Voldemort's Scheme

"I was wondering, if well, you would go to Hogsmeade with me on the next weekend we're there." Parvati blushed and kept talking before he could answer. "We could just get some drinks at the Three Broomsticks."

"Sure." Neville said cheerfully.



Parvati was blushing madly, but still seemed happy. "Well, see you then." She then darted off.

Neville smiled as he made his way to exit the classroom and go back to Gryffindor Tower. Apparently Potter's Legion had benefitted him as well. Although it was somewhat a Harry Potter fan club, some of the girls thought that Neville was a good catch too.

Section break

"Wormtail!" Voldemort barked from his sickbed. "Get in here now!"

The door opened and Peter Pettigrew came in very slowly, closing the door behind him. He was shaking. "Yes, my lord?" Voldemort was in a sickbed, but he still could shoot off the Cruciatus Curse with deadly efficiency.

"It's time that the Muggle-loving fool learns a lesson. Hogsmeade weekend is coming in two weeks or so. Tell Malfoy to get the Dementors located and moved for an attack. There's a nice hiding spot that I know of near Hogsmeade." Voldemort said.

"That can't be done, my lord." Wormtail whimpered, closing his eyes in anticipation of the word 'Crucio.'

"Why not?" Voldemort whispered, staring intensely at his servant.

Wormtail gulped. "The Dementors are gone. They left."

"And why was that?"

"The Lord of Polairix summoned them to return to Azkaban. Our spy in the Ministry also indicates that Polairix expelled the Ministry from the prison. The Ministry has taken the return of the Dementors as a sign that they are the ones truly in control. They've decided to stay on Azkaban." Wormtail explained, hoping that he wouldn't be blamed.

Instead of torturing Wormtail, Voldemort considered the news and what he knew about the House of Polairix carefully. "Fudge is a fool if he thinks he can defy the Lord Polairix. Even if Polairix was a squib! My books have revealed that much." he finally pronounced. "We must get those Dementors back before their overlord is able to establish absolute control. Scratch the Hogsmeade plan."

"What do we do then?" Pettigrew asked.

Voldemort grinned evilly and sat up. "We'll send a group of 'junior' Death Eaters to Hogsmeade to act as a distraction while we siege Azkaban."

"Didn't you just say that Lord Polairix was powerful?" Wormtail asked, confusion etched in his voice.

"Silence!" Voldemort commanded, rising from his sickbed. "Fudge may be a fool, but he has bought us time. Azkaban can and will fall if it is still under the control of the Ministry. If we can get a hold on Azkaban, we might be able to get a grip against Lord Polairix. A bargaining chip if you will."




"I've left out some texts that you should probably study a little bit this afternoon." Bellatrix told Harry as she wrapped a dark red cloak around her and then pulled the hood over her head. She then used a charm to shadow her face so that only her mouth and part of her nose could be seen. "Other than that, just do some drills."

"Are you sure that you don't want me to know what you're planning?" Harry asked. Nearly a week had passed since Fudge's letter had been received. Bellatrix had been planning something since then. She had done endless research in the library and archives.

Bellatrix smiled at him. "It's a surprise. Fudge will learn his lesson; he might even prove useful to us in the future."

"Be safe then." Harry said, deciding not to press the issue any further.

"I will. I might be back late though." Bellatrix said. She gave Harry a quick peck on the lips and then pulled out her wand to Apparate. "Have a good day, dear." She then disappeared with a quiet pop.

Harry smiled and made his way up to the private study to go over his daily stack of business. The load had increased after the audience with Queen Xerina. She had been sending him endless reports on everything that concerned him.

Apparently he owned thirty percent of the profits from the gold, platinum, sapphire, silver, and ruby mines located in the North. Thirty percent from over a thousand years stacked up.It seemed thatNorth Gringotts, which was entirely independent of the other Gringott branches of the world held the vast bulk of his fortune.Whatever he had in Britain was negligible.

She had also scheduled a national day of feasting in his honor in three days. He and Bellatrix were required to attend the first day at least. It would be interesting.

He entered his office and found Reggins waiting with the newest set of documents. The Ministry's refusal to vacate Azkaban had created problems which required ten times more paperwork to get around. Reggins assured Harry that everything would be fine though.

The ghost still served as the personal secretary, even though Harry had hired a large staff of workers. Harry was supposed to be looking for a suitable replacement, but he wasn't looking very hard.

After lunch, Harry made his way to the library which served as his all-purpose classroom. He found the books that Bellatrix had left out and quickly skimmed them. The material didn't seem very hard at all, which was odd. It was more advanced than NEWT levels.

Harry finished and began his drills, absently wondering what Bellatrix was up to.


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