially started. Congratulations started pouring from left and right. As the first human who ascended to True Divinity after the fall of the Divine Seal billions of years ago, the Divine Dream has begun a new golden age of humanity.

Because humanity lacked a true powerhouse in the True Divinity realm, they always were treated as lower compared to the Saint race and Spiritas. Now, those forces present wanted to use Shen Meng as a shield to allow them to act with impunity. She, of course, doesn't want to be used as a scapegoat for their schemes.

Meaningless pleasantries continued for some time, only when Shen Meng's friend, the Empyrean Vast Universe, showed up and eased the atmosphere a little. I was also approached by someone I knew from before.

-"We meet again."

-"Indeed, Demondawn. Still interested in comparing laws?"

-"Certainly. I think many want to test the newest Empyrean."

-"Then stay tuned. Most likely, you'll have the occasion to witness something interesting."

-"Heh, did your stunt enraged Satint race to the point of war between True Divinities?"

-"Only certain megalomaniac from their race. I had pleasant conversations with some others, speaking of which."

I looked at the entrance, where two figures were walking inside. I rose and walked to meet them.

-"So you accepted the invitation."

-"Yes, it's rare to meet someone walking a path similar to mine. I want to exchange some insight to help both of us move forward."

-"I'm here just for you. You still owe me a fight."

-"We can compete later. I believe you are aware of what is going to happen."

-"Yes. Don't worry, we are here as spectators."

-"Thank you. You didn't take any resources from that minor world, did you?"

-"Nah, that bastard didn't let us have anything unless we join his crusade."


-"So there was something wrong with them."

-"Little bait. He still believes that you used that world as a misdirection to hide the real one."

-"He is in for a surprise. Come inside. There are seats for you."

-"Let's go. I heard a rumor that you have food delicious enough for Cultivators to choose it over resources."

Two True Divinities from the Saint race coming in a friendly manner surprised human forces, especially their declaration of neutrality to conflict.

Those were not only surprising guests, as shortly after, another True Divine aura could be felt at the entrance, and soon, a man and woman entered. Both of them were Spiritas, and as the man was True Divinity, I recognized that he must be Divine Void, a Soul Emperor of Asura Road.

Shen Meng was one to welcome guests this time, as we had never met before my status as Empyrean was inadequate to greet them. Two of them behaved cordially and sat down in their seats.

The last surprising guest to arrive was a human, of whom I hear about from time to time, Lin Ming. Even though he was only a Divine Lord, he attracted the attention of most of the younger generation. He approached our side as Lin Xiaoge was his sister.

-"You must be Empyrean, who stirred the world with your appearance."

-"You must be brother, who is constantly on Xiaoge's mind."


-"Haha, it's nice to meet you."


-"Thank you for saving her from the Saints."

-"I was the Protector. It's my job to save them from danger."

-"Yet no other force moved to help."

-"Never mind, what brings you here?"

-"I wanted to meet my sister and Dao Companions and learn about you from them. Especially my sister seems close to you."

-"She is close to my Wife, as they traveled together."

-"Hmm... Well, it's not my place to interfere as I also have multiple partners."

We talked some more and became quite friendly. Lin Ming was an ambitious person, but thanks to his down-to-earth personality, he was easy to befriend.

We stopped our talk when Jingliu came to my side, informing me about the movements of Good Fortune Saint Palace. The main event was about to begin.

A powerful aura enveloped the whole Sect, and from space tunnels, many beasts started appearing. Soon, a giant ship exited one of those tunnels, bringing armies of Saint race Cultivators with it. Good Fortune Saint Emperor floated over the army, looking down on all present.

-"Chose, either give up that person or perish."

Shen Meng exited the hall and floated to the same height as Good Fortune Saint Emperor.

-"You are not welcome here. Leave."

-"Only if you surrender that man."

-"We'll choose war over that."

-"Then war it is."

As the war was declared, the horde of monsters rushed forward. Saint race Cultivatiors also launched attacks toward our Sect, but none of those reached the target. I blocked every monster and attack with a barrier created by Path of Preservation.

-"You couldn't defeat me alone, so you want to threaten me with those close to me?"

-"So what of it? You are my enemy, and I'll do anything to crush you."

-"Good, allow me to be the same then."

I then removed the last and only restriction we placed on Mara. Suddenly, countless black auras emerged in the crowd of our enemies, and screens soon followed. Many Cultivators started slathering their allies, killing dozens or hundreds before being stopped. Before Empyrean acted to prevent more losses, close to one-eighth of the enemy army was lost.

-"What have you done?!"

Even guests were disturbed by what had just happened as they watched the situation unfold from a safe distance.

-"Don't you like the present I left you in that small world?"


-"Don't worry. It's just the beginning."

Fragmentum crystals started appearing among the deceased, soon turning them into mindless monsters capable of using laws imbued into Mara.

-"I must say that it's more successful than we anticipated. If only ten percent of Mara we released could cause such destruction, I wonder if you will have a universe to return to after this little war."

-"How can you unleash such plague on the world?!"

-"Why should I care? Aren't you the one to declare that I'm an alien from the newly born world? I'm not a saint. My death toll may be beyond your imagination even if my life is short compared to yours."

-"I'm going to kill you!"

He rushed at me, trying to destroy me. He unleashed his most powerful ability. His aura changed as the universe started to shake. Lights of countless laws began gathering onto him, combining with him and turning to pure gold essence. Everything in the range of billions of kilometers began to gather toward the Good Fortune Saint Emperor.

All mater listened to his orders and rushed at me. Divine Dream wanted to respond, but I shook my head.

-"Focus on the army. Your illusions will be much stronger there."

-"Are you sure."

-"His power can't compare to Aeon."

I moved forward, slowly mobilizing my own aura. The world around me calmed down, creating a contrast with the chaos happening in front of me. Drawing upon my world, I forcefully manifested it around me. The Tree started appearing behind me. The larger it became, the more my world manifested.

As I didn't want to endanger Hold, only the Chaos that was in my world was expanding here, soon rivaling the size of Good Fortune Saint Emperor attack. My form also became closer to that of Aeon, but I was unable to take the last step.

-"I was wrong! You hadn't hidden that world! You are that world!!!"


-"Good! If I consume you, no one will be able to stand in my way."

~"You are but the frog in the well."

-"Die for me!"

A mass of golden light started flying in my direction, shattering space in its wake. Stars were dimmed, and planets cracked by the sheer power of aura radiated by this force.

In response, the Tree shook, and the crystal leaves started falling. Every leaf that is slowly descending shimmers with law, and with a sudden blow of wind, all of them gathered and formed in the shape of a dragon.

Manifesting my Battle Spirit with those leaves as a medium granted it the power to contend with my opponent. Right now, that dragon is the Pseudo-Aeon of Permanence, and its strength even surpasses Xipe or Ena in the state they are in right now.

It roared, calming down the shaking universe, and started floating in the direction of an oncoming attack. It gathered the power of law from every leaf of its body into its maw. The two attacks approached each other. The dragon unleashed the energy it gathered with a breath of pure Chaos, hitting the mass of golden light directly.

The breath slowed down approaching attack but was unable to stop it. The golden light slowly came closer and closer to the dragon until it was right in front of its mouth. The dragon then lunged forward, consuming the remaining energy, but it was too much for it to handle, and it exploded, finishing our exchange with a slight victory for Good Fortune Saint Emperor.

Because my Battle Spirit was shattered, I received a backslash, but it was not serious. The situation once again returned to calm, waiting for our next move.

Knowing that my own power was still not enough to fight the Good Fortune Saint Emperor, I finally drew upon Path of Finality and entered a complete false Aeon state. Instantly restoring myself to peak by turning my state back in time, as Final Herrsher could, I once again summoned my Battle Spirit.

Dragon made from leaves rose once again, but this time, it was even more powerful. This time, I also manifested my other Battle Spirit, and soon, deer emerged from the bark of the Tree. It walked to my side, creating Elementals in its path.

Elementals were lower Spirits born from laws of nature such as Fire, Earth, etc. They don't possess intelligence but would listen to the person they are contracted to. As more and more of them appeared, their power grew quickly, becoming elemental disasters capable of destroying the planets.

Ordering both to attack, the dragon rushed forward while the deer stayed behind, using Elementals to support the dragon and harass the Good Fortune Saint Emperor.

Seeing my attacks, he scoffed at first, but after feeling a sudden rise in power compared to before, he became serious. He continued gathering power from the surroundings and tried to extinguish the attacks but found it impossible.

New Elementals were constantly gathering here, in addition to using the generating cycle every time chance showed itself, resulting in the power of my attack growing with time. A few minutes later, Good Fortune Saint Emperor could no longer endure the combat with my Battle Spirits and used technique to escape back to his universe. He disappeared, leaving all forces he brought here traped by Divine Dream and forces for Hold present here.

~"Shen Meng, is there any ally in the midst of the enemy army?"


~"Then, allow me to clean them. I don't want any Mara to escape from here."

She nodded and flew back, taking with her all the people on our side. Seeing that our combatants were falling back, spectators also decided to leave the vicinity of the battlefield.

I controlled all Elementals to attack the army below. Five elements created mayhem, destroying everything in range. I also used a dragon to kill the Mara by using the Authorities of Sentience and Origin. A while later, no soul was left on the battlefield.

After it all calmed down, I looked around. No harm happened to Divine Dream Heavenly Palace, but the surrounding world was left in tatters. Many stars and planets were destroyed, and techniques used by the Good Fortune Saint Emperor left the world drained of essence. It would take millions of years for everything to recover.

Gathering all kinds of power that I could control, focusing them in front of me. Elementals, essence, soul force, spirit, everything that could be controlled gathered in my hands. My actions surprised everyone else, not knowing what I was trying to do. Some even tried to approach and stop me but were stopped by my Guards.

After an hour of gathering energy, the amount of force contained in my hands could shatter the barrier between this world and Chaos with no trouble. My plan was to use the greatest power that the Path of Finality possessed, World Reset.

In the same way that Final Herrsher could restart the world to its primal state, I decided to restore the world under Divine Dream Heavenly Palace control before the battle took place. Focusing on my own Authority of Finality, the powers of Emanator, and my false Aeon state after drawing upon the Path of Finality, I unleashed the whole power.

Soon, everything stopped. Only those with the strength of at least True Divinity could resist time power, and they also shielded all present here. The next moment, the world started returning to what it was. Essence was restored, Stars recreated, and nature regrew all over the destroyed wastelands.

Three hours later, my power was not enough, and the world reset ended. The Tree disappeared, as well as my Battle Spirits. I wasn't even able to sustain my normal form and turned into the Fox while falling, only to be caught by Shen Meng.

-"Are you all right."

~"Just tired."

-"Thank you for your work."

I was able to recover quickly but decided to remain on Shen Meng's shoulder as Fox. She took me back to the Sect, where guests also returned.

The war ended before it could start. Good Fortune Saint Palace would need years to recover, but as Mara started to wreak havoc there, that wouldn't be easy for Good Fortune Saint Emperor to achieve.

This battle showed me that I was still lacking. I had to create my own Path and develop my world if I wanted to become stronger. This battle renewed my conviction to move forward.