Politics without principle.

Three days later, the meeting took place. This time, there were a total of four parties present: Hold, the Japanese government along with its military, and the Ten Master Clans. Because of that, then negotiations quickly descended into political games. From that day on, we held meetings almost every two days, but every one of them ended in one party leaving in the middle.

Luckily, I was quickly able to reach an agreement with the Yotsuba family. They became associated power of Hold, similar to Divine Dream Heavenly Palace, meaning they keep their autonomy but will align with the interests of Hold.

This, of course, was not for free. The Yotsuba family provided knowledge of magic, while I joined them to Hold's Akasha system, giving the head of the Yotsuba family, Yotsuba Maya, second highest access and position in Progress. She also wanted to help her people undergo MANTIS project strengthening, like our Knights.

To sweeten the deal, I helped Maya with correcting the mental modification that she underwent during her youth, resulting in a loss of emotion as she no longer formed memories, just kept knowledge of the past. Using Path of Remembrance, I not only slowly restored her memories but also allowed her to live and feel normally.

-"So, how is my progress, therapist Yue?"

-"I restored most of your nonextreme memories, but continuing is something I advise against."


-"Because you have an overwhelming amount of negative ones, and as you haven't trained how to cope with them, you'll probably become depressed if not traumatized quickly."

-"How can you be so sure?"

-"Here."-I passed her memory stone, containing her childhood images from an outside perspective.-"This is how you reacted after being rescued. PTSD, trauma, suicidal attempts. This was the reason why your sister did what she did."

-"I knew this but never could come to terms with it. Now I can somewhat feel why... I still want to restore my memories fully."

-"Sigh. OK, but not like that. You will have to learn meditation and form some new memories to balance your state. I suggest you talk to Saiguu. She suffered a similar level of trauma, and she may advise you on how to cope."

-"Did she also have a tragic past?"

-"She was revived by me. Her death was beyond what even I can imagine despair to be."

-"I see... I'll try to contact her. Now, how was your meeting with Juumonji and Saegusa?"

-"We finalized our agreement."

-"I see. They don't want me to be getting stronger alone."

-"Yes, but they didn't join Hold as an associated force. They just became an ally."

-"Heh, they always were too cautious to make use of this situation fully."

-"But they were not afraid to throw their daughters at me. Even an illegitimate one was accepted into the family just to be told to approach me."

-"That's how political families operate. Miyuki was also asked to do this, but Tatsuya prevented it. So it was I who approached you."

-"Now that you mentioned it, how is he?"

-"His emotions are slowly returning. He is lucky to have the support of his friends."

-"Indeed. I feel close to him because of how he came to be. If I were to meet you two years ago, I would hate you for your experiments."

-"I have no regrets, but I can understand your point of view."

-"The meeting with the government is about to take place. Any ideas on how to approach it this time?"

-"Ignore them."

-"Sigh, I sadly can't do it. Let's go."

Sadly, yet another meeting ended with nothing being agreed upon.

Sitting in a mansion given to me by Maya, I was reading news about last week from around the world. Kiyohime was preparing some tea for me, and Elysia was on the sofa next to me.

-"Hmm... 'Another high-ranking officer of USNA dies in an accident.' Yue, do you know anything about it?"


-"Not convincing."

-"I have nothing to do with it. You should as Wolf if he was involved."

-"Aren't you responsible for him?"

-"He isn't a child."

-"But you told him to do it!"

-"No, I just told him: 'Do what you want with them'."

-"It's the same as giving mass a murderer a gun!"

-"Don't worry, Lamb is keeping him in check."


-"Rather than keep talking about those worthless people, how about you tell me how was your weekend?"

-"Great! Miyuki showed me around some interesting places, and along the way, Mayumi and Alisa joined us. We agreed to meet today again to spend some time in the school and prepare before Mayumi's graduation."

-"Juumonji and Saegusa?"

-"Yes, those two."

-"They have it hard."

-"At least you are not the kind of person to treat them as objects of political exchange of favors. I just feel bad that they may be used by their families again later."

-"If you like them, then take them to Hold. I think they may even accept your proposal."

-"I'll ask them. How are talks going?"

-"We are moving in the right direction, but this past month was tiring. I'm so glad there are no political parties in Hold. Those guys are unbearable."

-"True, when we were in the midst of fighting Honkai, those old men in our world were also making so much trouble that Dr. Mei finally snapped."

-"Aside from them, that annoying group of borderline terrorists backed by USNA trying to blame us for every tragedy in history to paint us as invaders. Sigh, I'm truly at my last straw."

-"But didn't we already sign some agreements?"

-"Yes, but those were only with the magician families, mainly remaining Ten Master Clans and Eighteen Assistant Houses."

-"Do we need to accommodate the governments then? Arent we here just for technology?"

-"If I just let them be, it will make more work for Astraea and Nobunaga."

-"Ah, right. But we don't have much time before the meeting in your world."

-"That's why I'm about to be done with their shenanigans. There are only two professions where everybody thinks that they are the most intelligent person in existence: politician and criminal."

-"You shouldn't generalize people like that, Yue."

-"You are right, I'm just venting. I'll have one last negotiation later today. If they still try to play, I'll change the game we are playing."

-"I'll pass that to the rest. We are thinking of leaving this world and set out for another one."

-"I was wondering how long you are going to stay in this world."

-"I wanted to accompany you for your whole stay, but you are taking too long."

-"Sorry to waste your good intentions."

We continued talking until dinner, after which Elysia left to meet with Miyuki, Mayumi, and Alisa.

Later that day, Maya came here with an 'interesting' piece of information.

-"Wait a moment, Maya. Can you repeat that?"

-"No problem. 'Because we strongly believe that otherworlders are responsible for the murder of many innocent members of our government, we declare them as terrorists and won't stop until they are repelled from this world.'"

-"Who did say that?"

-"It was a joint message from USNA and the New Soviet Union."

-"Let me guess, Japan now stopped the talks until the conflict is resolved."

-"You are spot on."

-"How were you able to hold back from not eradicating all those snakes."

-"Sadly, the Yotsuba family is about equal in force to remaining magician families, so I couldn't act on my impulse."

-"Sigh. So be it. I tried, I really tried..."

-"To be honest, I thought you would snap."

-"Patience comes with age."

-"Don't speak like that old man Kudou"

-"Can't promise anything."

-"My Lord!"

-"Sakura? Wait, let me guess again, we were attacked?"

-"Yes. Elysia is under attack in the First High School."

-"They really think we are pushovers, huh?"

-"So what will you do now, Yue?"

-"Maya, order your people to not do anything. Sakura, go to Jingliu and escort every member of Hold back here. Ling, you will be in charge of Guards and Hope members active here."

-"Yes. Want me to go help Elysia?'

-"No, I'll go there. Do you want to see a show, Maya?"

-"Take me with you."

I nodded and teleported us to where Elysia was under attack from around the magicians. The moment I appeared, I instantly neutralized the attackers with the Authority of Binding.

-"Yue! Please help those injured!"

I nodded and summoned my Deer Battle Spirit to heal those in need, but the next moment, I detected an attack coming from above. I opened my eyes and looked into the air, where an eruption was about to happen.

Taking out Oath of Silence, I decided to play along and used Path of Preservation to create a barrier over the surroundings. When a semi-transparent dome manifested above everyone, a massive explosion took place.

I wasn't able to destroy my barrier, but it was not the end of the attack, as the next moment, thunder started repeatedly striking it. I sustained the defense while looking all over the whole world to find those responsible for those spells.

-"Those are Strategic Spells of Igor Andreevich Bezobrazov and Liú Lìlěi."

-"You know them, Maya?"

-"Two of Thirteen Apostles."

-"I see. Then it's my turn now."

After saying that, I manifested my Dragon and Phoenix Battle Spirits and made them fly in the direction of the attackers. Seeing two mythical beasts appear shocked those who were observing the battle taking place, but this was only the first step.

I then used Authority of Corruption and invaded all networks that had connections to satellites and cameras used to spy on this place. Moments later, all over the world, people started losing connection to their networks, and technology started malfunctioning.

As the blackout continued to spread, the sound of shattering glass sounded around the globe, and soon, in space just outside the Earth, Loufu emerged from the space gate. It flew toward the surface and stopped over Japan, sending Starskiffs out of its Jade Gate.

-"I can finally see the part of Hexafleet in action."

-"This won't be a long fight. Are you here, Jing Yuan?"

-"Just arrived."

-"Take control over North America and Eurasia."

-"You truly are done with them, huh..."

-"Maya, can you organize a meeting with the Japanese government and military?"

-"My people are already making arrangements. They should be now looking at the recording of what had just happened."

-"Thanks. Let's get everything done as soon as it's possible."

The meeting this time was much easier for me. In under an hour, we agreed on resolutions so that Japan became a vassal of Hold. There were some voices of opposition, but those were drowned by the majority.

At the same time, the militaries of the USNA and the New Soviet Union were being decimated by Cloud Knights under Jing Yuan's command. If some stronger magician shows up, Ling would send someone from Hope to assist there, leaving no space for the enemy to counter.

As I focused on solidifying control over Japan during the next week, Cloud Knights successfully defeated their opponents and established occupation of the territories of the two countries.

At the same time, Maya ordered the Yotsuba family to release all shady actions taken by the USNA and the New Soviet Union to the public. This caused outrage all around the world, making our actions justifiable and raising our position in the eyes of common people.

Today, Astraea sent more people to reestablish some forms of government in the occupied zones. Ayato will take command of them in the foreseeable future, while Yukong will complete the remaining matters in Japan. The remaining nations are trying to enter talks with us, but we decided to ignore them until we finish with current matters.

I left this world the same day people from Duty arrived, heading toward the place where I was to meet with Earth Mother sometime later. Inside the Hold, I was in my office meeting with Astraea and Nobu.

-"I must say, I thought you would need Astraea nad Ningguang to help you, yet you did well."

-"Thanks, Nobu, but I understand that this is not my strong point."

-"So you are going to start that Rebirth next?"

-"Yes. I have only two weeks before the meeting with Qlipoth. There is no time left."

-"You are too good at getting into trouble."


-"How long do you have before that?"

-"Three days."

-"Then how about we take a short vacation for these three days?"

-"I agree with Astraea. Let's do something interesting."

-"I don't mind. I also wanted to spend some time with you all."

-"I'll call everyone then. Can you make some dishes?"


I went to the kitchen and started preparing a feast for us while the girls helped everybody take three days off. When everybody arrived, we sat down and started talking about any interesting thing that happened lately.

-"So Terra is finally completely stable, and Originium also was contained."

-"Yes. The last person with Oripathy was cured not long ago. Amiya also decided to move the whole personnel of Rhodes Island to Hold, as they have done what they set out to do."

-"Happy to hear that. When I return, I'll go there to revitalize the planet."

-"Thank you, Yue."

-"There is no need for that between us, Ch'en."

-"As we are talking about such topics, the situation on Runeterra is also mostly in control. Noxus retreated from Ionia. Now, we are making some defenses in case of another invasion."

-"And how are people there?"

-"Most of the forces allied with us officially, exchanging knowledge and techniques that are not too important to them with us. Normal people accepted us even more as we returned their peace."

-"Then what about Demacia?"

-"They entered a somewhat unstable ceasefire with rebels. That Lux girl became truly good at breaking walls between two sides. They contacted us a few times, inviting us to take part in some ceremonies, but we only sent representatives as you were busy."

-"I really did fall behind in everything that is happening, huh?"

-"Yes, you should reward Nuwa and Fuxi for their hard work this past month."

-"I'll definitely do so. Any ideas for what I can do for them?"

We spend the rest of the time leisurely, relaxing together as a large family. Meanwhile, my avatar outside stood next to Terminus and Mother Earth as we three made final preparations.

~"Please help the world when you are there."

-"Don't worry, I won't go back on my word. Terminus, can you tell me what strength I will retain there?"

~"Only your power as spirit and control over nature. Mother Earth will also bestow you with a body that strengthens that connection to nature."

-"No Paths, Authorities, and Battle Spirits then. You indeed left only power that is my."

~"This is the best way for you to establish your own Path."

-"I know. Is everything ready?"

~"We can start anytime."

-"Let's go then."

Saying that I stepped into formation prepared by the three of us, soon entering a suspended state. Leaving the normal Time Axis, now time everywhere but in this world stopped to move.

My soul was split from my world and put inside the world, starting my last journey that needed to be taken alone.