A Gruesome Gift

"The House of Polairix is happy to welcome Count Hiscophney's emissaries to Nair'icaix." Harry stated formally. "It is my wish to strengthen the North and I hope that your lord will see fit to stand at my side when I reveal myself to the world and began to assert myself against Lord Voldemort."

The lead emissary nodded and fell back. Another one of the emissaries stepped up and gave a minor bow to Harry. "I am Count Hiscophney. Forgive me for the deception, my lord. I felt that it was necessary, considering that the House of Polairix and my ancestors have not always been on the . . . friendliest of terms."

Harry's first reaction was to curse himself for being deceived so easily. As soon as he recovered from this, he turned his attention to his ring to see if it could explain what the Count had meant about not being on the friendliest of terms. It revealed that House of Hiscophney had attempted to usurp Polairix for the Earldom of the North at one point in time.

A study of Count Hiscophney soon followed. Harry observed that he appeared to be nearly fifty years old. The counts former dark hair was slowly going gray. Harry then looked into his emotionless black eyes before responding. "I suppose I can understand your motives." Harry said slowly.

"I am glad." Hiscophney said. "However, I would like to give you a token of my loyalty."

"What token is that?"

Hiscophney cleared his throat. "Your staff has no doubt informed you of the fact that I and my fellow subjects on Trazkaban are sorcerers and that we practice magic that is rather Dark. I freely admit that."

Harry looked at the count appraisingly. "I don't understand what you're getting at."

"Recently, we were approached by messengers from Lord Voldemort." the count said. "I would have you know that though our ways are Dark and our customs probably quite evil according to your standards, we are not Muggle killers or torturers. We are not, nor will we ever be Death Eaters."

"I would certainly like to think that you are not Death Eaters." Harry said carefully.

Hiscophney smiled predatorily. "I would like you to know so." He then gestured to one of the emissaries who was holding black case. The emissary strode forward and took his place next to Count Hiscophney.

The count then spoke as he opened the box and reached his hand in while the emissary held it. "This is the welcome that Death Eaters can expect on Trazkaban." He drew his hand out and with it came the decapitated head of Rodolphus Lestrange. "I present this trophy to the House of Polairix."

Everybody in the room with the exception of Trazkaban's emissaries let out a shuddering gasp. Bile rose in Harry's throat as he looked at Hiscophney's trophy. Next to him, Harry could hear Bellatrix holding back a startled exclamation of surprise. He unconsciously reached his hand over to hers and gave it a comforting squeeze.

Harry's ring was quick to appraise him on the customs of Trazkaban. According to Trazkabanian custom, Count Hiscophney had just formally declared war on Lord Voldemort and loyalty to Harry by presenting Lestrange's head to him. Though the gesture was disgusting, Harry had to acknowledge that it was the thought that counted.

Now, what to do with a head? Harry came up with the most diplomatic solution possible. "House Polairix expresses its gratitude to House Hiscophney." Harry said regally. "I am glad to have you on my side and assure you that I now 'know' that your are no Death Eater."

Hiscophney nodded and put the head back into the box. "I am pleased, my lord. What would you have me do to serve you?"

Harry grimaced as he watched the emissary close the box. "If you don't want to keep that head, send it to Voldemort would you? And then would you be so kind as to call on me next week so we can have a meeting to discuss our future plans as to Britain and Voldemort?"

"Of course, my lord." Count Hiscophney said in a pleased voice. "I shall now take my leave." He and his followers gave Harry a short bow and then strode from the throne room looking very pleased with the results of their visit.

Harry then promptly dismissed Tess and the bodyguards from the room. As soon as they were gone, Bellatrix let out a sigh and slumped in her less-ornate throne. "I think that I am going to vomit." she announced weakly.

The House-Sprite magic promptly provided a pan in which she could do so. She took them up on it. As soon as she was done she sat back weakly and closed her eyes. "I know what you're going to say Harry. It isn't your fault. Rodolphus was a bad man and his end was somewhat fitting."

"Actually," Harry replied, "I was afraid that you would be mad at me for allying with them despite the fact that they slaughtered him."

She opened her eyes and looked at him. "Why would I be? You didn't tell them to decapitate him. Besides, he was a Death Eater."

"I gave them the impression that such acts were praiseworthy." Harry countered.

Bellatrix nodded slowly. "Yes, you did. That doesn't change much however. Rodolphus was a dead man for even touching the soil of Trazkaban. For all you know, he was dead before they 'harvested' his head and brought it to you."

"So then I approved of act of killing anyone who trespasses on their island."

"Actually, one of your predecessors approved, not you." came the trademark dry voice of Reggins, Harry's personal secretary. He appeared a moment later with a short pop and smiled at the look on Harry and Bellatrix's faces. "I'm sorry to intrude, but I thought it necessary before you got worked up over a non-issue."


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