The Stagiaire.

~"Excuse me."

-"Welcome. Do you have a reservation?"-A cheerful woman greeted me when I entered the restaurant.

~"No, sadly, I'm not here to eat. I'm a student from Tōtsuki."

-"Ah! Then you must have come for the Stagiaire. I'll call the chef. Please sit there and wait for the moment."

~"No problem, there is no rush."

After taking the seat, I looked around the restaurant. As one of, if not the, most popular Italian restaurants here in Tokyo, Ristorante F has a high-end atmosphere. Even guests here are elegant, as everyone wears suits and dresses. Luckily, my usual clothing was not too casual for this place, so I didn't look out of place.

-"Student."-The woman returned.

~"I'm named Yue."

-"My bad, I'll call you that. It's just an occupational habit. After seeing so many people daily, I forget to ask for names. Right, you can call me Emiko."

~"No bad feelings, Emiko. We will work together for some time, so please take care of me."

-"You can count on me, Yue. The chef sent me here to apologize for the delay as there will be a group of important guests coming, so she can't speak with you right now."

~"Understandable. Do you want me to help somehow?"

-"This... There are some tasks we are behind, but those are here, on the floor, and not in the kitchen."

~"As long as you don't order me to mop the floors, I don't mind."

-"Great! Then please go to the staff room to change into the uniform. I'll give you details after you are done."

I nodded and followed Emiko's words, quickly changing into the black uniform of the staff working here, keeping my veil and tying my hair into Chignon. After exiting the staff room, I found Emiko waiting for me.

-"God, black suits you. You must be popular in the school."

~"Thanks. So what do you want me to do?"

-"The big group of guests will come at any moment. I'll need you to help me with serving them."

~"Sure, I'll follow your lead."

Emiko proceeded to give me a quick rundown of what to do, explaining the dos and don'ts of the job. She stressed that those guests might be difficult to deal with, so if anything happens, just call her.

Not even a second after she finished, a door of the restaurant opened, and four people entered inside. Looking over, I could see four women talking between themself.

-"They are here. I'll guide them. Please, grab the menus."


After getting those, I approached the table where the four women sat and passed the menus to them. Emiko then answered any questions those guests had while I listened on the side.

-"Hmm? A new face?"

-"Yes, Miss Courage."

-"What's your name, handsome? Rather than stand there, how about you sit with us?"

~"I'm Yue, and I have to refuse your offer, as it would be inappropriate."

-"Don't be so stiff. We are here to relax, so just accompany us."

-"Courage, this is not some host bar, don't be so rude."

-"Tsk. You too, Anne?"

-"Well, I have to agree that I would appreciate you keeping us company, but we won't trouble you, Yue."

-"Mou, Decora, you should be on my side. What about you, Lanterby?"

Only then did they notice that the last girl was not speaking at all. More so, she just stared at me without blinking with a red face.

-"My! To think Lanterby would be sunk by the first strike. You should try your best, Yue!"

After saying that, Courage started asking me some personal questions, trying to be a wingwoman for her friend. I looked at Emiko for help, but she disappeared to inform the kitchen about the orders.

Having to bite the bullet, I tried to answer in a way that wouldn't reveal too many things. Luckily, food arrived before I had to answer anything too personal.

-"Huh? What are you doing here, student?"

~"Sigh, you are finally here, Chef Fuyumi."

-"Hmm? Why is your boss surprised that you are here, Yue? Also, 'student'?"

~"Old Man sent me info that I was to work for you as the first part of the Stagiaire, so I decided to come and say hello before starting the next day."

-"So I got you, huh? Nice."

-"Wait! Yue, you are a student of Tōtsuki?!"

-"You don't know? I thought that he became quite well known after the Camp."

-"What do you mean, Chef Fuyumi?"

-"The photos of his booth during the buffet are all over the internet, some even featured in the news."

-"What! You are that Anthousai!"

~"Did I get another title? Well, at least it's quite pleasant this time.

-"What were you called?"


-"You are indeed similar to a fox."

-"Ehem."-Courage interrupted my dialogue with Chef Fuyumi.-"To think you are that Tōtsuki student. Would you mind preparing that dish Chef Fuyumi is speaking about? I wanted to try it for some time."

-"Please make some for us too."-Spoke Decora, as Anne nodded in agreement.

-"Don't forget to add extra love for Lanterby."-Courage joked again.

I looked at Chef Fuyumi, who nodded, allowing me to use the kitchen. Deciding to acquiesce to their demands, I walked into the kitchen and prepared what could be replicated with the ingredients present here. Almost all the dishes I prepared during the buffet test were of Japanese cuisine, and as this was an Italian restaurant, many couldn't be done.

Emerging from the kitchen a little over ten minutes later, I presented the dishes to the six women present here. A magnolia flower for Chef Fuyumi, a lilac for Emiko, an iris flower for Anne, a yellow jasmine for Decora, a crocus for Courage, and a daffodil for Lanterby.

-"It looks even better in real life."-Decora commented.

-"Yes. Why did you decide to learn food plating, especially into flowers?"

~"It all started because of a joke. I often cooked with someone whose name is associated with a flower, so I styled a meal for her into flowers from her name."

-"Wouldn't it be that Sakura girl?"

~"Yes, it's her. After seeing me doing that, some of my friends and family wanted the same treatment, and thus, I started to learn how to create more flowers. When I had my foot in the door with that art, I decided to improve it, and this became the result."

-"That's a quite strange origin story."

-"It's beautiful, but the taste is more important."

-"Anne is right, let's try it first."

Everyone quickly started to eat, and moments later, the food was no more.

-"I can't find any issue."-Decora was first to speak.

-"Yes. To be honest, this reminds me of dishes prepared by Bookmaster."-Anna spoke her mind.

-"True, it has the same absence of any flaws and defects."-Courage agreed with them.

-"Yue..."-Lanterby seemed to make up her mind on something.

-"Good as always. I'll be expecting the same level from you tomorrow."

~"I don't plan to do any sloppy work."

-"I'll be counting on you, Yue."

~"Likewise, Emiko."

All guests left shortly thereafter, but not before exchanging contact information with me. Chef Fuyumi explained the responsibilities I would have for the next week and allowed me to get used to this place.

It was already late evening, so not long after, we held a small party with the remaining staff to welcome me, after which I left for the hotel I reserved a room in before.

The work in a restaurant is rather boring, as cooking the same dishes over and over starts being repetitive quickly. Aside from a few customers who were 'always right', there was no issue that happened, and before I noticed it, the week passed.

As the Stagiaire required students to leave some change in the restaurant they worked in, I decided to modify some side dishes to make them similar to Fontaine cuisine. Those became popular, so I received a passing grade.

The second part of the Stagiaire took me to some nameless restaurant in a small village, and my work there was even easier, especially as just by nature of being a new face there along with my appearance, the restaurant became popular, especially among the girls. I spent that week avoiding becoming that evil outsider who destroys childhood love.

Working there was much more enjoyable, as compared to the high-end restaurants in Tokyo, not having to be so strict and just cooking the food people here would like was liberating. Unsurprisingly, I also received a passing grade, along with the numbers of all unmarried women in the village.

After promising to visit them, I was finally able to return to the Tōtsuki. My first stop was Old Man's office.

-"Oh, Yue. How was the Stagiaire?"

~"Plesant. From all the tests, I think it's the fairest and one that allows one to expand his horizons."

-"So you think that other tests are unfair?"

~"Yes, but luck is also part of strength."

-"Heh, that answer is something I would expect from a person like you. What can I do for you today?"

~"I wanted to get info on that Shokugeki with Elite Ten."

-"Right, here. Those are details on what ingredients and cuisines you are to use."

~"I see."

-"I hope you will show some more of your true strength."

~"To be honest, I hope that it won't be necessary."

-"Haha, don't underestimate them."

~"Of course."

-"With that out of the way, do you have any more questions?"

~"Not a question, but some things for you to see."-I passed some documents to the Old Man.-"Your family is..."

-"Sigh. That fool... Yue, I can see that you have your own plans. Tell me, what do you want?"

~"At first, I planned to crush your son-in-law, but now I have an alternative idea, but that would require your, Erina's, and even Tōtsuki's cooperation. What do you prefer?"

-"Tell me more about the second idea."

~"The premise is rather easy. Solve the source of the issue."

-"God's Tongue..."

~"Yes. This Superhuman Ability, as you call it, is the reason behind most if not all actions of both your daughter and son-in-law."

-"Can you solve it?"

~"You should be aware that I helped Erina."

-"Yes, but her's is still in the infancy stage. Even if you can stop it there, Mana's is already fully developed."

~"I'm aware of that, and right now, I can't solve it, but with some more research, it will be possible."

-"Those are called Superhuman Abilities for a reason. Are you sure you can research them?"

~"Superhuman or not, if you can define it, I can research it."

-"Sigh."-Old Man leaned back and stared at the ceiling for some time.-"What do you need from me and Erina?"

~"Bring your family back together."

-"And Tōtsuki?"

~"It will be the stage for the upcoming confrontation."

-"Tell me more details."

~"Next year. I want to use the 92nd generation as actors or even heroes to fight against the Azami."

-"So you want me to sacrifice my position?"

~"No, I'm not someone who likes to play by my opponent's rules. I'll use my Family resources to level the playing field. I want you to make sure that both Azami's and Mana's ideas of cuisine and food are shattered by those children."

-"So you'll act as someone behind the scenes?"

~"Not exactly. I'll help the 92nd directly, but I won't be confronting Azami as it will be counterproductive."


~"Because I'm busy."

-"Right... That illness. Sure, I'll deal with my family."

~"Thanks. I'll be going then."

-"Erina is trying her best to win with you during the Moon Banquet."

~"I don't plan to lose, but I won't waste her efforts."

-"Take care of her."

Knowing what the Old Man meant by that, I decided not to answer and just exited his office.

Back in the dorm, both Momo and Rindō were waiting for me. They instantly began to ask me about my Stagiaire, and so we spent the rest of the day talking about what I did those past two weeks.

We talked for the rest of the day, deciding to rest early, as tomorrow was an event that needed our presence. And so, in the morning, after the speedy breakfast, we went together to where the Autumn Leaf Viewing will take place.

-"So, Yue, do you have any questions for your senior?"

~"Rindō, I probably know about you more than your parents right now."

-"Momo agrees, Rindō is shameless."

-"You..! Hmph, you definitely don't know that much about me. My plans for the future, dreams, I definitely didn't tell you those."

~"You did..."

-"Momo confirms."

-"Ugh, I forgot."

~"Now that I think about it, there is one question I wanted to ask you."

-"There is?! Give it straight. I'll answer anything!"

~"How come you changed your style? Turtleneck suits you, but your image now is more... How to say it? Propoer?"

-"Thanks, I just wanted to try something else."-Rindō smiled at my compliment but avoided eye contact and looked at the autumn leaves flying nearby.

-"Yue, what do you think would suit Momo?"

~"You look cute in your normal clothes, but I think that hanfu dress would match your style. I'll get you one such dress when I have an occasion."

Momo nodded and smiled at my initiative.

-"Hey! Don't leave me out. Give me one too."

~"Sure, but I think cheongsam would suit you more."

-"I'll wait for it then."

~"Let's get going, or we will be late."

A short walk later, we arrived in the room where most of the Autumn Election top four and current Elite Ten were gathered. Despite the upcoming Shokugeki between me and the Elite Ten, we upheld the tradition and shared our insight about cooking, exchanging our techniques so that all could benefit.

We might be rivals in the near future, but at the moment, we are all cooks, working together to prepare the best dish possible. That day, we tried many dishes and prepared a myriad of different cuisines, each of us showing why we deserved to be in this room as current or future Elite Ten.

While I was knowledgeable about the food culture of this world, there were still many things I could learn from them, so I did. In my eyes, there is no harm nor shame in learning from others, even if I, an Aeon, received tutoring from some weak mortal ignorant of the existence outside this small planet.

Looking at Rindō, who was standing over my shoulder and talking about some tricks in preparing an ingredient I was working with, I began to think about the Plague I unleashed upon this world. Where does human or mortal end, and God begin?

Ignoring those thoughts for now, I cleared my mind and continued to cook. May those happy moments last.