Navigating Danger

Harry contented himself to staying out of the midst of it and firing random, but extremely powerful and effective spells toward the Death Eaters. Once he saw that Hiscophney would have no trouble on the ground floor alone with his men, Harry motioned for Nailoff and his men to join him at the foot of the stairs. He only hoped that they would be able to Portkey all the patients out.



"Did you see him?" Ron exclaimed to Hermione as they darted around a corner to dodge an oncoming spell. "He must not have drowned like everyone assumed. I bet he was in cahoots with You-Know-Who for a while before deciding to go off on his own. That must be how he knew about the attack."

"Honestly!" Hermione yelled in a very exasperated voice. "You can't just make those kind of conclusions." She had effectively recovered her composure after the battle had resumed. It seemed that fighting Death Eaters as easier than confronting her old friend.

Ron considered this point grimly. "He has to be working for himself then." he said grimly. "I don't know what's going on with the Longbottoms, but I bet he wants them or something. If he wanted them dead, he would have just let Malfoy do it for him."

The hallway was clear for a moment and Ron chose that point to dash out and let off a string of spells and hexes toward the Death Eaters who were grouped for the most part in the main reception area. They had congregated there after the creepy men that Harry was with had spread down the halls to pick off stragglers.

"I'm not so sure." Hermione yelled nervously as she covered his back, nervously holding her wand out in front of her.

"We can talk about this later!" Ron declared as he took down a stray Death Eater.



The hallway in which the Longbottom's ward was located had been the host of a group of Death Eaters, but several 'triplexio' stunners from Harry's wand had taken care of the situation promptly. Remembering which door led to the Longbottoms, Harry made his way into their ward and found Neville's parents playing a card game, oblivious to the battle going on in the hospital.

"What should we do about them?" asked Captain Nailoff.

Harry shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure. We should probably move them to Nair'icaix permanently, but the best medical care may be here. There's also a chance that moving them may prove to be harmful to them."

"Are there records around here somewhere?" asked one of the young Ice men. "I was an intern for a doctor before I joined the Ice Army. I should be able to ascertain their condition from any documentation."

"That should be handy." Harry commented, glad that he had someone who knew something about medical care with him. He stepped over to the Longbottom's beds and looked around. Nothing. "Blast. Any ideas?"

The bodyguards quickly searched the room and turned up nothing. "We might need to go to the nurse's station." another guard suggested.

"I should have thought of that." Harry said ruefully. "I hope the hall is still clear." They made their way to the ward's door and stepped out into the hall to meet several more Death Eaters who had managed to escape from the melee downstairs.

The one shot an Imperio curse at Harry, which he shook off without any thought. Since the Death Eaters had expected the Imperio to work, they had not prepared to take on Harry who wandlessly threw them down the hall while the Ice guards peppered them with stunners and body-bind hexes.

Harry placed a strong locking jinx on the ward and they ran down the hall and found a desk with a sign that pronounced it as the official nurse's station. Harry wasted no time in getting behind it and finding a file drawer filled with records pertaining to patients on the floor. He rifled through the open drawer and found the files he was looking for. "Frank Longbottom," and "Alice Longbottom."

He yanked them out from between the other files and thrust them toward the ex-intern who sorted through the records while the other guards checked the surrounding hallways for more Death Eaters. Harry joined them on the other side of the desk and watched the guard read the records.

Finally the young man pronounced judgement. "I don't see why this couple is even in the hospital." he said thoughtfully. "Their only problem seems to be that fact that they're rather 'spaced' as you Muggles call it."

"We'll be taking them with us." Harry decided out loud. "Back to their room!"


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