Reflections in Gray

"I'm not very angry for some strange reason. Although, maybe I'm just too tired right now." Harry said thoughtfully as he removed his armor and changed his clothes. He gave the robes that Voldemort had changed to gray a disparaging look. Whatever charm had been used in the capsules was now wearing off, making the wearer appear to have been frolicking in a puddle of gray paint.

Bellatrix smiled grimly as she studied her clawed-up face in a mirror. "That's a sign that you are no longer emotionally attached to that mess. If you can think and plan without having your mind clouded by emotions, it will be better for you in the long run."

"A mess? More like a disaster." Harry muttered as he watched her prod a couple of cuts and speculated as to whether or not he should say anything about her fight. Maybe later. "I think that I'll go to my study and brainstorm some plans of action against everyone. Tomorrow, I can consult with what allies I have."

"You do that." Bellatrix advised vaguely as she abandoned the mirror and began to see to her own clothes. She could patch up her face later. "Narcissa had quite a few shocks tonight. I'd better go check on her after washing up my face."

Harry nodded and left the room. As soon as he was gone, Bellatrix drew one of her cherry wands and whispered a quick incantation. "Maternus observiosso." A blue light flared at the end of her wand and dimmed to a pulsating glow. When she pointed the wand toward herself, the glow changed to a healthy looking green. Bellatrix sighed in relief, put the wand away, and quickly finished putting on a fresh set of robes. She then gave herself a once-over in the mirror and departed the suite to find Narcissa.


Hermione finished removing her clothes and undergarments and slipped into the warm and soothing water of the bath pool in the prefects' bathroom. Though the water was soothing, it did little to wash away the emotional pain brought on by the confrontation in the Muggle village.

At the thought, Hermione brought one of her hands to a cheek and winced. Despite the fact that the bulk of the pain had faded away somewhat, it caused her to burst into irrational tears. How could Harry go off and marry that . . . that woman? And why did she care? He was a traitor and murderer after all.

In an attempt to distract herself from the painful feelings and confusing thoughts, she slowly attempted to swim some laps. This only exhausted her. She returned to the shallow end and sat, leaning her back against the wall of the pool, crying even harder.

What had Bellatrix called her? A treacherous slut. Was she right? Even if Harry was guilty? Probably. Bellatrix certainly seemed to believe it. The damage that the older woman had done to her face was plenty evidence of that.

She was saved from drowning in her thoughts when Ginny Weasley entered the bathroom. Ron's little sister didn't say anything until she had joined Hermione in the pool against the wall. "I thought I might find you here." Ginny commented. "Ron told me everything. I hope that Bellatrix didn't injure you seriously."

"Just a few slaps here and there." Hermione replied carefully.

"Ron was worried about injuries. I'm more worried about your emotions." Ginny stated clinically. "What Bellatrix said to you was rather harsh."

Hermione chose not to reply for several moments. Finally she broke down and told Ginny about the dilemma she was facing. Her apparent feelings of jealousy and the fears that going against Harry was wrong, despite his guilt.

"You're jealous of Bellatrix then?" Ginny asked carefully.

"I don't know." Hermione whispered.

Ginny hid a smirk. "It certainly sounds like it."

"That's beside the point." Hermione said. "Am I doing the right thing by standing against Harry? He was my friend since our first year at Hogwarts."

The youngest Weasley quietly observed the colorful bubbles and variable shapes as she considered Hermione's question. Finally, she answered. "If Harry is guilty, then you would be doing him no favors by standing by him and trying to justify his actions. If he's too foolish to value your counsel with regards to his crimes, then you're not at fault."

"Do you think that Harry is guilty of killing the Muggles on Privet Drive and in that town? He claims that he did neither." Hermione asked Ginny.

"Yes." Ginny choked. She and Harry had not really been friends, but she had always felt a special bond from him saving her life in the Chamber of Secrets. "I think that he was fundamentally good at first, but any normal person would eventually crack given the situations Harry has gone through I'm with Ron on this, he's most definitely guilty."

A sigh escaped from Hermione's lips. Her conversation with Ginny should have comforted her at the very least. For some reason, she still felt the same as she had before Ginny had shown up. "What would you do if Harry was proven innocent of all accusations?" Hermione asked, mostly out of curiosity.

There was a very long silence before Ginny replied in a quiet, but grim voice. "I would crawl to him and beg him to either kill me or torture me until I could not remember my treachery."

Hermione's face blanched. "That's extreme."

"Living and consciously knowing that I had betrayed him with my heart, let alone actions, would be worse." Ginny whispered.

"There's suicide." Hermione suggested. "I don't know if I could even stand his presence if he was proven innocent."

Ginny shook her head. "That would be the coward's way out. Besides, he saved my life in the Chamber of Secrets and nearly died for it. That act created a magical bond between us. It is impossible for me to commit suicide. I'm glad that it's impossible, because I would hate to find out whether or not I'm a coward."

At this point, both of the teenage girls were silently shedding tears. "I hope we're not wrong." Hermione uttered. "For both our sakes." That statement made Hermione feel much worse. For who hoped that their friend was guilty of murder? She couldn't win.


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