A Swift Defeat: Malfoy's Downfall

Hermione cried with frustration as Lucius Malfoy's leg-locker curse hit her and caused her to fall to the ground. He had been chasing her through the hallways for several minutes, though it seemed like an hour to Hermione.

She rolled over and attempted to perform the counter-curse, however- Malfoy quickly disarmed her with 'Expelliarmus.' He approached her with a feral grin.

"It's Draco's favorite mudblood." he announced with amusement. "Always showing him up in class and dishonoring the name of Malfoy."

"The only dishonor your name has comes from your alliances!" Hermione growled.

The expression on Malfoy's face grew frigid. "Perhaps I ought to take you home with me so that young Draco can teach you a few things, Mudblood."

Hermione had no answer for this as she felt herself go cold and shiver at the thought of what Malfoy seemed to be proposing. The idea of the cliche tactic of trying to get the captor to talk suddenly surfaced in Hermione's mind. "Looks like Potter spoiled your party. You should have expected it though. He's just like you."

Malfoy laughed. "You must be kidding me, Mudblood. Why would he even 'think' like me? No, I'm afraid that Mr. Potter is a lost cause for the Dark Lord's ideas."

"I know what kind of person he is!" Hermione exclaimed. "He proved his character during the last Christmas vacation."

"Did he now?" Malfoy said, his smile growing broader.

Lucius was about to speak again when he was interrupted. "So, the battle-leader decides to hide down a hall with a girl." came a voice from the hall intersection, a short distance away from Lucius and Hermione.

Malfoy's attention had been successfully captured. Though Hermione could still not get away, at least she now had some time. Maybe the interloper would kill Malfoy. "Who are you?" Malfoy demanded as he studied the well matured man clad in black and white.

"I am the Count of Trazkaban." he announced in response to Malfoy's rude inquiry. "It shall be my pleasure to take the battle-leader as my trophy for this battle. I do not think that Lord Polairix will mind, though he's technically in command of this expedition."

"What do you mean?" Malfoy asked, clearly confused.

"Well," Count Trazkaban whispered conspiratorially and with great amusement, "Lord Polairix doesn't seem to be into the trophy collecting business."

Malfoy elected to end his conversation with the man who appeared to be unarmed and was not speaking much sense. "Desfie!" he yelled. A really nasty organ burster curse zoomed toward the Count who merely held up his gloved hand and absorbed it. Malfoy paled. "You're a sorcerer, aren't you?"

"What was your first guess?" Hiscophney asked, slightly offended that the battle-leader had not been able to identify him as a sorcerer from the reference to Trazkaban.

"Ava-!" yelled Malfoy, attempting to kill the sorcerer. However, Hiscophney was just too quick and lightning flew from his still-outstretched hand. The blue light wrapped around Malfoy and promptly took him to the ground, right in front of Hermione, leaving him stunned.

The Count of Trazkaban then lightly walked toward the fallen figure of Malfoy Sr. as a blade of black fire materialized in his hand. As he approached, he raised the blade above his ahead. What he did next caused Hermione to shriek in horror. She was still shrieking when Ron found her a half-hour later after the battle.

Harry quickly created several Portkeys to transport he, his bodyguards, and the Longbottoms to Nair'icaix. Though the mentally-challenged couple had proved difficult to manipulate into a good position for transportation, they had not put up too much resistance.

He handed the Portkey's to Nailoff who distributed them to those transporting the Longbottoms. They were then preparing to activate them when Lord Hiscophney addressed Harry through his ring. "The Death Eaters are either down, injured, or retreated, my lord. All the patients have been evacuated."

"Good." Harry told Hiscophney. "Thank you for the help. Leave the rest of the mess to the Order. I've got the Longbottoms with me."

"It was my pleasure." Hiscophney said before he signed off.

Harry nodded to the Ice guards and they activated the Portkeys. A wave of depression sought to overcome him as he looked at the soon to be empty ward. He desperately hoped that Bellatrix would be free to talk with him when they got back. He had at least expected his friends to listen to him.


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