Following two Nightborne into the Nighthold, I continued to listen to their conversation. Thalyssra and Valtrois discussed the state of Suramar and its people.
Years of isolation and the sudden war made Nightborne exhausted and distrustful of the traditionalists, most of whom were Loyalists who had just been defeated in rebellion. This hadn't changed that traditionalists were still in power, as despite not being as extreme, Thalyssra and many of the inner circle of rebellion identified as such.
Almost all members of the younger generation don't agree with isolation and now want to rejoin other Elven races, especially after we assisted them in rebellion. Thalyssra was concerned that a clear generation divide had emerged, one that could not be mended without one side acquiescing to the wishes of the other.
Soon, two of them arrived before the Nightwell.
-"Lady Thalyssra, the Loyalists are here."
-"Thank you. Long time no see, Melandrus."
-"So you survived."
-"As you can see."
-"Heh, you fell so low to even ally with those lowlife Kaldorei."
-"Who of us fell lower, me or you who followed Demons."
-"Both of us shamed our bloodlines."
-"I wonder about that."
-"End this foolishness, Thalyssra."
-"You still believe that Legion is our only way forward, Vandros?"
-"Obstinate fool. What about you, Etraeus?'
-"I have nothing to say."
-"You might have won, but you doomed our people to be slaves of those lowlifes."
-"Aluriel, were you not one who spoke that merit is more important than birth?"
-"What good could those lowborns achieve?"
-"Ugh, enough. I'm getting a headache listening to you all. Bring them to the prison and let them rot."
Looking at the four being dragged in chains, Thalyssra spoke to Valtrois once again.
-"Were we, no, are we so conceited as them?"
-"I hope not."
-"Let's start removing the dependency."
-"So you've decided."
-"At least, I don't want our people to suffer from that dependence."
-"What about Felborne?"
-"Include them."
-"The Nightwell..."
-"Burn it out."
Valtrois nodded and started doing what was ordered. Thalyssra stood on the side, looking at how the arcane power started flowing from the Nightwell, depleting with each passing second.
-"It's done."
-"Anouce that, after careful investigation, Elisande destabilized the well, and we had to drain its power to prevent disaster. Also, declare the referendum on the subject of joining the Kaldorei."
-"In the end, you will leave it to the people."
-"Yes. If someone doesn't accept the will of the majority, they may leave."
-"Who has the right to vote?"
-"All but those imprisoned, this also includes Felborne."
-"I'll make the announcements."
-"Thank you."
Valtrois left the room, leaving Thalyssra alone, who was still deep in thought, looking at the place where Nightwell was just moments before. I appeared next to her, breaking her out of the daze.
-"You were watching?"
~"No matter what, you were a risk."
-"So you didn't believe me?"
~"Trust is something built over time."
-"Indeed. Will you accept Nightborne and Felborne if they decide to return?"
~"Yes, but it doesn't depend on me."
-"We both know that your world is absolute. You might not call yourself an emperor, but you effectively are one."
~"That may be, but remember that when you return, Highborne are no more. You will be Nightborne or Felborne."
-"I'm ready for that."
I turned to face Thalyssra and extended my hand to her.
~"Let's put our differences behind us."
She looked at me surprised but quickly took my hand, shaking it.
-"Yes, this time, I won't let my preconceptions form my opinion of you."
After telling Maiev to support Thalyssra until everything was solved, I returned to watching over the front on Argus. The forces of the Legion were pushed back to their stronghold of Antorus.
Our forces were now sieging the gates while champions of Alliance and Horde were attempting to find a different way in. I also finally noticed traces of Sargeras, who was manifesting nearby. This process was not quick, as there was no portal he could use, so I just kept monitoring his progress for now.
Elven forces needed a few hours to break through the gates and enter the fortress. They were a step behind the champions, who entered from the side, but they were able to catch up to them in the Temple of Anguish.
Joining the fight against Shivarra, they assisted in taking them down and rescuing souls that were tormented. Recognizing who those souls were, I appeared after the fight and helped them recover.
~"We meet again, Yue."
~"Indeed. This time, our situation has reversed, Aman'Thul."
~"Truly, no one can predict flows of fate."
~"We don't have much time. Do you have a way to deal with Sargeras?"
~"What do you need?"
~"We need to reclaim the Seat of the Pantheon."
~"The champions here should be able to reclaim it."
~"This may prove hard. Sargeras corrupted the soul of a young titan of Argus and is using him to fuel their regeneration. If we don't slay him, the Burning Legion will be undefeated."
~"We had temporarily sealed most of the Legion, but I agree that this needs to be solved. Elune, are you here?"
~"What do you need, Yue?"
~"Sargeras is about to manifest, so can you take care of this matter?"
~"Leave it to me. I'll bring Eonar here. She will help take care of those that will confront Argus' Titan."
Nodding, I teleported to the space between now-manifested Sargeras and Azeroth. Planet size Titan floated with a sword in hand, looking at me with hatred in his eyes.
~"You stand in my way once again, Yue."
~"I also hope this will be the last time."
This time, he didn't continue the banter, starting to take a swing at me. Manifesting my moon behind me, I took out the Oath of Silence and started to use my power. Because the Khakkhara staff was bound to my soul, I could use it in this world.
My nine tails swayed behind me while I began to draw the power from the surroundings. This is the reason why I'm considered the strongest god from the Pantheon of Life, as while Life is one of the Six Cosmic Forces, Nature is omnipresent.
This was something I comprehended while researching Elemental Plane and Six Cosmic Forces. Before, I thought of Nature as an ecosystem, but this was only part of what Nature truly is.
Nature is the essence of the world. All Laws are interconnected with Nature, as their inherent features, interactions with other Laws, boundaries, and potentialities embody the core of Nature. And today, I wished to prove that my idea of Nature could stand to strongest Titan.
As the power continued to be drawn to me, I raised the Oath of Silence and pointed it at the approaching Sargeras' sword. With the soft chime, the world changed, and the sword in Sargeras' hand suddenly turned into a red cloud, dispersing into the emptiness of space.
~"You! How can you possess this power!!!"
~"Sadly, it's still not enough."
Looking at my shaking hand and tiny cracks on the Oath of Silence, I knew that what I just pulled off was a fluke with a great amount of luck. Taking the staff back to my soul, I looked back at stunned Sargeras.
The ability that I used to destroy his sword was something that both he and the Jailer pursued: the power to rewrite reality. As his sword was a manifestation of hatred, I changed it back to pure emotion, which is not material, so it's dispersed.
Having confirmed that my Path was not mistaken, I decided to continue to test my hypotheses on my Titan target dummy. Calling all Six Cosmic Forces, I started to combine them.
This jolted Sargeras awake from his stupor, and he started using his Fel magic. As the power I controlled started to grow, an aurora started forming around me. At the same time, the green flames of Fel burned all around Sargeras, distorting the space and opening rifts to Twisting Nether.
Soon, countless meteors started falling in my and Azeroth's direction, only to enter the light of aurora to be disintegrated and consumed. The aurora continued to expand, soon enveloping Sargeras and isolating him from the outside.
Focusing on balancing the Cosmic Forces, I continued to keep Sargeras locked in the cage of my making. Luckily, I didn't have to keep him like that for long, as I received a message from Elune that they had reclaimed the Seat of the Pantheon.
Carefully dispersing the power I gathered, a few minutes later, Sargeras was once again visible, still using every magic in his repertoire, trying to strike either me or Azeroth. Seeing that he was no longer trapped, Fel Titan tried to create distance between us, but he soon turned his head, looking behind him.
A beam of pure Arcane energy appeared from space, striking Sargeras the moment he turned around. He instantly started to struggle but was unable to escape and was sucked away with the beam. I needed some more time to disperse the aurora, so I had to remain here for a little more.
When everything returned to normal, I teleported to the Seat of the Pantheon, where Titans of Pantheon were talking with Champions who defeated Argus' Titan. My arrival attracted their attention.
~"You are here, Yue."
~"Yes. You could have said that you don't have a good method to seal him. I had a few ideas that might work."
~"That would put both you and Azeroth at risk."
~"To think that you would bet everything on Azeroth. Now, no matter what happens to the Great Dark Beyond, you can't leave the Seat of the Pantheon if you don't want Sargeras to escape."
~"This Titan will be the strongest ever born, and all Six Cosmic Forces would be his birthright. He can easily take our place."
~"But now he won't have an elder to guide them."
~"That's what I wanted to ask you for. Can you watch over Azeroth and teach him ways of Order in our place?"
~"This is impossible."
~"Same as you, I have my own purpose to achieve."
~"But, I'll help you so that you might teach him yourself."
Focusing on the six of them, I split small shards of their souls, creating something similar to Wild Gods that were born from my shattered form. Moments later, six Arcane Gods stood next to their true forms.
~"Despite you still being confined to the Seat of the Pantheon, those six avatars can travel freely. Just remember that their strength is much lower than yours."
~"Thank you. We will travel to Azeroth and assist the last Titan."
~"Before we go, I'll do one last thing."
Creating a puppet, I imbued it with my power and created formation to operate it. Giving it the armor of a Warden, the Jailer of Sargeras, the last defense of the seal, was created.
When we returned to Argus, the Seat of the Pantheon disappeared into space, traveling to a distant place where no one would ever find them. Forces of Alliance and Horde quickly returned to Azeroth while I gathered Elven leaders to prepare for our next move.
~"The demons sealed on Kalimdor are all that is left to deal with."
-"Your Excellency, how do you plan to deal with them?"
~"Despite the Legion being effectively crippled, I don't want those Demons to continue running amock. I plan to permanently seal the Demons using artifacts."
-"Sentinels are at your Disposal, Your Excellency."
~"We will act after the artifacts are ready, and for now, let's go back to Emerald Dream. It's time to rest."
After taking all Elven forces back to Emerald Dream, I returned to Moon Palace, planning to start working on the artifacts, but Elune stopped me, dragging me to the main hall where all the leaders were waiting. Joining them in celebration, we spent all night drinking and playing.
Elune even brought special wine brewed from the best grapes found in Realm of Life, resulting in everybody getting drunk by the end of the celebration, and even Winter, who joined halfway, was not spared.
The next morning, when I woke up, I remembered why I promised myself never to drink alcoholic beverages. Two Dragon Aspects that were lying next to me made me remember everything that happened before. Walking out of my room, I ran into Elune, who was giggling to herself.
~"This was your idea from the beginning? Bringing that wine and all."
~"Indeed, those two girls waited for you so long, and as both took care of Cenarius, I decided to keep my word and allow them to stand by your side."
~"Sigh. While I see that some have different feelings for me than reverence, I have to achieve something before I can answer those feelings. I can't say everything right now, and all of you deserve the truth."
~"This was their choice. We all know that you hide something big, but we still have made our decisions, be it them, Winter, me, or even some of these Elves. While I understand your point of view, don't forget that no matter what secret you keep, emotions born over thousands of years are not something light."
~"Emotions are not something I'm good at. Well, I'll leave it to time and fate as always."
~"Just taking responsibility is good enough for me."
~"You don't have to worry about that. It's time to get back to work. I'll be going to work on Artifacts."
~"I'll go to help Winter. The Jailer started to act, so we have to be on guard."
~"Try not alerting him as long as it's possible."
~"Of course, but won't you act if he takes action against Azeroth?"
~"There is no need for us to act. The champions of Alliance and Horde will be enough to stop his plans against Azeroth."
~"If you say so. I'll be going then."
When Elune left, I moved to the Moonlight Tower and started to create artifacts to seal Demons. Because those were simple to create, I needed only a minute for one.
Even with this speed, I would need to work over a month to create enough of those artifacts to seal all major Demons on Kalimdor, so I gave some of the already-created artifacts to Malfurion, who passed them to smiths capable of reproducing them. After getting assistance from the Elves, we only needed ten days to create enough artifacts.
Gathering Sentinels, Dracthyr, Wathers, and Demon Hunters, we began operations of sealing the Demons. Releasing small numbers of demons from the cage, we systematically sealed them in Artifacts that were later gathered and teleported into space to drift aimlessly in the Great Dark Beyond.
The whole operation lasted another week when the Archimonde was the last Demon to be sealed. At the end of the Third Invasion of Azeroth, our losses were minimal, with not even a hundred losing their life, in addition to another thousand injured. Those who died would be revived if possible, and if not, would be turned to Darkfallen, gaining another life after death.
The referendum of Suramar also ended in overwhelming favor of returning to the Elven community. Some traditionalists were outraged, and in the end, around a thousand of them decided to split and leave the Nightborne and Felborne, deciding to regain the title of Highborne and find a new place to live.
The rest moved to Emerald Dream, and Nightborne became the seventh Elven race, while Felborne became the eighth. Thalyssra continued to lead the Nightborne, while Felborne chose Andaris Narassin to be their leader.
As most of the Felborne were fighting against the rebellion, many still looked at them with distrust, but Thalyssra decided to forgive them, so while there were still some conflicts, those would disappear naturally with time.