A noble moon.


~"The credit goes to Loki, as she is one who pulls the strings from the shadows."

-"Still, you are quite daring to plot something like that. I'll play according to your idea."

~"For now, you'll have to stay hidden from the world so as to not correct the history, but I promise not to be too restrictive."

-"I'll manage."-Iznami smiled, enjoying her first talk since who knows when.-"Not that the main subject is out of the way, how about you tell me more about yourself?"

~"Well, I still have some time to waste, so why not? What do you want to know?"

-"How about you start with what you are? I feel that you are neither god nor mortal."

~"I'm Spirit and Aeon. As for my origins, allow me to keep that secret for now."

-"Sure, a little mystery only makes you more attractive. Now, it's your turn. Ask anything."

~"You heard the story I told before. I don't believe that you would give up your care and position as Primordial Deity just for some power. Why did you accept the power of Yomi?"

-"You are direct, huh? To answer you, when someone becomes a god of the underworld, they gain immense power but are banished from the heavens. For most gods, it's too big of a price, but there is one belief that doesn't think so."


-"Yes. Buddhism split from the heavens first, creating their own realm long before others, so they began looking at ways to gain power."

~"That's why they allied with the Hindu pantheon and eliminated the Chinese one."

-"Yes. Their underworld never had one true leader, so they could easily take it over for themself, leaving the higher realm for the Hindu pantheon. They tried to do the same here, but after knowing that whole Yomi is in my hands, they retreated, as it wasn't worth the risk anymore."

~"And the only thing you received for sacrifice was a betrayal."

-"Don't pity me. I had known long ago how bad that bastard was. While I still wished that he chose me over that 'perfection' of his, I was prepared for this outcome."

~"Prepared or not, betrayal remains."

-"Let's not think about such heavy subjects. You, little girl, Is there anything you want to ask us?"

-"Me?"-Magatsugami asked, surprised.

-"Is there anyone else here?"

-"No..."-Magatsugami lowered her head and thought for a while.-"Why do gods despise the underworld so much? It is part of the world, so why does everyone consider it evil?"

-"Because of hatred from the war fought before the birth of the most gods."

~"That would answer why there is no great realm of underworld like heaven."

-"Yes, aside from different, smaller underworlds like Yomi, only one part, the previous core of the great underworld remains."


-"Exactly. My turn now. Why do you have the breath of death on you, Yue?"

~"This is because of my partner."

Responding to my call, both Wolf and Lamb appeared next to me.

⌊ Did you find me a snake to play with, Fox?⌉

Wolf's voice appeared in everyone's head.

Behave yourself, Dear Wolf.~ Greetings, gods of this world.~

Lamb also didn't stay silent.

-"Spirit of death? No, of End. Fascinating. But the fact that you already possess such power makes me wonder even more why you want Yomi."

~"I just checked my future and saw that gaining Yomi is the best outcome that I can achieve during my visit here."



-"Hmm... So we are destined for each other. I like that."-Izanami looked at me with an even deeper smile in her eyes.

~"Sigh. It's time for me to return."

-"I'll stay here with the girl. When the time comes, just open a portal for me."


-"Also, take this."-Izanami handed me a cracked jewel containing enormous power hidden deep within.-"Think of this as a token of my gratitude and proof of my wish to have closer relation with you."

~"This is Arcanum?"

-"Was. Now, it's just a shattered shard of my past, but you might find it useful. After all, this is part of Ame-no-Nuboko."

~"I see."~While it was shattered, this still was once Izanami's Arcanum, the core of her very being.~"Thank you, I'll cherish it."

After that, I teleported back to where we were staying in the mansion.

-"Welcome back, Master."

~"I'm back, Jingliu. Did something happen when I was gone?"

-"No. Aside from some people keeping an eye on our surroundings, nothing worth notice took place."

~"Good to hear that."

-"Kaguya already went to arrange for some food while Cellinia is with her to keep 'accidents' from taking place."

~"I see. On my side, everything went smoothly. I was able to secure a hidden card and gain additional profits."

-"Then now we only need to enter Takamagahara."

~"Yes. Rakia is moving as we predicted, and Orario is also stirring from the underground."

-"Then only our side is left."

~"Everything was preordained."~I smiled slightly as [Wyrd] shimmered on my finger.~"Let's go. I want to visit the shrine before those nobles had a chance to react and meddle there."

Jingliu nodded and rose from her seat, joining my side outside of the room. After passing through a few corridors, we found Kaguya and Cellinia in a small courtyard, preparing a table for a meal.



~"Cellinia, Kaguya, need any help?"

-"Aside from cooking, everything is prepared."-Cellinia hinted with her words.

~"Leave that to me."

Soon, four of us sat together to have a quick breakfast before leaving for the shrine. On the way there, we ran into Take and his familia, so we decided to go to the shrine together.

-"What do you think about this city?"-Take asked as we walked.

~"It's quiet, but not in a good way. Stagnation, fear of innovation, and blind belief in gods."

-"Quite harsh, but I can't disagree."

~"Those guys depend on you too much. Every village has a god enshrined to help with dangers. It's like gods here are lords, and people serve them in exchange for protection. This kind of feudalism generates stagnation, more so that gods don't care about changing the status quo."

-"So it's the gods' fault?"

~"In big part, but the main reason is that people here don't feel pressure to move forward. The sky is falling? The gods will take care of it. War is coming? Pray to the gods to resolve it."

-"Sigh. I'm ashamed that we failed so much."

~"Gods rarely understand mortal worries, while mortals are too shortsighted to comprehend divine thoughts. If one mixes with the other, differences in communication and interests make it hard to unite."

-"That is why you are such a special person. You know mortal woes but stand among gods."

~"As much as I appreciate your praise, I'm also removed from humane needs and desires. Now, it's even harder for me to see eye to eye with either of those two groups."

-"Is that so? In my eyes, you are someone who can understand both sides easily."

-"You shouldn't belittle yourself, Master. You've become the leader for a reason."-Jingliu spoke from the side.

~"Sigh. Let's change the subject. Can you tell me a little more about the shrine, Take?"

-"Sure. The shrine is a sacred ground where the entrance to Takamagahara is located. Its significance can be compared to the Tower of Babel in Orario. Few gods are living there, but Lady Tsukuyomi is the head of the shrine."

~"Goddess Tsukuyomi? She is a goddess of the moon, honor, and guardian of those living in darkness, right?"

-"Yes. She is a caring deity helping all who are shunned and despised. Sadly, because of this, many other gods look down on her. And as she uses almost all money donated to the shrine to better the lives of people she is caring for, the shrine itself is rather poor."

~"I quite respect that. Luxury and other things beyond your needs are unnecessary. It's better to spend the money on those who need it. Though, in my situation, most of my money is spent on research as it's what needs money the most."

-"Honor is something earned with your actions, not gained through riches. Modesty is a virtue few possess."-Spoke a woman standing at the entrance to the shrine.

~"It's not modesty, it's realism. I act with the outcome in mind, picking the best approach, not guiding my decisions based on my convictions and ideas. While I still possess the bottom line, I won't let it harm those who truly matter."

-"That's why you are a leader, and I'm a caretaker."-The woman smiled and bowed to me slightly in greeting.-"Welcome, Your Excellency Yue. I'm Tsukuyomi, head of this shrine."

~"The pleasure is mine, Lady Tsukuyomi. Please just call me Yue."

-"Then I will do so. In exchange, please also refer to me by my name."

I smiled and nodded in agreement.

Tsukuyomi looked similar to Artemis, having blue hair and pure beauty associated with mood goddesses, but rather than the wild and strong warrior feeling Artemis had, she carried herself with gentle but noble feeling. Even though she was wearing shabby clothes, I couldn't help but feel like I was talking with someone of higher standing.

-"I feel the aura of the moon on you."

~"I have a deep connection to the moon. While it's not advertised, I also have a close relationship with Artemis."

-"Artemis? To think she would break out of her preconceptions. Please take care of her. While we didn't have an occasion to meet, I want to think of her as my sister from another pantheon."

~"I will. I also believe that Artemis would be happy to meet you if given the chance."

-"We can think about it another time. For now, allow me to invite you inside."

Our group entered the shrine under Tsukuyomi's guide, and while Take's familia left to spend time with other people here, the rest of us listened to Tsukuyomi's tour.

At the same time, in Hold, I met with Zhongli and Guizhong, who wanted to meet me for some time already.

-"Thank you, your Majesty, for saving me."-Guizhong instantly started to thank me while bowing after entering my office.

~"I'll accept your gratitude, but don't bow to me. I just helped my friend, so don't be so stiff."

-"I see."-Guizhong smiled and sat on the sofa.-"I heard many stories about you from people, but I didn't expect you to be so easygoing."

~"Hou? What did you hear then?"

-"You are stronger than Xiao, wiser than Zhongli, cook better than Guoba, love tea more than Ping, and work harder than Ganyu."

~"..."~I looked at Zhongli who was enjoying my speechlessness.

-"It's not false."

~"Sigh. I'm not that great."

-"Right."-Guizhong rolled her eyes at me.-"Like a person who you revived would believe that."

~"Ehem. What can I do for you?"~I decided to change the subject.

-"Yes, I wanted to join Progress and use my abilities for Hold."

~"I'll be more than happy to welcome you, lately, we are in need of talented mechanics."

-"Truly?!"-Guizhong became excited after hearing that.

~"Our project to build a fleet of starships is in full swing, but the amount of work is beyond what our tech specialists can manage."

-"Starships? This might be outside of my area of expertise."

~"Don't worry, almost no one had any prior experience in that field. Luckily, Elysia 'borrowed' research and blueprints from some advanced worlds she has been in."

-"Can I see it?"

I nodded and projected some data for the Akasha System in the air.

~"This is a blueprint for the ship that is currently being built."


~"Backline ship that specialized in fighting with smaller fighters and drones."

-"I see... Fascinating! I can't wait to see it in action."

As Guizhong was absorbed in reading the data, the doors to my office opened and Xianyun entered.

-"I'm here."

~"Thank you for coming so fast, Xianyun."

-"So what's the matter?"

~"Guizhong has decided to join Progress and I want her to help with the spaceships."

-"That's a good idea. I'll show her around later."

~"Sure, it seems that she will be absorbed for some time. Do you have anything you want to talk about?"

-"Yes. When will you make a move on Ganyu?"


-"As her master, I can't stand that there is no progress between you two. She clearly likes you so why can't she be direct? I don't get it. How about I just drug her? While aphrodisiac might be too much, truth serum would help her. That's a nice idea! I'll ask Ruan Mei for something that would work later. Also..."

I looked even more speechlessly at Xianyun who started performing a one-woman show. Knowing that she would continue like that I decided to quietly sip my tea, waiting for her to finish.

Tsukuyomi's tour had also finished, and now we sat in the shrine talking about the state of the Far East.

-"I'm sorry for involving you in our matters, Yue."

~"Don't be. I'm also profiting from the situation."

-"I don't know what my sister has planned but I hope that you can help the people of those lands."

~"Rakia already has some enmity with me, so don't worry, I won't allow them to be unscrupulous."

-"I'm glad to hear that."

~"Tsukuyomi, I wanted to ask you about your thoughts on the Primordial Gods of your pantheon."

-"Hmm... To be honest I rarely think about them but from my memories, I always felt repulsion from Izanagi and other Primordial Gods that I saw in Takamagahara."

~"I see. Then can I ask you to do something for me?"

-"If it's not too much."

~"Would you be able to pass something to your sister?"

-"Amaterasu? Sure, but won't you be able to do so by yourself soon?"

~"I would, but I need it to be delivered before I go to Takamagahara and it can't reach the eyes of other gods aside from her."~I placed an envelope on the table.

-"I'll pass it for you."

~"Thank you. We will be going back, sorry for taking your time."

-"It was a pleasure talking with you. I'll be sure to visit you again given a chance."

After some more words of farewell, we left the shrine. Take and his familia decided to stay, so only the girls were left with me. Kaguya took us around some interesting places in the city before we returned to the mansion.

The sun slowly started to set, but the clamor in the mansion was surprisingly big as if some commotion had occurred. Taking a curious glance, I noticed with my perception that the head of the home was shouting at a young girl who seemed to be his daughter.

Listening to what was being said, I understood what was going on and decided to step in, as it seemed that the child committed some mistake with the offerings that were to be given to me.

Entering the main house, I asked someone to lead me to the house head to resolve the situation, but before I arrived, another guest was already present in the room.