Meeting the Muse.

While I was spending my time with Artemis in the Beltane, my other avatar was in the Simulated Realm with Eden, Robin, and Nilou. We gathered here to meet with Umi before going to her word and meeting her friends, but before we could go, two more people arrived.

~"I'm sorry for not inviting you, Elysia. Please, stop sulking."

-"But I'm sad! My beloved Yue forgot about me, and even my dear Eden didn't think to bring me. How can I not be devastated!"

-"Don't be so dramatic, Ellie. I thought you were busy."

-"I was, but I can always find time for fun!"

~"Sigh. I feel pity for Ganyu, but at the same time, I'm blessed that she rejected any motion for overtime pay."

-"Is it that bad?"-Nilou asked little concerned.

~"Ganyu is the so-called record holder. Not counting Herta or me, who, by having multiple bodies, broke the constraints of 24 hours of work per day, she is the person who has the highest average work time per day since joining the Hold."

-"How high is it?"

~"22.4 hours per day, meaning she has an average of 14.4 hours of overtime daily. As she was one of the first to join, if she was to receive full payment for the time worked, she would become the fourth richest person in Hold, behind me, Ningguang, and Hephaestus."

-"Hephaestus? How come she is so rich?"

~"Patents. Most of the equipment used by people in Hold is created with techniques developed by either me, Hephaestus, or jointly by us. Vill-V, Tesla, Einstein, and others are also quite rich, but not as much as Hephaestus, mostly because they spend most of their money on private research."

-"What does Hephaestus and you do with the money?"

~"Hephaestus mostly invests in her familia, buying land to develop and other things that have value in themself. My money is mostly given back to Hold, as it's meaningful to me. Keqing is managing all of it."

-"Don't ignore my suffering!"

~"Right, right. Do you want a candy?"


After calming Elysia down, which required a considerable amount of candies in the end, I turned to the second person who came with her.

~"You also want to come with us, Acheron?"


~"Sure, can you act as my guard there? You have nothing against that, Jingliu?"~I looked to the side, from where Jingliu emerged.

-"No, Master. But I'll still remain by your side."

~"I don't mind. So, no more people will join us, right?"

-"Don't think so."-Answered Elysia.

~"Let's go then."

-"Aren't you with Artemis?"-Spoke Robin.-"Won't it be a problem if you travel to another world?"

~"Don't worry, I can create more avatars than two, one outside and one inside, but I rarely do so."


~"To remind myself that I'm existing here and now. Having multiple manifestations is great, but it changes how you see the world. If not necessary, I prefer seeing it as a person inside it, not from the outside like other Aeons."

-"I see."-Robin noted something in her notebook, where she would record ideas for her songs.-"Then what is the difference between avatars and puppets?"

~"Puppets are not me. I made them featureless, aside from illusions, as to dissociate myself from them."

-"You put a lot of thought into that."-Spoke Acheron, looking at me as if trying to learn something from my actions.

~"I know how Aeonhood changes people. By removing any connection to the world, one can easily become heartless. I believe you know what I mean by that."

Acheron nodded.

~"So most of the things I do are to avoid that. My hobbies, methods I employ to achieve things, even seeking entertainment. All of them are for one reason: so that my hearth stays in its place."

-"Don't forget about us!"-Elysia approached me from behind and jumped on my back-"We won't let you lose your heart!"

~"Right."~I changed Elysia's position to holding her in a princess carry.~"It's time to go, or we will really be late."

-"I can't wait to meet new friends!"

So our party of six teleported to Umi's world.

We appeared in a dark alley near the home, where I detected Umi. I transported us to this place, as this was the closest cameras' blind spot to Umi's location. Before we moved from here, I used the Authority of Corruption to make sure no one could detect us in this world.

Finishing all that, we finally moved to where Umi was, ringing the doorbell and waiting to be invited inside. A few seconds later, the gates to the mansion opened, allowing us to enter. The doors also opened, and Umi walked outside, approaching us.

-"Yue, it's good to see you again. Huh? Elysia, you also came?"

-"Yes! How could I miss the occasion to meet you?!"

~"Calm down, you are those hidden behind the door. I'm glad to see you in good health, Umi."

-"How can I be in bad health after learning those mystical techniques from you?"-Umi smiled at my comment.-"Please come inside. While this house belongs to Maki's parents, they are busy, so no one should interrupt us today."

~"Sure. I think we can make introductions inside when everyone gathers."

While Umi needed a long time to stop being shy in the Chat Group, she would slowly become friends with everyone, being able to be on a first-name basis with them.

When it comes to me, she took much longer to overcome her shyness, but under Elysia's suggestion, she asked me once to help her with the training, and since then, we would talk regularly, finally allowing her to overcome her shyness.

-"Yue."-Umi called me under her breath, knowing that I would hear her.

~⌊ Hmm? What's the matter?⌉~I answered her telepathically.

-"I also wanted to tell the truth to my friends today."

~⌊ So you want my help? Sure, but how do you plan to do it?

-"Well... I wanted you to show your tails and magic."

~⌊ I don't mind, but why tails?

-"..."-Umi face reddened a little before she spoke again.-"I might have accidentally let it slip that... Can you?"

~⌊ Hmm, now I'm intrigued. What did you 'let slip'? But sure. Just please don't make me into a pet to be petted.

-"I know."-Umi nodded a little stiffly.-"Is that lady here?"

~⌊ Maiev? She is always in my shadow.

-"Ugh, I will never forget those eyes behind that mask."

~⌊ Don't worry. I gave orders to never act without my direct order.

-"No, I know she had no enmity to us. I just know never to get dragged into Elysia's mischief after she made us play with your tails."

~⌊ Well, we can reminisce about that later. Now, you should be careful not to trip.⌉~I reminded her while using telekinesis to stop her from falling as she did just trip.

-"Thank you."

A few moments later, six of us sat face-to-face with Umi and her eight friends. We had already exchanged our names, but Umi wanted to deal with everything right out of the bat, so now she was finishing telling the true story of how we got to know each other.

-"This is the truth, how crazy it might sound."

-"..."-they stayed silent for a while.

-"You are not joking, right Umi?"-Asked Nozomi.

-"Well, Yue can show you a proof."

~"Don't be surprised."~I gave them quick waning before materializing not only my tails but also a miniature version of the Phoenix that started flying around the room.

This shocked the eight girls, but rather than being afraid, two of them quickly sprang into action. Honoka rushed to the Phoenix to look at it more closely while Rin spoke with stars in her eyes.

-"Can you also summon a cat?"

~"Not one that will fit here."~I answered, trying to hide my dumbfoundedness.

-"Hahaha."-Elysia instantly burst into laughter.-"What a nice group of girls."

-"Excuse me?"-Spoke Nozomi, looking at me curiously.

~"What the matter?"

-"Are you that strange destiny that suddenly appeared and bound us all together?"

~"What do you mean?"

-"You might not believe it, but Nozomi often shows her ability to read the future using cards, and one day, she told us that our future changed into one where the nine of us will become inseparable."- Umi explained to me.

~"Divination? How about you show me how you perform it?"

-"Sure! I can read your future."

~"Don't if you don't want to die by accident. If you truly have an innate talent for Divination, you might accidentally use something to check my Fate or Karma, and that would end badly. Umi, would you mind being a test object?"

-"I don't mind, but don't check something..."-Umi face reddened once again.

-"How about I check her love luck?"

-"No!"-Umi instantly declined.-"Categorically not!"

~"How about simply checking Umi's so-called luck three days from now?"

-"Why that late?"

~"So that I can't affect her directly."

-"Sure, give me a second."-Nozomi took out her cards and began her presentation.

I instantly noticed that she was indeed able to use something akin to Divination, meaning she possesses an innate talent that, if trained, might be able to rival Fu Xuan's. A few minutes later, she got an answer that was close to reality.

-"Yue, what is that luck?"-Asked Nozomi, curious about her own power


-"Huh?"-this surprised the girls present.

~"The luck that Nozomi is checking is if things she thinks are good will happen rather than what she thinks is bad."

-"So this is a matter of perspective?"

~"How about that? I'll use my own Divination to show you all the future that would take place if Umi never met us."

-"Why not our current one?"-Asked Nico.

~"So that I can see what will you choose."~I waved my hand to manifest a tree made from countless treads.~"This tree shows all your futures, all possibilities. If I were to read your future, it would either only show you things you have no power over or force you to take that path. Would you like that?"

They instantly shook their heads.

~"Look here."~I pointed at the base of the tree.~"This is the reason why I stopped Nozomi from making ridings about me. In Divination, the points that combine all possibilities in one are called singularities. Those can happen for many reasons, but most often are caused by beings with powerful Destiny, such as I."

-"Then what is Destiny?"-Asked Nozomi.

~"You. Destiny is what you are at the moment. Your identity, Name, and further things like divinities you possess, your Truth. Karma is your effect on her world, connections, and actions recorded on the Souls. Lastly, Fate is what you can be, your possibilities."

-"Then are you a god? You must have that divinity thing because you cause singularity."

~"Sadly, you are incorrect. I don't possess divinity."~I decided to mislead the girls to not create needless barriers, answering with a technically true statement.~"Nozomi, if you want to pursue Divination, I will organize someone to teach you, but for now, how about we move to the main reason for our visit?"

-"Yes! It's time for this Pink Fairy to make you into the best school idols."

Elysia instantly sprang into action, and the Muse soon started receiving lessons from four of the greatest artists of Hold. Seeing that despite trying my best, my presence was making the girls a little awkward, I decided to give them space and sit on the porch with Acheron.

While enjoying a tea Umi prepared for me, I used my Authority of Corruption to hack some things, 'take' some money from hidden bank accounts from criminals and make investments and other purchases that might be useful if we were to take over this world one day.

After the First Mortal World, we began actively looking for more efficient methods of taking over the world. The method proposed by Loki was to act as a true god and give blessings to beings in the world we wish to take. That way, I can gather the Luck of that world without entering it directly.

I noticed that the Luck of this world is fragmented, but after checking the people who carry it, I found that all of them are young people who are associated with the entertainment industry. This attracted my attention as I wanted Hold to also create such an industry, but it is almost impossible to achieve right now.

Noting to bring up that subject at future meetings, I looked at Acheron, who sat quietly next to me.

~"What do you think of those nine?"

-"They are naive."

~"Indeed, but that's a good sign."


~"Naivity shows that the times are peaceful, and their worries not that serious."

-"If you look at it like that, it seems to be true."

~"How about you become an actress? Your looks would attract countless people."


~"Hmm? What's the matter?"

-"I... Maybe I should try... I don't know why, but... Maybe my past self wanted to be an actress..? Strange feeling."

~"Hou? Then that is one more reason to seriously consider my idea. But, some roles might not fit your expressionless face, though you would shine in the role of villain or anti-hero.

-"Do you think that I should show more expressions?"

~"No. I think that that expressionlessness is one of your charm points. Especially as you are not emotionless, so everything you show on your face strikes twice as much."

-"I see."

~"Don't force yourself to change."

Acheron nodded but seemed to be thinking about something.

We sat like that for some time, listening to singing from the inside while looking at the garden and the sky. While the voices of Umi and her friends were really pleasant, they still lacked when compared to Eden and Robin.

They continued to train for around eight hours, only finishing when sat was about to set. When they were done, they joined me and Acheron in the garden.

~"How was it?"

-"They are talented, just lack guidance."-Commented Eden, who sat on my left and took out her wine.

-"We agreed to help the often!"-Elysia sat on my right and placed her head on my shoulder.

~"I see."~I looked at eight girls who looked at me with interest in their eyes.~"Hmm?"

-"Ehem. Yue, I hope you don't mind we promised them something."-Elysia looked to the side.

~"So, what did you come up with, Elysia?"

-"I promised that you would play after we are done, as you are the best musician here."

~"I'm definitely not the best musician here."

-"Mou! Why won't you accept this title?"

~"Sigh, I don't want to argue with you about that."~I stood up from the sofa, and after walking a little further away, I sat on the grass before manifesting my zither.

~"So, what do you want to listen to?"

-"How about our story?"-Proposed Eden.-"That song you played when all Flame-Chasers gathered together back then was something I longed to hear again for a long time."

~"You agree, Elysia?"


After focusing for a short while, I began to play a somber but hopeful melody while all around me, illusions of thirteen heroes chasing fire started to appear. An epic of a doomed fight against uncomprehensible and thirteen Souls that shone brighter than the flame they were chasing.

Despite the depressive beginning and turbulent middle, the ending of this song was calm. The [Hope] that this song spoke about materialized, and with the appearance of the fourteenth flame, the doom was averted, the tomorrow saved.

When the song ended, the silence wasn't able to return, as the quiet sobs of the nine girls couldn't be stopped anymore. Looking at Elysia and Eden, who were buried under the Muse, I couldn't help but smile. Wishing that the legacy of the Flame-Chasers is never told as a tragedy but as a hopeful epic.