Teacher and father.

In Emerald Dream, I was using my power to expand the dream and connect it closer to the surface of Azeroth. The best way to do this was to create powerful trees that bound Emerald Dream and the surface together.

Despite the surface becoming more lively and chaotic, the Emerald Dream continued to be tranquil thanks to my and Ysera's care. She ordered her dragonflight to act as guardians for the dream, and while many of them continued to live on Dragon Isles, the Emerald Dream was their home.

We helped countless animals to populate the forests, even creating a race of spiritual beings called Wisps for them to take care of the forests. Our days were rather active, especially when taking care of Cenarius.

He quickly grew up and inherited most of my connection to nature, following in my steps with his idea of not isolating nature but being an active part of the world. But he lacked the patience and experience that came with age and would often act without thinking of the consequences.

His first such stunt was teaching Trolls how to draw upon the powers of nature. I was able to stop him after learning about his actions, but not before the profession of the shaman was born, giving trolls an advantage over every other race currently on the surface.

He was able to understand how much power he possessed when the Trolls established an empire covering half of the surface, becoming more thoughtful but continuing to guide people on the surface.

Sadly, even with him taking care of people there, it didn't take long for another war to erupt. The race of insects known as Aqir reemerged from their burrows and started to wreak havoc. Trolls quickly started fighting them, and in a few short years, the surface turned into a battlefield once again.

-"Father, why do you allow those Aqir to destroy the forests? If you move, they won't be able to expand anymore."

-"Cenarius, forests will survive without my interference."

-"But how can you let them mindlessly destroy everything."

-"They won't be able to cause too much damage."

-"Father, don't you think of those living on the surface as worth saving?"

-"Tell me then, Cenarius. Who I'm to save? Trolls? Aqir? Both?"

-"Trolls, of course."

-"Why? Aqir is also a mortal race similar to Trolls. While they destroy some parts of nature, at the same time, they promote a different environment that suits them more."


-"Cenarius, you picked the side you want to stand on, and I don't mind that. But beings of my power should remain neutral. Dragons also don't involve themself in this for the same reason. Nature is to be in balance of Order and Disorder, following Natural Order while not curbing the wildness."

-"Yes, Father."

-"Remember that a true leader is a guide and example, not a tyrant. Let those who follow your words be free, even commit mistakes, but be there to help them in need and admonish them when necessary."

-"Then what should I do?"

-"Do what you think is right. I just conveyed my convictions, but you should form your own. If you ever encounter a problem beyond your power to handle, I'll step in."

-"Thank you, Father."

Looking at the demi-god centaur leaving the Emerald Dream, I wanted to return to my tasks when Ysera landed next to me. She listened to the conversation between me and Cenarius but didn't show herself.

-"You are a good father."

-"I don't think so. I may be a suitable teacher, but definitely not a father."


-"Because I can't make him my highest priority."

-"That doesn't stop you from being a good father."

-"So why are you here, Ysera?"

-"I wanted to speak about Neltharion. Those thousands of years changed him. I can feel his pain."

-"Well, his power is not easy to carry. All of you possess a connection to the Azeroth and can feel the pain of the planet. As he is an Aspect of Earth, he feels the weight of the planet and the corruption of Old Gods."

-"Can you help him?"

-"Let's go and speak to him."

Two of us traveled to Dragon Isles, finding Neltharion in his lair. When the two of us entered, I could instantly feel the power of Void coming from Neltharion. He tried to hide it but was unsuccessful.

-"So you indeed tried that power."


-"You don't have to worry. I'm not here to condemn you but to help you."


-"Neltharion, did you feel any changes in your character after using the power of Void?"


-"So you are aware. Good, that will make it easier. Ysera, please call here the rest of the Aspects."


-"I will teach you meditation and some Cultivation techniques to help you resist outside influence."

-"I'll bring them here."

When Ysera flew away, only I and Neltharion remained here.

-"You are not going to stop me from using Void?"

-"I will not. I also can use its power."-I showed Neltharion some shadow magic that I mastered.-"The Void is just a power, a tool. It matters who wields it, and you are not ready to use it yet."

-"Please teach me how to master that power."

-"That has to wait. For now, you have to strengthen your mentality to not fall pray to the Old Gods' corruption."

Four dragons soon flew inside the liar and turned their attention to me.

-"Yue, good to see you again."

-"Alexstrasza. Sorry to call you like that, but I think that it's important to resolve the situation before it truly becomes a problem."

-"We don't mind. You're doing this with us in mind, after all."

-"Let's get started then."

As the dragon Aspects entered retreat to Cultivate their souls and spirits, time continued to pass, bringing changes with it. I remained as an observer, spending most of my time either instructing the dragons and Cenarius or helping nature grow.

Cenarius himself decided to nurture new races that he became the father of, wanting to keep forests safe with his power, not always asking for my help. I supported him in that endeavor, teaching him techniques and even instructing some of the people from the new races.

Another important change was connected to Elune, who also wanted to give her support to Cenarius and bless a certain race of Trolls, giving birth to the first Kaldorei. They created a religion with her as the main deity, and because she was moon celestial, they glorified the moons of Azeroth.

Elune wanted them to believe in both of us, but I stopped her from connecting my current form and the moon they worshiped. So, in the eyes of Kaldorei, I was known as Malorne, consort of Elune, while Yue was god and brother of Elune.

While I involved myself in matters of Kaldorei, I only remained the religious figure, teaching how to use the powers of the moon and nature along with Elune and Cenarius, not taking part in governing matters.

I also made sure that those who received my teaching remained uninvolved in political matters, making sure that Druids who followed Cenarius' path and the Sisterhood of Elune were not interfering in matters of the secular world. They are to remain guardians of nature.

As the Kaldorei started to develop, one more major crisis took place. Messenger arrived on Dragon Isles, asking for assistance from the Aspects.

Some of the keepers fell into corruption, resulting in the exile of all Titan-forged races. Because of that, wars started to happen between the exiled races, and now, one force even dared to enslave some proto-dragons.

This message successfully enraged the dragonflights, making them join the war. Even Aspects themself moved to free enslaved proto-dragons, making quick work of enemies.

This pacified most of the Titan-forged but also cemented that keepers ceased to be a force equal to dragonflights, leaving only Aspects as guardians of Azeroth.

Because keepers guarded many places all over Azeroth that were too dangerous to be left unchecked, I decided to create an organization that would keep an eye on those. After returning to the forests of Old Kalimdor, I gathered volunteers to create the Watchers.

This force recruited only the best hunters and druids who swore full loyalty to the cause and code of Wathers. The leader of this force who responded directly to me was Lunara, who was the oldest daughter of Cenarius, making her my granddaughter.


-"Lunara, how is everything going?"

-"We recruited enough people and secured all the places you told us to."

-"Were there any troubles?"

-"We were denayed access to the Well of Eternity by highborn."

-"Sigh, not even a hundred years since they founded their empire, yet they had already become blinded by power. Keep Wathers away from highborns. Don't meddle in affairs of their empire."

-"Why, grandfather? Shouldn't we monitor them?"

-"Don't forget that you are to guard Azeroth, not Kaldorei. Confronting them will be counterproductive."

-"I see."

-"You seem to be discontented."

-"Yes, I can't understand how they could reject your will, grandfather. You are our guardian and one who has bestowed power that defends our people."

-"That's how power works. If one doesn't improve oneself, only seek power for power itself, they will fall into corruption."

-"How can we stop that from happening?"

-"Make them see the foolishness of their ways, but more importantly save those who are yet to fall into corruption."

-"I'll remember that, grandfather."

After our chat, Lunara returned to her duties while I continued to teach those who joined one of the three orders.

Thanks to Wathers keeping the distant places under control, no matter that needed my attention happened for nearly three thousand years. The eruption of the Forge of Origination that scorched distant jungles into a harsh desert was the first situation that required me to take action personally.

Gathering Watchers, Sisters of Eluna, and druids of the Cenarion Circle to contain the calamity and heal the land. Alexstrasza and Ysera also decided to assist, bringing some dragons with them.

-"Long time no see, Yue."

-"I'm known as Malorne here."

-"I'm starting to think that you aim for an epic reveal of your true identity because you guard it so much."

-"I'm not as bored as you, Alexstrasza."

-"You know how can you help me solve my boardroom."

-"Sigh, you won't leave that subject alone, huh?"

-"I even contacted Elune to gain her approval as Ysera did. Do you think I'll let you hide forever?"

-"Your three brothers already found their consorts, some more than one, not to mention them having children."

-"But we two decided to follow draconic instinct and pursue the strongest mate."

-"Let's return to the main subject. Watchers have already scouted the affected area and located points that need our attention. Send some of your dragons to assist druids in restoring them."

-"You don't want us to take action?"

-"No. It's enough to eliminate the cause of this calamity and leave rest to the time. Druids are to restore nature only to the point that it will be fine on its own. We have our own job to do."

-"Well, I won't argue with you. Just order dragons from our flights as you wish. They won't mind being under your command."


Leaving the meeting place with two dragons, I walked to where the members of the dragonflights were waiting. After dividing the tasks, I started giving orders to everyone present.

An hour later, everyone dispersed from the temporary headquarters to start their tasks. The three of us then started walking to the only place where no anomaly was found.

A short walk later, we entered a mountain pass that led to an old Titan-forged stronghold named Halls of Origination. When we arrived at the entrance, some Tol'vir warriors blocked our path.

-"Stand down, brave warriors. We are not your enemies."

-"This... Lord Waywatcher? And Dragon Aspects?"

-"Yes. We are here to contain the destruction, and we wanted to know the exact situation."

-"The Mogu attacked us when they heard of Pantheon's demise. Led by Lei Shen, they wanted to claim the Forge of Origination."

-"Another tragedy brought by greed and thirst for power. Will you two help me revive this place?"

-"Of course."

-"Those warriors don't deserve such a tragic end."

We used our powers, bringing life and nature to the scorched sand around us. Grass and other plants started to reemerge, restoring this valley to what it was before.

At the same time, all Tol'vir that had fallen were also revived, looking around, surprised by the turn of events. When I brought them to life, I felt a temporary connection with Shadowlands where being sealed in the deepest part of the Maw called to me.

~"Exile of Life? Haha! To think that you ended up like me, Yue."


~"It's indeed me."

-"Why do you call to me?"

~"To cooperate. Don't you want revenge?"

-"I don't wish for revenge, but I do want some things from you."

~"Hou? What are you interested in?"

-"Zereth Mortis."

~"We indeed are similar. Good, I shall tell you all I know about Zereth Mortis. In exchange, you will teach me what you know of the Cosmic Forces."


We exchanged information and ended the connection between us, making me return to reality, where I just finished reviving the Tol'vir warriors. Both Ysera and Alexstrasza noticed that something had happened.


-"Something unexpected happened. You don't have to worry."

-"Can you tell us?"

-"One of the most dangerous enemies that we will have to face in the future spoke to me. We exchanged some knowledge that can help us both."

-"Won't that empower him?"

-"It will, but it also helps me."

-"What is your ultimate purpose, Yue?"

-"To transcend the world and forge my own Path."

-"We will follow you, no matter where that path will lead you."

-"Yes, you won't escape from us."

-"To do that, you will have to become stronger."

-"Then guide us."

I nodded at Alexstrasza's words and started to go back to where Tol'vir were celebrating reuniting with their comrades. They quieted down when I approached.

-"Tol'vir warriors, we will leave this land to you. Keep the barrier up so that Halls of Origination are hidden from the word."

-"Yes! Thank you, Waywatcher."

-"No need to thank me. You upheld your duty and honor even at the cost of life. I wish that more like you are born on the Azeroth."

Leaving those words, I joined two dragons at the exit from the valley. We slowly returned to the temporary headquarters and waited for our people to finish their tasks.

Passing the time with some banter, I explained to them about Zovaal and his ambition. As Aspects were not part of any Pantheon, being affiliated only to Azeroth, they didn't have knowledge of Cosmic Forces besides what I told them.

The whole operation of healing the land took over a month, after which I returned to the forests of Old Kalimdor. Life returned mostly to normal, aside from the Dragon Aspects, who started to visit me more often, wanting me to instruct them on their Cultivations. The years started passing once again, but I could feel doom looming over me, reminding me that peace never lasts.