Living the best you can.

-"So you gonna be joining the school tomorrow, boy?"-A man with red hair sitting in front of me spoke.

~"Indeed I will. I have mixed feelings about that, though."~I looked at the tea in my hand.

It was almost sixteen years since I arrived in this world. Thanks to Ningguang's plan, everything went smoothly, and tomorrow, I will be joining the school where the Plot of this world will take place.

-"Afraid you would fail?"

~"You think I will?"

-"No chance."

~"Sigh. I just seem to hear a wind calling me a hypocrite."


~"Never mind."

-"You two, the meal is ready!"

-"You going?"

~"You think that your wife will let me leave without eating?"

-"Who made you her lifesaver."

~"It wasn't me but Yukong."

-"As if the one in the century genius would fly to the city for cook's wife."

-"Dad! Brother Yue! Mam is waiting!"

-"I'm going!"


-"Bro, did you learn any new interesting recipe?"

~"I did, but your father already knows it, so ask him."

-"I want something that can surprise him. I need to gain more points in our contests."

~"You never change, Soma, only Food and Wars in your mind."

-"Calling it a War is a bit much, but why would I change?"

~"Right, I shouldn't call you out on being unchanging."

While walking into the house part of this building, I passed a mirror. Reflected there was a figure similar to how I always looked, just a bit younger. Same long white hair and purple eyes that seem to be slited. Even the veil on my face that would look out of place if not for my appearance still being as ethereal as always.

I was wearing casual yet elegant clothes and had my hair tied in a high ponytail, giving me the look of a young adult despite still being in mids of my teens.

Shaking my head, I entered the small living room where Soma and his parents were already sitting.

-"What took you so long, Yue?"

~"Just some minor reflection."

-"Even you are not immune to your own appearance, bro?"


-"You should stop sighing like an old man, Yue."

~"I'll try, Aunt Tamako."

-"OK, stop the useless banter, let's start eating."


Sitting down to the meal with the lively family, I was glad I decided to see the Protagonist all those years ago.

-"Ready for your entrance exam, Yue?"

-"You don't have to worry about him, dear. You should worry about the teachers. I wonder how many will doubt their life achievements."

~"I've dealt with everything I had to do so I can fully focus on the exam, so I can be considered ready."

-"Good to hear that."

After the meal, I left the Yukihira household and rode the car to Tokyo. After arriving near the old house, I signaled the driver that he could return to my family. Entering inside, I was greeted by a group of children running at me.

-"Older Brother!"

~"Calm down, you guys."

-"Master Yue."

Nodding to the director of this orphanage, which was financed by me, I returned my attention to the children.

~"How are you?"

-"Good! Sister Hinako came!"

~"I see. Then you should clean yourself before she finishes cooking."


Leaving the children, who continued their journey toward the washroom, I moved to the kitchen while rolling up my sleeves.

~"Need some help?"

-"Prepare the vegetables."


After washing my hands, I grabbed a knife and started to work. Soon, the two of us finished making a healthy meal for all the children. Leaving it to the staff to bring it to the table, I cleaned up all the utensils while the 'Older Sister' watched me from the side.

~"Long time no see, Hinako."

-"Don't forget to add the Sister."

~"Sister Hinako."


~"What brought you here? If I'm not mistaken, your restaurant is open today."

-"What else if not you? How are you feeling before the exam?"

~"Why is everyone so worried about me? It's just an exam."

-"Exactly because you can say something like that. Knowing you, it'll be fine, but..."

~"Thank you for your worry."

-"Well, just do your best."

~"That's what I plan to do."

-"If you fail, I'll still employ you, so don't worry."

~"Sadly, I'm not looking for employment."

-"Right, right, I heard your purpose of going to Tōtsuki already."

~"Will you stay with the children?"

-"I have to return. What about you?"

~"I just planned to visit and prepare a meal for them before entering the school, so I'm free."

-"So how about helping in my restaurant? I'll give you a bed for the night in exchange."

~"This sounds like I'm some homeless vagabond, but I'll take you on that offer."

-"Do you truly don't like your family so much?"

~"No, there are some who I dislike, but mostly, I just feel that they can't be called family. A clan or even a company would be more appropriate."

-"Sigh, I guess everyone has their issues."

~"Don't mind it. I already have my true family."

-"Ugh. Every time I hear that, I feel that you want to harm the lone me."

~"Who knows, maybe it's a slight push for you to find someone?"

-"Shut it."

Hinako needed some time to freshen herself, so during that time, I spoke with the employees of the orphanage. After she was ready, we left the orphanage and walked toward the Kirinoya.

On the way, I could feel the gazes of passersby nonstop. Some even tried to take photos of me sneakily. I was already used to that, so I ignored everything, but Hinako was visibly uncomfortable with them.

~"Ignore them."

-"How can you live like that?"

~"At least no one would try to kidnap you in the crowd."

-"I... Don't know what to say."

~"Look at the bright side. You will get a free advertisement when they see me enter your restaurant."

-"Ugh, more overtime."

Entering Hinako's restaurant, we went to the kitchen and started to assist her employees.

After a night of sleep, I left Kirinoya and went toward the Tōtsuki Culinary Academy. I think this place needs no introductions, so let's focus on what is going to happen next.

Passing the gate, I found a worker to ask him for directions, and after walking for a few minutes, I entered a half-full classroom. After glancing at the clock that showed quarter to eight, I found an empty station and waited for the exam to start.

Fifteen minutes later, a man with a stern face and blond hair entered the classroom.

-"Greetings. For the exam, you are to prepare a meal with pork as the main ingredient, nothing too heavy. You have two hours to make something of passing taste. You can begin."

While the appearance of this teacher caused other participants to despair, I began by washing my hands and cleaning the workstation. When it was done, I picked the ingredients and started cooking.

After cutting the meat into small pieces, I let it marinate in soy souse, red wine, and a little cornstarch for some time while I dealt with other indigents and sauce. After it rested for around ten minutes, I started to stir-fry it, next to cut before bell peppers, onion, garlic, and ginger. After both of them were adequately heated, I mixed them together and added the Szechuan sauce. After Stir-frying for a few minutes, I divided it into two portions and prepared for serving with steamed rice.

Bringing the two portions to the teacher, I presented them to him.

~"Szechuan Pork with steamed rice, please have a taste."

The teacher nodded, took the chopsticks, and started to taste the meal.

-"The meat is tender and not oily but also not dry. Vegetables are perfect. Rice is also a good choice. There were also no issues with the serving. I have nothing to add. You pass."

~"Thank you."

-"What about the second serving?"

~"I'm quite good at feeling when someone watches me, so I prepared the second serving for the examiner who is hidden."

-"A hidden examiner?"-Before the teacher could ask more, his phone buzzed. After checking it, he nodded and looked at me once again.-"I understand. Tomorrow will be the entrance ceremony. You should be in the main office at half past eight."

~"Will I be allocated some dormitory?"

-"Yes, but you will have to wait for the rest of the tests to end."

~"Then I'll wander around for the next hour and a half. Once again, thank you, teacher..?"

-"Roland Chapelle."

~"Teacher Chapelle."

-"Be sure to be here when the tests end, and I will guide you to the office."

Accepting the teacher's proposal, I went out under the shocked gaze of other examinees.

Outside, the first thing I did was to notify my family of my acceptance and ask them to send someone with my baggage. After finishing that short conversation, I found a place to sit down and simply waited.

Not even a few minutes later, I could hear a conversation nearby.

-"You are an hour too early. The tests just begun."

-"They started nearly an hour ago, Yūki."

-"The time was always his closest ally."

-"I also think that Master Yue has already finished."

-"You three are... Ryōko, tell them something!"

-"Don't shout. Does it matter if he finished or not? We still would have to wait as the Polar Star Dormitory is too far to go there and back."


-"What happened, Megumi?"

-"Someone already took the spot..."

Six girls who were approaching me during their talk had finally noticed me, and half of them were instantly stunned.

~"Long time no see."

Sakura, Rin, and Tomoe simply smiled and approached me. They sat next to me, and we started to talk about what had happened since our last meeting, while their three friends still stood stupified some distance away. They had woken up only a minute later. Finding a place to sit nearby, they didn't dare to enter the conversation.

-"You passed?"-Tomoe asked right away.

~"Yes, or else I wouldn't be sitting here."

-"You know what Dormitory will you get?"-Asked Sakura.

~"I have no clue, but you should be already full, so I doubt I will go there."

-"Well, you are most likely correct. So what are your plans for now?"

~"Start the school life, learn something, have fun."

-"Seem rather normal."

~"It's not like we are here to conquer the world."


~"The children in the orphanage miss you. You should go and visit them."

-"We were busy lately, but we will go there for sure."

We continued our talk until the end time of the tests. Girls decided to return, as they had some matters to deal with, while I returned to the classroom where the teacher Chapelle was still tasting test meals.

-"Bland. You haven't accented the pork. You could have used any other meat, and it would have tasted the same. Fail."


-"No buts. Leave."

After the last examinee left, teacher Chapelle noted some things in his document and prepared to leave.

-"You are here, student?"

~"Yes, teacher."

-"Right, I haven't asked for your name."

~"I'm Yue."


~"Just Yue."

-"Hmm? Well, whatever. I'll take you to the office."

Following behind the teacher, I asked him some questions to understand the rules and traditions of the school. After a few minutes long walk, we entered the offices. Entering the main office, I saw the old man sitting behind the desk, on which a bowl left after the second serving of my test meal was standing.

-"Welcome to the Tōtsuki."

~"Thank you, Director."

-"No need to be polite with me, boy."

~"Then I'll call you Old Man as before."

-"Haha, sure. So what are you doing here?"

~"Learning to achieve my aspiration."

-"There is no chance in hell you want to become a chef."

~"I never claimed that I wanted to become one."

-"Just spill the beans."

~"I want to become the househusband."

This announcement earned me stoned silence from the two before Senzaemon exploded in laughter.

-"HAHAHA... This is something you would indeed wish to achieve."


-"Ahh, I haven't laughed this good in a long time. I hope you can achieve your goal, boy."

~"I don't plan to fail."

-"You sure don't. I've already chosen a dormitory for you. This is its location and a key. If you have any more questions, just ask your dormmates, if they won't kick you out before that, of course."

~"I'll be careful."

-"Prepare a speech for tomorrow."

~"Sigh. Do I have to?"

-"Tradition is tradition."

~"OK, I'll prepare something."

-"Good, then you are free to go."

~"Thank you."

Leaving the office, I followed the instructions on the paler I received, and after a fifteen-minute walk, I arrived at a medium-sized villa. After calling the driver so that he could drop off my luggage at the correct location, I used a key to enter. The first thing I noticed were two pairs of boots by the entrance, so after taking mine off, I entered fully inside.

~"Hello, is anyone inside?"

-"Huh? What the matter?"-A girl with long scarlet-red hair that only lacked cat ears to complement her cat-like appearance.-"You are?"

-"Rinrin, did something happen?"-A Second girl walked into the hallway, looking at the young version of Keqing, even having hair-cat-ears like her.

~"Excuse me for my sudden appearance, but I just passed the entrance exam and was assigned to this dormitory."


-"Bucchi couldn't hear that. Can you repeat?"

~"Please take care of me, seniors."

-"Wait! What do you mean you've been assigned here?"

~"I got a key from the Director."

-"The Director!?"

-"Exam... Are you a transfer student?"


The two girls looked at each other, still comprehending the sudden situation. After communicating with their eyes, they looked at me once again.

-"If the Director sends you here, we can't just throw you out, but you should prepare dinner today."

~"Another test, eh? Well, what do you want?"

-"Something tasty."

~"That's for sure."



Thinking about how to comply with their requests, I entered a kitchen yet again. Deciding it was too early for the dinner, I prepared them a bento, or Kyaraben, to be exact. Drawing inspiration from a certain Kity-Courier living in Inazuma, I styled it to look like a round cat with toys and fishes around. After two of them received the bentos, they looked at me strangely.

~"Is it not cute?"

-"It's cute."

~"Then what's the matter?"


They tried a small bite at first, but the second and third were normal before two of them engrossed themself in eating. They quickly finished and just sat there with closed eyes.

-"I have an issue, junior."

-"Bucchi is also fine."

-"Then, junior, what's your name?"


-"Yue, eh? Even your name is girly."

-"Moon? It's cute. Can I call you Yuchi?"

~"Yuchi? Sure, I don't mind."

-"Then you can call me little Momo."

-"Right! I'm Rindō Kobayashi, you should call me senior Rindō."

~"Then, little Momo, senior Rindō, please take care of me in the coming days."

-"Sure, junior!"

-"Bucchi will help you, Yuchi."

Thus, my school life started.