
Facing the lizardmen's disdainful gaze, old Mac's face turned red with anger.

He slammed his hand on the table and stood up, shouting, "Fischer! Stop slandering me! They were killed by the Shadows of the Past, not by me! You ignorant fools will be punished by the Shadows of the Past one day!"

"Haha, I look forward to that day. Then everyone will see that Shadows of the Past is just a figment of your imagination."

The lizardman named Fischer snorted but didn't dare to confront old Mac any further.

Instead, he got up and left.

It wasn't hard to understand why—old Mac was level 45, while the highest level among the lizardmen was only 30.

They were no match for him.

If old Mac decided to fight, they would be on the losing end.

"In any case, newcomer, if you want to live longer in Talcavano, don't believe people like him. It'll only get you killed."

"Thanks for the warning."