Revealed Secrets

The Portkey promptly deposited the Ice soldiers, Harry, and the Longbottoms on the floor in the entrance hall at Nair'icaix. Harry quickly stood up from his fallen position and took in the surroundings. The large hall had been transformed into a gigantic hospital-wing. Nurses and Medi-wizards darted from bed to bed as they checked up on all of the patients.

Captain Nailoff promptly commandeered one of the nurses and instructed her to have the Longbottoms looked after. Before she scurried away, Harry also added his own instructions to have them taken to a room once they had been examined. Nailoff and his soldiers then dispersed to their own accommodations leaving Harry standing amid the bustle of the temporary hospital.

A glance at his watch revealed to Harry that it was nearly morning. Any decent wizard or witch would be getting some sleep right now. However, he was convinced that Dumbledore was getting ready to expel Neville and the two girls. He couldn't let that happen. With a sigh, he pulled his Ivory wand from his cloak and used it to Apparate to Hogwarts.


"Any of you could have been killed!" Dumbledore said to re-emphasize the main point in his lecture. "I realize that you are a very skilled wizard when it comes to Defense, Mr. Longbottom, but Miss Patil and Brown could have been severely injured. You had no right to place them in such danger."

Dumbledore's statement was followed with a loud 'harrumph' from both girls. "We knew the risks and I would gladly do the same again!" Parvati said, her voice bordering on the edge of absolute defiance toward the aged Headmaster.

"Me too!" Lavender added.

The three teens were then studied for several moments by Dumbledore before he spoke again. "That's what I'm afraid of. I can't have you three gallivanting off to wherever you want when I can't supervise you around the clock. I will have to take disciplinary action."

"They were Death Eaters!" Parvati wheedled. "You and the others needed all the help you could get."

"You did not go to St. Mungos expecting to fight Death Eaters." Dumbledore promptly rebutted as he drew several sheets of parchment from a drawer in his desk. "Even if those had been the circumstances, you would still be in violation of school rules."

Lavender was looking distinctly nervous now that she and her cohorts could see that they were definitely in trouble. Ironic really. They had always expected that trouble would come from the existence of Potter's Legion. "What are you going to do?"

"All three of you are too old and set in your ways for me to change you, so I have no choice but to expel you. It's the best thing for all concerned." Dumbledore said coolly.

Before Neville could say anything, another voice interrupted them. "That won't be necessary, Albus."

Dumbledore looked up in shock as the three teens spun in their chairs to find a somewhat bedraggled, yet very imperious Harry Potter standing in the open doorway of the Headmaster's office. "What are you doing here, Harry?"

"That's Mr. Potter or Lord Polairix to you." Harry stated. He then waved his hand absently and grinned. "But that is irrelevant because I won't 'allow' you to say anything. I'd rather get this over with so that I don't waste any time while you explain why I should 'give myself up' or do any other idiotic things that you think might serve one of your schemes."

Much to his chagrin, Dumbledore found himself unable to even open his mouth to speak. Apparently young Harry had outstripped him where magical power was concerned.

"In case you forgot, the House of Polairix owns and as of this coming summer, operates Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Harry began. "I don't have any authority as of now. You must realize though, that I will have absolute authority come summer. If you wish to remain Headmaster of this institution, you will NOT be expelling Neville, Parvati, or Lavender. Agreed?"

Neville bit back a grin as he watched Professor Dumbledore give a resigned nod and a look that asked Harry what his reasoning was. Dumbledore did not know, understand, or suspect the association between Harry and Neville.

"You won't be expelling them because from what I've heard about them, I think they have their priorities straight. Not only that, haven't you realized that Neville and his friends were the ones who fought back that attack during the last Hogsmeade weekend? It would be sheer idiocy to get rid of them." Harry explained, purposely leaving his other motivations out of the explanation. He doubted that anything could stop Dumbledore from expelling Neville if he found out about Potter's Legion "I think that is all."

The three teens and old man watched as Harry casually pulled a white wand from his dark robes and impossibly Apparated from the castle after waving his hand to restore Dumbledore's speech abilities.

"How did he do that?" Parvati gasped.

A very deep sigh was emitted from Dumbledore's lips. "He owns the castle and grounds. There must be some way that he is able to get through the wards. Perhaps a hereditary blood key." He then gave them each a piercing gaze, trying to pry their secrets from their heads before continuing. "It seems I can't take any action against you. Please be careful in the future however. You are dismissed."

The old man then watched as the three adventurers shuffled out of his office, vaguely wondering why Harry would go to so much trouble to keep them in school. Was there a connection?


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