Maintaining Secrecy

Neville climbed and stood up on a large rock that rested in a peaceful clearing in the Forbidden Forest and surveyed all those who had gathered for the meeting. Snape had advised him that meetings at night and in the dungeons was too regular. Thus, he had decided to hold this meeting on a Friday afternoon.

"Everybody quiet down!" he called. Everyone silenced themselves and turned their attention from friends and surroundings to him. "This meeting of Potter's Legion is hereby called to order. The first order of business is the induction of a new member. We would like to welcome Professor Tura to our ranks." Neville gestured toward the Defense teacher who had joined at the back of the crowd.

Murmurs of surprise broke out as everyone turned and studied her. They had not expected a teacher to join, especially one that could be a spy. Neville had discussed the situation with Snape and Snape had agreed that Tura was probably a safe bet. "I assure you all that she is trustworthy." Neville said.

Fortunately, no one seemed inclined to object to her presence. It probably helped that most of them held her in high esteem. Her classes were always entertaining and she wasn't an unfriendly teacher.

"Next order of business is the latest from Harry." Neville said. "The Order of the Phoenix has decided not to acknowledge that anyone other than themselves did any real fighting at Hogsmeade. Harry thinks that it would be best if we allow them to think that."

"That's ridiculous!" called out a seventh-year Ravenclaw. "How can they just make that assumption?"

Neville shrugged. "They're good at thinking up ridiculous things. In their not so humble opinions, Harry was guilty as sin when they threw him into Azkaban. Anyway, Harry apologizes to those of you who deserve recognition but won't get it. At this point in time, it is best that we remain silent and unseen." The statement was followed by a small amount of murmuring that soon died down.

"That leads me to our next point." Neville continued. "Secrecy. There could be a lot of trouble for everyone here if our existence is discovered. If we are discovered, try your best to hide our connection with Harry. Do not go to Professor Snape for help if something comes up either."

"Why not?" squeaked one of the few Slytherins who had joined the group. She was a first-year who had made friends with Hufflepuff who had been friends with a Gryffindor.

"Professor Snape could get into trouble for helping us."

Everyone nodded in agreement. It wasn't as if Snape was the most friendly fellow around anyway. Another member of PL spoke up. "What do we do if it looks like we're in big trouble?"

"Hide." Neville said. "Harry has certain authority around Hogwarts, so whatever you do, don't leave the Hogwarts grounds. Help can reach you here." He then spent several minutes instructing them on how to evade questions and the best ways to keep PL secret. They reviewed these tips almost every time they met, but it was still good to keep them fresh.

Harry looked up from his copy of 'Manipulating Wizarding Governments- A Guide to Devious, Backhanded Politics,' when Tess entered his study and cleared her throat. "Can I help you?" he asked her, putting the book down.

"Yes, milord." she said. "Emissaries representing some of your subject have arrived and request an audience with you at your earliest possible convenience. Would you be so inclined to meet with them at this time?"

"Who are they? Harry asked curiously. "The Ice People?"

Tess shook her head nervously. "No, not the Ice People. These people represent the inhabitants of one of the islands that you have dominion over. They're normal humans, aside from the fact that they are all sorcerers."

"Which island is that?"

"They hail from the Dread Island of Trazkaban, milord." Tess said uncomfortably. "Count Hiscophney is Polairix's steward over Trazkaban. These emissaries come from him."

Harry nodded thoughtfully. "I suppose that I'll meet with them in the throne room." He stood up, put his book down, and made his way out the room and down toward the large hall with Tess lagging behind. "I don't suppose that you would consider explaining why the emissaries from Trazkaban make you so nervous." Harry said to her.

"It's just that the inhabitants of Trazkaban are not very friendly." Tess gulped. "Uninvited visitors to their island have a tendency to not leave the island alive. It is said that their sorcerers practice the darkest of Dark magic." She paused and then continued speaking with a nervous whisper. "It is also said that one of Count Hiscophney's ancestors was the one who created Dementors."

"I see." Harry said thoughtfully as they entered the massive room . It seemed that Bellatrix had also heard of the visitors and was already standing on the dais next to her own chair. "I'm glad you're here." he said, giving her a smile.

Bellatrix smiled back and then her countenance turned grave. "Tess has probably explained all she knows about Trazkaban. Whatever you do, don't give the emissaries an inch if they are here to ask for things. The last thing you need is Trazkabanians thinking they can circumvent you."

"I hope to make use of them." Harry stated as he thought about his plans. If he wanted to be able to stand up to Britain, his own dominion needed to be in order. That would be impossible if any of the inhabitants of the North were at odds with each other. He sat down, followed by Bellatrix as every single on of his bodyguards arrived and took their stations near the throne and around the room. "Their magic can be useful, especially in wars."

The doors opened and several men clad in black outfits with what appeared to be black dragonhide armor strode in arrogantly. Harry watched them. He sensed no ill will from them, but these men were . . . different. A few moments later, they were arrayed before Earl of the North, having no qualms about staring him in the eye.

The one who appeared to be their leader spoke up. "Lord Hiscophney, the Count of Trazkaban, sends his regards to the House of Polairix and the Earl of the North. We hereby reaffirm his House's commitments to your House. "


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