Power and Authority

To the so-called 'Lord Polairix:' Greetings

After a week of consideration, I've decided that the Ministry of Magic will not comply to your demands expressed last week. We don't recognize your power or authority to issue such commands and proclamations. Especially the one concerning Azkaban. The prison will remain under our control.

Cornelius FudgeThe Lord of Polairix

Minister of Magic

"Interesting." Harry said dryly. He then passed it to Bellatrix who read it.

She quickly skimmed the letter and looked up at him. "I think that it is high time Fudge learned who has the power in this wThe Lord of Polairixorld." she commented. "I believe that I know precisely what to do about this. Allow me a few days to engineer and carry out a plan of action. When I'm finished, you'll be able to pulverize him."

"If you want to do that." Harry said, giving her permission to do what she wanted.

"Send a short reply, make it sound ominous." Bellatrix advised as she left the room, letter in hand.

"I'd hate to have your wife mad at me." Bess snickered, before leaving to return to her normal duties.

Harry wrote out a quick note to Fudge with a grim smile. He knew that he could trust Bellatrix to come up with something effective and satisfying.


I feel sorry for you.

-Lord Polairix

section break

That night, Neville and the rest of Potter's Legion were in the dungeons holding one of their meetings. The Room of Requirement had been out of question due to the fact that too many others knew of it. Snape had kindly pointed the way to a large classroom that was rarely used.

"That's enough training for tonight!" called Neville from the head of the classroom as he observed one group produce corporeal Patroni and another group of younger students disarm each other. Other groups were performing a wide variety of spells. "If you got anything out, put it away and I'll tell you some important news."

Parvati and Lavender quickly flanked him as they waited for everyone to clean up. The two girls had basically appointed themselves his assistants as they met more and more often. Neville didn't really mind because they were masters at getting new members and keeping the current members together. They were pretty good at Defense too.

As soon as the room was once again clean and everyone had turned their attention to Neville, he spoke. "What I'm about to tell you is top secret. Harry has escaped from Azkaban."

Excited whispers broke out among all the students present. Neville calmly waited for them to quiet down before continuing. "It has also been discovered that Harry's mum wasn't quite as much of a Muggle-born as was thought. Based on her lineage, Harry has been made the Lord of Polairix."

"What's that?" called out several students.

"It means that he controls the Lands of the North." Neville explained briefly. "He has a lot of power and the Ministry can't even touch him now. According to Professor Snape, who is in contact with him, Harry is slowly planning how to take Voldemort and the Ministry on. Our job right now is first- to continue our training, and second- to spread the word that Harry is 'good.' No one knows that he was sent to Azkaban excepting a few people. Any questions?"

"How do we spread the word that he is good?" called out a second-year girl excitedly.

Parvati stepped forward for this answer. "Don't let people get away with speaking ill of him. Correct them and defend him without revealing information about him. You can also talk about Harry to others in reference to Voldemort. Always show him in the good light." Lavender nodded in agreement.

Neville looked at his watch and sighed. "It looks like we've run out of time. Next time we'll discuss Ministry politics and what we know about Death Eaters. It helps if you can understand those you're fighting against."

Everyone nodded and began to filter out of the room in twos and threes. Neville watched them go happily. He would have told them more about Harry, Bellatrix and Nair'icaix for example, but for now, it was best if they couldn't betray the important things. Besides, Harry deserved to be the one to tell. Neville also was slightly confused about the Bellatrix connection. She was partially responsible for his parents condition. However, he would reserve judgement until he met her. Maybe she had changed.

"I think that went well." Parvati said to him as Lavender left with the last students.

"I hope so." Neville said. "After this latest news, I've realized that Harry doesn't necessarily need us. We and the Wizarding World need him more. Instead of Potter's Legion, we should be Ambassadors to Potter."

Parvati nodded. "Yes, there's no doubt that Harry will be angry toward those who betrayed him. I certainly would be. Maybe we'll be able to keep him from holding a grudge against everyone in general."

Neville nodded and was about to leave when Parvati spoke up again, rather quickly and seemingly out of breath. "Uh, Neville?"

He turned around and looked at her. "Yes?"


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