Plans for future.

After leaving the grave, I walked to where the World Rune was floating. Using Path of Erudition and Authority of Reason, I began to analyze how the Runes function. It was a fascinating creation. If one were to use them, he could wield godly power with close to no repercussions.

-"Are you interested in those runes, Yue?"

-"Yes. My world is sustained only by me. You are the first constellation there, Feng. I need to either create something similar to World Runes or give birth to gods for the world to become stable."

Gods are tasty... They always run!

-"Creating gods... What are you two talking about?"

-"Ahri, I'll explain what you need to know later. Feng, you want to stay?"

-"No, that young Kokomi girl wanted me to help with the upcoming festival."

-"I see. Have fun, then."

-"Yes. It's truly great to have so many people to talk to."

-"Can you inform Aranyani about Ahri's matter? I believe she would haply give her some support."

-"That world tree spirit? I'll speak to her."

As Feng was leaving, I also finished with the World Rune. In truth, it has become worthless to me now, as its power could only be used in this world.

Don't waste your time on those, dear Fox.~

⌊ Any nugget of wisdom, Lamb?⌉

If you want to ascend as Spirit of World, you will have to forge your own World Runes. Don't limit your perspective with those weak stones.~

⌊ I see. Thank you.⌉

I left the World Rune there for someone to claim it for themselves. I located Sentinels in a hidden subspace. Taking Ahri, I went there to rejoin my Guards.

I entered the ruined throne room, where Sentinels were talking with those who escaped the grasp of ruination. They fought long and hard with each other as Viego, knowing about the power of the girls, concentrated his forces here. Now, aside from the king sealed by the Sentines, three auras of undead remained.


Fox! Kill them.

Nodding to myself, I approached everyone.

-"Yue? You are late."

-"Had some things to do."

-"Some things..."

-"This is?"

-"Ahri? What are you doing here?"

-"Miss Fortune? Well, someone destroyed Shadow Isles, where I wanted to learn, so he promised to teach me about my power."

-"You sure you didn't get duped? Some Illusion."

-"Sarah. I just saw not only Celestial in the flesh but also Kindred. If he can fake those, I'll accept being deceived by him."


-"Yue, what did you do to the Isles?"

-"You can go and see it later, Senna. For now, let's deal with the last vestiges of the ruination. Come out, or I'll send the Wolf to chase you."

Moments later, two wraiths emerged. One woman and one man with a lantern containing a mass of souls. The last presence didn't appear but tried to escape.


~"Hahah! Pray!"

From my shadow, a giant wolf emerged and started running in one direction. He passed through walls as if there was nothing there, his laugh echoing in the hall.

-"Why does he listen to you?!"

-"I have a better question. Why do you carry that lantern?"

-"Heh. This is my right. My own power!"

-"It's not."

I extended my hand forward, and the lantern escaped the wraith's grasp and flew to me. It then burst into a golden flame, freeing the souls and granting them death.

-"What have you done!"

-"Restored the order."

Ignoring the angry wraith, I used Path of Nihility to extinguish his existence. Now, only the last wraith remained. She looked at me with her almost empty eyes, showing that close to none of her spirit remained.

What a pitful soul. She deserves to rest.~

-"The vengeance was completed. Let them rest, wraith."

At first, there was no reaction, and she just continued looking at me. Then she suddenly took out the spear that she was impaled by. Pointing it at me, she threw it. Only for it to land in front of me.

I enveloped it in the golden flame, freeing the last souls that were captured by the ruination. When they were burning away, every single one of them prayed for the wraith to receive redemption. None had any hatred for their capturer, only gratitude and pity. When the spear burned away, I made my decision to grant those prayers.

Taking out Zanpakuto, which I received from Soul Society and used to study forging techniques, I called to Lamb for help.

~"Lamb, let's grant her respite."

~"As you wish, dear Fox.~"

Lamb walked toward the wraith and stopped before her

~"Fox gave you a chance for a new beginning, Kalista. May you shine once more.~"

She then blessed ground around, denying death to people inside. At the same time, I used my golden flame to burn off any remaining ruination or mist from Kalista.

After a minute, only pure soul remained of the wraith of Vengence. Bringing the Zanpakuto closer, I established a connection between the blade and the soul. Soon, it turned into a golden spear with a slight purple glow.

I then used Abendance to create a body for Kalista, using the Authority of reason to create armor for her. Placing the spear in the body, breath of life appeared from it. Delicate wings emerged from her back as Kalista opened her eyes.

She looked around, then closed her eyes again to remember what had happened. Giving her some time, I looked at Lamb, who removed the blessing from the ground and disappeared from view.

Kalista needed a few minutes to collect herself while I talked to the girls on the side, explaining what Kindred is. I also monitored Wolf, who was having fun with the horseman running away. When Kalista finally gathered her thoughts, she approached me.

-"Your Majesty."

-"Kalista. What can you remember?"

-"Not much. Mostly my time hunting and the feeling of vengeance."

-"What do you wish to do now."

-"I shall be spare to pirce your enemies, your Majesty."

-"Then I'll take you to Hold."

Teleporting her inside, I sighed.

-"You seem disappointed."

-"Even if she is living once again, she lacks any solid memories of her past, Ch'en."

-"But she can create new ones."

-"Yes, I'm just sad that I couldn't redeem her fully."

-"You did what you could. Now you better show us what have you done on the Isles."

Deciding to stop thinking about Kalista's matter, I took everybody to the Isles, but before leaving, I unleashed Nihility to disintegrate the whole hidden space.

Everyone was shocked and speechless by the changes that happened on the Isles. My Guards already gained some immunity to things as such and soon returned to normal, finding a place to sit down.

Sentinels and those saved by them were still stunned when I arrived. I walked to where the girls were talking with Ahri, explaining some details about who they were.

-"And you all agree to that? To be together with him?"

-"This might be strange for you, but we accepted that. Yue, to us, is not just a partner. He saved many of us and gave us a place we call home, family."

-"Yue, how about you prepare some food for a picnic here?"

-"Picnic? Good idea, Dusk."

Taking out utensils while creating a place to cook with the Authority of Reason, I started preparing things to eat. Girls returned to their talks, and after a while, those stunned started to wake up.

They started joining the conversation, of which I continued to be the topic. When food was ready, I created a place to eat, and we all sat down.

-"Thanks, Yue."

-"No problem."

-"So, what are you guys going to do now?"

-"Spend a few more days here, traveling around, and return after that."

-"We will do what Yue says."

My guards nodded in agreement.

-"I plan to remain Sentinel but work in Demacia."

-"I have to return to Ionia and make amends for what I done."

-"Lady Karma, you did nothing wrong."

-"No, I failed in my mission."

-"I advise you to rethink your host's situation. If you continue to be burdened by not your emotions, you will fall into corruption sooner or later."

-"Sigh. Can you help me do something with this, Your Excellency?"

-"I can make your current body immortal, or at least match to the lifespan of your spirit."


-"Can you make me immortal as well?"


-"Man, don't be like that."

-"Noxian, don't try anything stupid."

-"I was just asking."

-"If one doesn't achieve immortality by himself, then he will find it a curse rather than a blessing."

-"You say that only because you already are immortal."

-"I won't waste my on that subject with you."

-"Yue, what will you do with the Islses now?"

-"We will establish our stronghold here. I hope you don't mind it becoming our land, Senna?"

-"No, I was just wondering."

-"Our people will come here in an hour or so to start building."

-"New force will rise in Runeterra, huh?"

-"Don't worry, we are rarely interested in politics."

-"Neither is Noxus."

-"Heh, I invite you to try to attack us."

Igonring Nian and Draven I turned to Diana.

-"Will you remain here or follow us?"

-"I want to train under Lady Artemis."


-"Don't forget about me. I also want to be taught."

-"I know, Ahri. I already contacted someone for you."


We continued our meal until people from Hold arrived. Under the lead of Tsubaki, workers and Knight arrived nearby. When they saw me, all the Knights Saluted me respectfully.

-"Wellcome, Tsubaki."

-"Yo! Nice place, you made it?"


-"I was joking... Nevermind. Guys, let's get going!"

After helping everybody return to their homelands, we traveled around the Runeterra, visiting most regions along the way. At the same time, the matter requiring my attention happened in Hold.

-"Finished your vacation?"

-"Verry funny, Nobu. I still have a week of my honeymoon outside."

-"Yet you stayed in your workshop for the last three days."

-"If you have two avatars at your disposal, would you not make one drink nonstop?"

-"Can't deny that."

-"Focus, you two."


-"Can you start the meeting, Astraea?"

-"The first matter is about the world Elysia is in. Did three of you read her report?"

-"Yes, basically, humans barely survive, hellish demons everywhere, and angels that don't care."

-"That is accurate, but the situation has changed. Angels started to care."

-"The fact that we talk about it means that they are not happy to work with us, right?"

-"They attacked Elysia's team the moment they met."

-"War it is."

-"Nobu, will you take over that?"

-"I don't mind, but what about Terra?"

-"I'll take over and prepare Terra to become a vassal."

-"Then I'll pass the baton to you, Astraea."

-"Returning to the subject, what is our objective in the war?"

-"Isn't this obvious, Ningguang? Win."

-"Not what I meant, Nobu. Yue, your opinion?"

-"Hmm... It would be ideal to find more information about both forces before making the decision, but I think that let's just focus on establishing a foothold."

-"Yes, a safe approach is best."

-"Just leave this to me."

-"OK. Then our next subject is about meeting in Yue's homeworld."

-"This year passed so quickly."

-"I must agree with you, Ningguang."

-"Who will go there to represent us aside from Yue?"

-"I will accompany him."

-"Then aside from Astraea and Guards, who will we need there?"

-"I will ask Shen Meng and Feng to go there with us. Their strength will not only give us more credibility but more importantly, their perspective may prove helpful."

-"True. Aside from them, I'll organize a small delegation."

-"Then I'll leave it to you, Ningguang."

-"Then the last thing on the agenda is that whole Rebirth thing."

-"Yue, explain what you plan to do."

-"Sigh. I'm not hundred percent certain, but I'll undergo it before the meeting."


-"To be sure I can keep Hold safe."

-"Well, we won't stop you, but tell us details about the process."

-"Terminus is now working with Earth Mother to modify the Rebirth. What will happen is that Terminus will split part of my soul and put it in a body prepared by Earth Mother, moving that world out of the time axis so that time doesn't pass here."

-"That I get, but what is the purpose of that?"

-"Earth Mother wants me to help her prevent catastrophe from happening, while I would be able to not only witness but take part in the creating of the world."

-"You are after experience?"

-"Partly. I want to understand how to strengthen my world without resorting to dispersing parts of my power by creating gods and such."

-"Can you explain more about that."

-"Ningguang, have you ever wondered why many words don't possess the God, an omnipotent and omniscient being?"

-"Never thought about that."

-"You see, worlds can't be stable if they concentrate power in one being. More often than not, worlds will possess two opposite fundamental forces to keep said balance."

-"But your world does not have anything like that, only Hold, Chaos, and you exist as parts of it."

-"Yes, and I want to avoid splitting myself into two parts, and giving control over my word is even more impossible."

-"You see how to achieve the balance in a different way."

-"Yes. I have a feasible idea, but I can't test it here because of obvious reasons."

-"I see. How long will you need there."

-"Too long to count."

-"Won't that have an impact on you?"

-"Only minor. After absorbing memories of Long, Yaoshi, and now Feng, as well as Kindred, I have memories of a few eons of life."

-"Your age has truly become a meaningless measurement."


-"Inform us when you will undergo it."

-"After the Festival of Progress but before the meeting."

-"Good. Any more matters to speak about."

-"Yes, I want to know the state of our Knights."

-"You didn't read my report, Yue?"

-"I did, but I wanted to know some more things about the overall situation."

-"I don't mind. By Cultivation world standards, Hold is an Empyrean-grade force. Knights have the average strength of a Divine Lord thanks to MANTIS project weapons and them being Pathstriders."

-"That is good. What about our Champions Astraea?"

-"It's a little more difficult to quantify, but they can be divided into three strength groups. First are elites such as Kevin or Minamoto. They are easily World Kings."

-"My Guards are in this category, I believe."

-"Yes. The second group has the strength of the Holy Lord. Weaker members of Fire Moth, Herrshers, and most of the past Heroic Spirits are in this group."

-"Then the remaining group will be minor members with strength similar to the Knights, am I right?"

-"Palace Guards are barely stronger than Knights, but with their training, I believe they will become stronger quickly."

-"OK. I want to focus on strengthening our forces until they achieve Holy Lord level, at least, while our elites are on the precipice of the Empyrean."

-"It will take some time."

-"Yes, but we have to do it if Hold is to be a force to be reckoned with."

-"I'll try to work with Shen Meng to buy some more techniques and recipes to help train our people."

-"Then I'll mobilize Progress to work on a way to increase the speed of cultivation."

-"Then we all have our tasks."

-"Yes, let's get to work. Time doesn't wait for anyone."