As the Momeory Zone crumbled, my full consciousness returned to the avatar that was sustaining the revival ceremony. Though most of the functions were under the care of Fu Xuan while I was busy inside the Memory Zone, it was still necessary for me to carry the burden of energy consumption.
-"How was it?"-Fu Xuan asked after noticing our return.
~"Everything went smoother than predicted. Let's finish this."
-"Then rest is in your hands."
~"Sure, focus on stabilizing this space for now."
Having divided the tasks, I brought Dystopia's spirit and Soul from the crumbling Memory Zone and started to bind them with the body. As she had already acclimated to the state her spirit and Soul were in, fusing into the body went smoothly, and in mere minutes, I began to wake her up. When she opened her eyes, I explained all the restrictions she would have to follow for now while checking for any issues I might have overlooked previously.
After confirming that everything was alright, I worked with Fu Xuan to reconnect us with Hold's Timeline, bringing us back to reality. There, aside from Elysia and Acheron, everyone went their way, as, for them, almost two months had passed since they left Hold.
Acheron decided to follow me for now while Elysia and I dived into Chat Group to arrange when the last point of our joint excursion was to happen.
Nine-Tailed Fox
As everyone was confirming their readiness, I took Elysia and Acheron to the Yuque, where all people involved in Terra's terraformation were gathered. Elysia split from me, going toward the Starskiff Haven's port, from where she will start her sightseeing tour with the Chat Group.
Meanwhile, I took Acheron to the Seat of Seer Strategist, where people were already waiting for me. Aside from Ruan Mei, Aranyani, and Shu, who were responsible for the science side of our venture, Ling Sheng'er, who was responsible for formations, Ayato, who assisted with the organizational side of things, and Yaoguang herself were present.
-"Look who is it, 'His Majesty' honored us with his presence."
~"I'm also happy to see you, Yaoguang."
-"Heh, don't bother with your boring pleasantries."
-"Yue, here is the final report on all biomes, ecosystems, and the biosphere as a whole."-Aranyani stepped in.
~"Good. How are the formations?"
-"Fully set up, though they are not indestructible, so please be careful around them."-Ling Sheng'er looked up from a holographic screen.
~"I'm aware."
-"Your Majesty, all natives were informed, and the census was completed. In total, we counted almost two hundred fifty million people divided into many races and ethnic groups."-Ayato passed me the statistics that he had gathered.
~"How many wish to be relocated?"
-"Around fifteen percent, 35.201.951 to be exact."
~"Cooperate with Astraea and Ningugang to divide them between Elysia's Earth, the Hexafleet, and Hold itself."
-"And what about my opinion?"-Yaoguang asked from her seat.
~"Are you against it? The influx of people can revitalize the Yuque."
-"I'm not, but that doesn't mean I want you to decide what MY Yuque is to do."
~"Is that so? Then I won't meddle with how you arrange for those people."
Yaoguang rolled her eyes and proceeded to ignore me.
~"Make final preparations, I'll start in ten minutes."
-"Sure, all animals were captured and modified to better fit the future environment. We just have to release them when the time is right."-Ruan Mei assured me as she approached.
I nodded and sat down in the center of the room and entered meditation, during which I slowly covered the whole Terra with my power. Above me, a hologram of the planet synchronized with me, allowing everyone present to see what I was doing. This, together with a multitude of screens showing the feed from satellites and drones from all over the Terra, made everyone able to grasp the situation on the planet.
When my power permeated the whole of Terra, I appeared near the Yuque in my Aeonic form. For the ease of controlling such great power, my size increased to the point where I was easily able to take the whole Terra in my arms, so be it from the planet itself or the ship nearby, I was easily visible to those present.
Due to the increased size, one can now see changes that have taken place in my Aeonic form due to my increase in power. On my head, antlers that I slowly got used to branching like a tree top, motes of Abundance occasionally forming and falling around them. Additionally, my black silhouette now appeared more purple-ish due to galaxies that appeared in it, as an addition to the stars it had before.
My tails fluttered behind me as Five Elemental Forces started to gather around, and soon, five vague figures could be seen, each being an incarnation of pure Elemental Power. The power increase also caused this whole star system to be lit up by aurora, even emanating to the Chaos outside of this world.
After I gathered enough power, I slowly opened my eyes and looked down at the planet before me. One could instantly tell that Terra was in a bad state just by looking at it from the space. There was almost no green terrain, only yellow desserts, brown and gray stony mountains, and white showcases. Even the sea had a sickly tint to the blue color covering most of the planet.
I continued to watch the surface, waiting for the previously set ten minutes to pass, and soon, bright pillars of light rose from where cities and other gatherings of living beings were on the surface. One by one, protective formations activated, and by the time I started to act, every last of them was lit.
Slowly raising my hand, I opened and pointed it forward.
Responding to my command, the fiery figure rushed forward. Like a giant comet, it impacted the surface of the Terra, burning into ash everything on impact and spewing shards of the fire into the air, only for them to impact again in other places. The inferno created by all the impacts soon covered the whole planet, turning the previously sickly appearance into a hell. As the apocalypse continued, the fire burned deeper and deeper into the planet's crust, scorching everything in the flame's wake. Each grain of sand, a lump of metal, and even the smallest particles were met with the fire.
But through this destruction came redemption. The sickness that permeated every part of Terra was also destroyed in the flames, purifying the previously dammed planet.
Now clenching my fist, I uttered the next command.
The second figure rushed from my side toward the burning planet, but it didn't do anything as it passed through the flames, diving through the ground into the deepest places of the planet. The lack of changes didn't last long, as soon the whole Terra started to shake, as if something awakened in its core.
The surface cracked, volcanos erupted, and the earth shifted, but when no stone remained unturned, Terra was ready for its rebirth.
Bringing my extended arm back to my chest, I spoke once again.
Now, the third figure moved to the decimated Terra. As it arrived, the still-shaking planet started to calm down. The molten surface started to solidify as lava and magma slowly turned back into the minerals and metals they once were.
New mountains are uplifted, and new meadows are flattened. The whole Terra is being reforged in the inferno, becoming the promised 'new world'.
As I joined my hands together, the next command echoed in the surrounding space.
The fourth figure began to move, leaving my side as ordered. As it approached the surface, it enlarged, turning into a giant tide that towered over the Terra. In the blink of an eye, the whole surface was drowned under the sea, quenching the raging fire. As waters continued to rage, covering the planet in darkness, the newly formed clouds merged into storms all over the skies.
The longer the tempests rampaged over the planet, the greater the power Terra began to emanate as the waters quenched its need for essence and vitality.
Now, only the last figure was left next to me, and before I said my last command, I revealed what was hidden now in my hands: a seed. I allowed it to float toward the figure as I spoke.
With the mandate finally being uttered, the last figure slowly took the seed in its hands, taking it to the now fully blue planet. As it arrived at the surface, the figure carefully put the seed down, watching it enter into the water and underground. When the seed buried itself into the core of the planet, it started to sprout and merge into the planet.
The roots slowly drilled through the layers of the earth, creating 'veins' through which the now restored vitality and essence started to flow, finally stabilizing and calming the Terra.
When the planet regained its peace and quiet, an at-first unassuming shoot broke the surface. Growing without stopping, within mere moments, a great tree appeared, with its canopy hanging above the still-raging storms. With its blossoming, the tree drained the waters, allowing new land to show from under the seas, forming future continents and islands.
After seeing the land, the last figure acted once again, splitting into smaller fragments and flying to every corner of the world. On its path, it seeded both the surface and the depth with vegetation, returning the breath of life to the planet.
Under the watchful eyes of the people present, the trees and grasses started to grow, dyeing the Terra green and bringing not a few natives to tears. As the last figure finally dissipated, the planet was ready for new life to bloom, starting the second part of the terraformation.
Linking with the giant tree on the surface, I once again enveloped the planet with my power. As I continued, all the aurora shimmering around started to gather around the planet, covering it under its hue. What those who focused on the colorful lights didn't notice was that the time on the surface started to accelerate, quickly becoming so fast that in a short breath of time, years could pass.
This time, all I needed to do was to keep the time flowing while the rest was in the hands of the people in the Seat of Seer Strategist, so I watched as, one by one, all the animals were reintroduced to the Terra. What normally required ages to happen naturally or tens of years of careful care and planning now happened in the span of a few minutes to the outside eye.
When the last species returned to the Terra, I slowly dispersed the gathered power, allowing the time to return to normal as the aurora started to dim. I also allowed my figure in the space to slowly fade out, returning my focus to the avatar on the Yuque.
When I opened my eyes, everyone was looking at me, waiting for confirmation despite knowing that everything was alright. As I rose to my feet, I didn't keep them in suspense.
~"Great work. From now on, Terra is no longer a wasteland."
My words earned cheers from the many assistants present in the room as they celebrated the success. Ruan Mei, Aranyani, Shu, and Ling Sheng'er approached me with smiles after I brought them back from the surface, being no less happy with the success than the loud crowd.
-"Don't forget that there are still some matters post-terraforming that need to be dealt with."-Ruan Mei reminded.
-"Let them celebrate. The formations can still last for more than a week, so even if we have a day of delay, there won't be an issue."-Ling Sheng'er spoke for the crowd.
-"Yes, both they and we need to rest."-Aranyani spoke with a smile, though her eyes couldn't hide the exhaustion she had experienced.
~"You have just experienced more than fifty years in the accelerated time. Even your spirit will be strained by that, Ruan Mei. Take some time to rest and deal with the less important matters later."
-"I'll listen to you."-Ruan Mei nodded.
-"What about you, Yue?"-Shu asked me.
~"The part of me inhabiting the tree still needs to do some things, and the guys from Chat Group also need my presence, so I guess I will be doing those."
-"Won't you rest?"
~"Later, I have much greater tolerance than you when it comes to spirit so I'll take some time off when there is no matter that requires my presence."
-"Knowing you, those words are just to appease us."-Aranyani shook her head in exasperation.-"Was there ever a moment where there was no matter you had to deal with?"
-"Aranyani is right, Yue. You not only accompanied us throughout those years on the surface but also used your power in the space outside. We don't mind resting, but you will have to go with us."-Ling Sheng'er grabbed my arm, acting as if she wouldn't let me go if I didn't listen to her.
~"OK, I'll follow you. Let me bid farewell to the Chat group, and then, I'll rest with you in Moon Palace."
After they agreed to this compromise, I sent the girls to the Moon Palace first while I teleported to where Elysia was trying to answer all questions flying her way.