Returning to Tōtsuki.

My next days continued to look like this, either spending time with my newly expanded family or acting as an examiner in tests. During those tests, I met some interesting juniors, some possessing special talents while others would excel in some subjects.

But the first thing that happened that was truly interesting was the Shokugeki between Megumi and Kojirō. I was informed about it because I needed to help those present with calming down a certain angry chef.

-"Yue, let me go! I have to kill that bastard Kojirō!"

~"Calm down, Hinako."

-"No way, that stuck-up French imposter is trying to kick my angelic Megumi out! I will roast him! No, I will make him into a pulp!"

~"Sigh."~Poking a few acupuncture points, I painlessly knocked Hinako out to let her calm down.~"I apologize for her. You can continue."

-"I don't know what I want to comment on first... No, scratch that. What the hell was that technique to knock her out?"

~"Advanced acupuncture, as for details, allow me to keep quiet for obvious reasons."

-"Don't use that for some nefarious acts."

~"Do I look like I need to use such techniques for things you all are imagining."

-"Good point."-Everyone present agreed instantly.

-"Then we will continue, Yue you..."-Dōjima looked at me.

~"Don't mind me. As I'm familiar with both Megumi and Sōma, I won't be a judge. Even if I can be impartial, it won't have the same meaning."

-"Thank you for your understanding, and sorry for calling you here so urgently."

~"No problem."~I turned to Sōma, who was standing nearby.~"Please enlighten me, where in the challenge one of the most renowned chefs of his generation can you find cutting back on your arrogance?"

-"This..."-Sōma smiled stupidly and scratched his head.-"I might not have thought this over, but I would still do the same."

~"Sigh. I won't say that you did wrong. Just never be thoughtless. Good luck."~Then I looked at a blue-haired creature huddled in the corner behind him.~"As for you, Megumi."


~"Do you remember why you decided to cook? Do you remember that day when you called me when you got your last warning before expulsion?"

Megumi nodded her head.

~"Isn't this situation the same? Hadn't you overcome it again and again before, why would you doubt yourself here?"


~"Good luck. Don't let fear limit your life."~I pet Megumi on the head before bringing Hinako to the chair nearby before sitting next to her and laying her to rest on my legs.

The Shokugeki itself was a farce. Without mentioning the difference in abilities, even the whole duel was made meaningless when Dōjima twisted Kojirō's arm to take back Megumi's failure during the test.

Of course, I could understand Dōjima's intention of pushing Kojirō out of the stagnation he fell into, though I feel that Megumi, who was an unwilling victim of his plan, suffered unnecessarily, but who am I to speak on that subject?

Nothing outside the norm happened after that, and so I continued my routine until the time for the buffet test arrived. At the moment, I was sitting in the observation room, looking at screens showing the whole test floor.

-"What is your opinion?"

~"As someone who took a similar test just a year ago, I can tell that none used thought this through fully. Even through the screen, I can feel the mix of all the aromas, not to mention some of their portion sizes are just wasteful."

-"Indeed, some of them prepared a three-course meal on one plate, and this is a breakfast."-Donato agreed with me.

-"I feel sad that we won't be able to see another miracle like your show."-Dōjima shook his head.

-"Heh, the only pity is that your friend is going to fail."-Kojirō looked visibly pleased by the misfortune happening before him.

~"Sōma, huh. He indeed hadn't thought about the test questions at all."

-"Won't you try to help him?"

~"Why would I? If he fails, that would mean he wasn't good enough."

-"So you can also be hearthless."

~"You have no idea."

-"Everyone here? Good."-Teacher Chapelle entered the room.-"The doors will open in ten minutes, so you should head to the kitchen."

-"Right, the reward for the students. Let's get this over with."-Donato was first to stand up.

Soon, all the alumis started to move toward the kitchen.

-"Right, Yue. You should prepare more portions as it's certain that all students will want to try your food."-Teacher Chapelle told me when I was being dragged out by Hinako

~"I'll make a portion for everyone."

-"There should be less than 700 people left after this test."

-"Many of them survived."-Commented some unnamed alumni.

-"After the Stagiaire, there should still be more of them than normally."-Responded another.

Hinako took me and Fuyumi to one of the free kitchens, where we started preparing our dishes. As I worked with both of them before, I was able to assist them with no issues while working on my own dishes in the process.

-"You have to teach me how to manage time like you do. There truly is no second wasted."-Spoke Fuyumi, who now helped me with ingredients as her dishes were already finished.

~"The first step is changing your perception of time from something linear to a series of independent processes. If you can dissect everything into short moments and then put those in better order, you will be able to optimize everything."

-"Series of independent processes?"

~"Imagine cooking like installing something on your computer. Rather than one big block, you download thousands of small files. Those can be arranged in any convincable order, as until they are used, it doesn't matter what is first and what second."

-"Isn't this too simplified?"

~"Not exactly, if you understand that downloading alone is just part of preparing the program for work. In some steps, the order matters, while in others, it doesn't, so it's your job to find the best sequence."

-"Humans don't think like PCs."-Commented Fuyumi skeptically.

~"It's not something easy to learn, but it's quite useful in many fields."

-"Sigh. Two of us prepared only around 200 small portions each, yet you have to do over triple that. Teacher Chapelle is as much of a slave driver as always."-Hinak approached us with the next ingredients.

~"He is good at pushing people to their limits, but people like him are necessary."

-"Indeed."-Fuyumi agreed with me.

-"Let's get this over with, you two. I would like to have some time to rest before I have to leave the Resort."

Thanks to the help of Fuyumi and Hinako, I was able to finish my dishes just before the end of the test. Leaving the rest to the Resort staff, we returned to where the examiners were gathering.

-"Good job, Yue. I heard that you finished so many portions in those two hours."

~"Only due to Fuyumi and Hinako's help. Why do I feel that this was more of a test than what students had to do there."

-"Haha, don't forget that technically you are also a student."

~"So I can also go and eat?"

-"You..."-Dōjima, not expecting my reaction, was stunned, while everyone giggled at his expense.-"Nevermind. This is the finish of our work. Any thoughts to share at the end of this Camp?"

-"Junior, you seem to have a good head on your shoulders. We all count on you."-Spoke some alumni.

~"Food for the body/ So tempting to the spirit./ The table is set."

-"A Haiku? Hmm, quite nice. I'll use it somewhere."-Dōjima quickly noted this short poem.

-"Your own?"

~"No, this is something I read on the internet before, but I thought it fit well, so I brought it up."

-"But it indeed can sum everything up. So, let's meet here again, be it next or some other year."


Shortly after, everyone went their way. Hinako and Fuyumi decided to stay at the Resort one more day and asked me to accompany them. Having no other plans, I agreed, so we reserved one of the baths for the evening.

But before that, I decided to meet with Erina and Hisako before they had to return to Tōtsuki. Knowing that they would go directly to their rooms after eating, I decided to wait for them there.

I didn't have to wait long, as Erina was not interested in food made by other alumni, only finishing my portion before leaving, with Hisako following her.

-"You should have sent us a message, Yue. We would have arrived earlier."

~"And you would make Hisako skip another meal? Don't forget that when you return, she will be busy all night. Give her some rest."


-"Sir Yue, I'm all right."

~"Hisako, even if you are Erina's secretary, before that, you are her friend. Don't put yourself into a position below her, as this makes it hard for both of you."


-"Yue's right, Hisako. I'm thankful for your work and help, but I would rather you be my friend than an employee."

-"Yes, Miss Erina."

~"So we have about two hours before you have to return. What do you want to do until then?"

-"How about you play some music?"

~"Sure, let's go to your room so as not to attract some spectators."

We spent what was left of the time together as Erina and Hisako resolved some hidden cracks that appeared in their relationship, mostly the inferiority complex of Hisako.

When it was time, they gathered their things and left with the rest of the students. After sending them off, I was about to look for Hinako and Fuyumi, but they approached me first.

-"I think you spoil those two."-Spoke Hisako as she walked next to me.

~"That may be. I agree that I have a soft spot for both of them."

-"Two in price of one? I should have tried to convince Fuyumi more."

~"Don't joke like that, Hinako. When it comes to Erina, I sympathize with her situation as I see similarities between us. As for Hisako, she had been looking up to me for a long time already. Who wouldn't like such a dedicated girl?"

-"Now that I think about it, she also specializes in Medicinal Cooking, and the only two people she calls with the same amount of respect are you and Erina."

~"Hisako family had roots in traditional Chinese Medicine, and this was the reason why we met as due to noticing my interests, my Family sent me there to learn."

-"How old were you back then?"

~"Around eleven?"

-"Your Family is strange."

~"Typical old powerful family."

-"So, how did you two become close?"

~"Due to our close age, she became my companion in her family, so we would spend most of the time together. I would teach her often, and because of her strong wish to learn for Erina, she soon started looking up to me."

-"Reliable senior figure, huh."-Commented Fuyumi.

As we talked, we soon arrived in the bath, so we split before entering the changing rooms. The bath itself was comfortable, as hot water was good at relaxing the body. As for the spirit, after Fuyumi proposed to wash my back, I decided to stop holding back and took her directly to my room.

The next morning, we agreed to see each other during the Moon Banquet Festival, and I sent two of them off before returning to the Tōtsuki.

In Tōtsuki, I decided to go to the dorm directly. Entering inside, I was surprised that no one greeted me. Checking some rooms, I soon found Momo in the baking room.

~"Long time no see, Momo."

-"Yuchi!"-Momo ran to hug me after setting her cookies on the table and throwing the hands of the poor Bucchi to the floor.-"Momo missed you."

~"I also missed you. How are you?"

-"Not bad, but I was missing you."

~"Don't worry, the rest of my tasks are in the vicinity of Tōtsuki, so I would be here almost every day."

-"Good. Momo's cookies will soon be ready, so please wait in the living room."

~"Sure. Is Rindō here?"

-"No, she will return tomorrow, I think."

~"Then we can surprise her later."

Momo nodded at my idea. After discussing some more, we decided to prepare a cake for her Rindō. We got to work, and the Rindō favorite cake slowly started to take shape.

When everything was done, it was already getting late, and as Rindō would most likely return early, I decided to call it a day. As it was apparently becoming the norm, yet again, someone decided to occupy my room, this time it being Momo.

Rindō returned early the next morning, and when she entered, Momo and I greeted her.

-"Yue! You are back!"

~"Yes."~I caught Rindō, who jumped at me.~"Woah. Calm down."

-"I thought I would never see you again."

~"I told you that I would need half a year."

-"It's so long! I thought I would forget you in that time."

~"Like I would believe that. Before we talk more, let's go to the living room. There is your favorite cake waiting for you."

-"My favorite?"

~"Black Forest cake, of course."

-"Ah, right! Let's go."

With the return of Rindō, the usual chaos and energy also came back, and soon, we started talking and doing things as if my half-year work trip hadn't happened.

With my return to Tōtsuki, I took over the duties of my First Seat of Elite Ten from Rin, who, as my official secretary, was acting in my stead from the start of a year. She already got me up to speed during the Training Camp, so I was able to smoothly assume my position, allowing Rin to prepare for the Autumn Election.

Having many tests that I missed, I spent most of my days between spending time with the girls and dealing with all the matters of Tōtsuki. Most importantly, I cooperated with Old Man to prepare for a family reunion that would take place during this year's Moon Banquet Festival.

I had already prepared all the trump cards and made sure no pawns were left unchecked, so most of the remaining preparations were in Old Man's hands, and I assisted him mostly for Erina's sake.

-"Are you sure you can achieve that? Those two are broken people, and calling them psychopaths wouldn't be far off."

~"Your son-in-law is just someone who can't cope with losing, while your daughter doesn't want to accept anything but perfection, but even she can't achieve that, so she just rejects everything. They are truly a match made in heaven. Both can't stand failure, yet are unable to achieve success."

-"Sigh, I sometimes wonder, where did I went wrong with my education."

~"Teachers are notoriously bad at teaching their own children, Old Man. Your methods may be good for most people, but you can't find that one method special for your child, as you are used to the normal one. Sometimes this doesn't change much, but sometimes..."

-"I successfully helped to educate thousands of chefs, yet I failed one person I should have never failed. I feel like in these few months, I got a decade older. Won't you take my spot after graduation? We are already a family, so think about it."

~"Give it up, Old Man. You asked me that over ten times already. Leave that seat to Erina. In a few years, she will be ready."

-"Your choice. I'll send the invitations shortly, but I wonder how you will convince two of them."

~"I'll show them some of the perfection they pursue."

-"Hou? Then I can't wait."